NO MAY 2021 FCTP Mandarin/Southside Community Group Meeting

FCTP Mandarin/Southside Patriots,

NO May 2021 meeting!   We will meet next month Tuesday June 15th 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm at the Mediterranea Restaurant at 3877 Baymeadows Road, Jacksonville, FL 32217.  

OUR JUNE 15th SPEAKER will be Cord Byrd with a presentation on the just ended FL Legislative session. Did they and Gov. DeSantis limit/prevent future local tyrannical Executive Orders and Mandates?


**Three very good events to attend this week! **

TONIGHT FCTP Northside Community Group Monday, May 10 at Palms Fish Camp, 6359 Heckscher Drive.  Meet, greet and eat is 5:30 – 6:30 (earlier if you want to avoid the rush) and the meeting starts at 6:30. Our speaker for May will be Charlotte Joyce, the lone conservative voice on our school board.  There has been a lot of interest in how to get involved with our children and grandchildren’s education, so this will be a great meeting.  Ms. Joyce has spoken at a number of meetings, so if you have not heard her message, you will want to. LeAnne King


THIS Thursday May 13TH 6:00-8:00 PM at the Salem Centre 7235 Bentley Road, Jax FL 32256.  FREE. Pleased to have Mike Bruno, Director JSO and Tim Marden, National Development Officer with The John Birch Society presenting on the threats to local law enforcement. Americans Rising.


THIS Saturday May 15, 2021 from 5pm to 9pm Salem Centre Auditorium 7235 Bentley Road, Jax FL 32256. Protect the Constitution Crash Course with Light Dinner - How to Preserve, Protect and Defend the US Constitution presented by Nationally-known Lecturer and Educator Frankie Anderson.  Tickets required $35. Sign up here



May 31, 2021 Memorial Day - Boaters for Trump from 11:30am to 4pm – Jupiter Organized by Boaters for Trump 2024


Potential additional June 2021 FCTP Meeting with Al Ferraro on the issues in COJ and his Mayoral campaign.



  1. Call/email your City Council members today and tomorrow and tell them NO on RAISING THE GASOLINE TAX! Same with the Mayor!
  2. Call/email your DCPS School Board and Superintendent and tell them to remove the Student Mask Mandate now. It is CHILD ABUSE and ineffective!


What do you think about the Unconstitutional Acts of Mayor Lenny Curry, and silence of City Council, Sheriff and Duval GOP?

Hank Heinold      Community Group Leader  (904) 254-2316

FCTP Mandarin/Julington Creek/San Marco Community Group Meeting

FCTP Mandarin/Julington Creek/San Marco Patriots,

SAVE THE DATE Our January 2018 meeting will be held **Thursday Jan 25th** from 6:30 – 8:00 pm at the Mediterrania Restaurant at 3877 Baymeadows Road.
Our speaker will be Matt Schellenberg City Councilman District 6. Matt will discuss important COJ topics and take your questions.

**Never forget the Republican City Council members who voted for the HRO or the deceitful and cowardly Mayor Curry for not vetoing the HRO. Make them stand up 13 votes for the HRO, he showed his true colors. They should be drummed out of the Duval County Republican Executive Committee. They are Liberal Republicans at best without virtue. They will come looking for your support when they run again for whatever office and claim they are conservative Republicans. There is another party for them to join. ** Hank Heinold

TOMORROW NIGHT FCTP Northside Community Group Meeting will meet on Monday, January 8 at Junior’s Sandwiches, 9347 North Main Street just like every other month. As always, meet, greet and eat will be from 5:30 – 6:30 and our meeting will start at 6:30. We will look back at 2017 and plan for 2018. This year is an election year and all indications are that it is going to be a battle and we need to get prepared. A representative from the John Birch Society will speak on the convention of states. LeAnne King Northside Community Group Leader

Get involved with EMPOWERJACKSONVILLE.ORG We're looking for your help to collect petitions to repeal and replace unjust laws in Jacksonville. is a movement to place an initiative on the ballot to allow Jacksonville's citizens to repeal unfair and unjust laws because using the democratic process to rectify unjust laws is a basic civil right. We are also working to protect the freedom of every citizen to peacefully live and work according to their beliefs without fear of unjust government punishment.
Conservative Review Scorecard – John Rutherford (R) FL-4 has a “D” with a 67% score (1/7/2018). We deserve a constitutional conservative in this conservative district. We also deserve open town halls from our Representative. Will he come and discuss his voting record at the Duval County REC? If not Rutherford deserves a primary challenger with this voting record and attitude towards his Republican constituents. Visit this website
Great article below on our current constitutional crisis, it is long but well worth it.
Daniel Horowitz is a senior editor of Conservative Review. Follow him on Twitter @RMConservative.
Hank Heinold Community Group Leader