If you are a musician who loves our country, then join us and we'll coordinate opportunities to sing or play music for tea party events.

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  • Sandy McCorvey

    It has been a remarkable year for Let Freedom Sing - 35 events, an amazing number.  Two more this year, then we close out 2014.  Our first rehearsal in 2015 will be on Tuesday, January 6th at 6:30 p.m. in the Keiser University auditorium.  Isn't it time that you became a part of this great group of patriots?

  • Sandy McCorvey

    Next rehearsal is Tuesday, February 3rd at the Keiser University auditorium.  Big events coming up, so come be a part of this wonderful group of patriots.  Rehearsals are every other Tuesday from 6:30 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.  You're going to love it!

  • Sandy McCorvey

    Let Freedom Sing now has a website!  Go to letfreedomsingjax.com and enjoy!