If you are a musician who loves our country, then join us and we'll coordinate opportunities to sing or play music for tea party events.

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  • Helen Rose Chestnut

    If anyone has or finds the sign-up sheet please let me know. I have only heard from 5 people.
  • Terri Booth

    Can't make it this week due to a school function. But I will be back with the group.
  • Sandy McCorvey

    Sorry - I've been out of town for 3 days and am just catching up. I called Helen on Friday on my way out of town to let her know I couldn't make the Tuesday rehearsal. I have the original sign up list and had sent a list to Murray a while back. Helen, I will send it to you right away so you have it too. Sorry for the delay but I just read this just now.
  • Kay Ragan Durden

    Yea Sandy!!!!!!!
  • Kim Brew

    Sorry about being out of touch lately. I've had some health issues that have kept me down lately. But I'm back and ready to sing and help with the rally however I can. Please let me know what I can do.

    Toni Brandenburger will also be at the practice.
  • Helen Rose Chestnut

    Rehearsal for tonight "Let Freedom Sing" will be at 6:30PM at 11437 Central Parkway, Suite 107, Jax. 32224 Located off St Johns Bluff Road between Beach Blvd and JTB. The office doesn't officially open until May 01, 2010 so bring a chair. Restroom is available. If you have not called to RSVP please do so at 504-8840. Thanks, Helen
  • Beth Hazen

    Sorry Ken knew he would be out of town for several days including the day of the event. Therefore, he did not practice with everyone. I will try to attend the Tax Day Tea Party. God Bless!
  • Rebecca Howell

    Hi! My name is Rebecca. I sang four years in our award winning high school chorus and I love to sing!
  • Kay Ragan Durden

    Helen, where were you??? My sister Sharon was with me and wanted to see you. We were so busy with the Black T-Shirts that we didn't get to run around to see everyone. Our table was over there behind Murray's. I thought the Show was great and I got horse yelling STAND UP!!!
  • Kim Brew

    That was so much fun last night!!! Our little group was on the 11PM news! Very cool! Have a great week-end.
  • Helen Rose Chestnut

    Hi Rebecca Howell,
    I need some information from you so that I can add you to our Roster. Please call me at 543-9127.
  • Lisa Kelly-Scott

    The Rally at the Jacksonville Landing on April 15th was exhilarating, empowering, and reaffirming that we Freedom/Constitutional loving, limited government believing American Patriots are not the minority, but the majority! It was an honor to sing our National Anthem, then America, The Beautiful with world class trumpeter JB Scott & trombonist Dave Steinmeyer, to a sea of smiling citizens proudly singing along. Kudos to Billie Tucker, Murray Goff, and to all of the wonderful TEA Party volunteers & speakers for their work in presenting an uplifting event! I look forward to the next!
    Lisa Kelly
    Professional Jazz Vocal Artist/Clinician
  • Rebecca Howell

    Lisa, you have an amazing voice! I cried hearing you singing. I got some good pictures that I'll try to post next week.
  • Lisa Kelly-Scott

    Thanks Rebecca, I'd love to see them...
  • Kay Ragan Durden

    Helen, did you see the note from Martin Walt??????? If not let me know and I will forward it to you. I thought it would be on this page, but I don't see it.
  • Terri Booth

    The meeting on the 8th works for me.
  • Sandy McCorvey

    I will be able to attend the meeting on the 8th.
  • Timothykhilton

    Looking forward to meeting everyone on June 8th, will bring my guitar and sing "Stop Stealing From My Piggy Bank" this song has been played at several Tea Party's".
  • Kay Ragan Durden

    Where are you Helen????
  • Helen Rose Chestnut

    I will attend on June 08, 2010 at 6:30 PM.
  • Rebecca Howell

    8th is good for me
  • Lisa Kelly-Scott

    Just wanted to share that this past Saturday, in honor of our nation's veterans, as the vocalist with the St. Johns River City Band, I led a sea of people in "The Star Spangled Banner" at the Jacksonville Jazz Festival, second only to leading the same at the TEA Party Rally this past April 15th at the Jacksonville Landing!
    Also, this coming Saturday (June 5), I'll be representing the First Coast Tea Party as I travel to Deltona to sing on a patriotic project being produced by Lloyd Marcus, the Tea Party Express singer who travels the nation. I've also written a patriotic song, "I Choose To Stand For Freedom (How 'Bout You)," which I've submitted for this same project. If it is accepted, it will be heard all over the country and the proceeds will benefit our troops. Cross your fingers-I hope it's accepted!
  • E W Pierce

    IT was great to be part of the Rally playing on "The Boat" 2009. Feel free to give us a call again. www.southonsanjose.com
  • Valerie Sawyer

    I hated I didn't get to make the meeting last night. Ended up at the last minute without transportation. Could somebody please drop me a note and let me know what was decided? If anything? Thanks so much.
  • Rebecca Howell

    There'll be an E-mail sent out later, but we're meeting on the 17th to practice. Valerie, if you need transportation for that let me know ahead of itme.
  • Terri Booth

    Hope to see you all at tomorrow night's rehearsal. If you have access to multiple copies of any patriotic music, please bring them. Also, of you have a keyboard, please bring it as well. If someone can play it that would be even better!
  • Timothykhilton

    Please let me know the time and the address for the rehearsal, I can bring my key board. Thank you TK
  • Rebecca Howell

    ARRGH! Tim, we could've used you last night!! We need more singers too, guys! I don't know if you realize it, but the 3rd is a day shy of 2 weeks away!! If anyone on the westside needs a ride to the next practice please let me know!
  • Timothykhilton

    Can anyone tell me if there is a rehearsal tonight.
    You may contact me by calling 262-3104.
  • Rebecca Howell

    I can't come on Saturday, but I can come both Thursday nights. Terri, if you need to talk to me about music, call me 904-207-5351
  • Helen Rose Chestnut

    Terri, I obviously will not be able to attend rehersal on July 01, since I will just be getting out of the hospital on June 30, 2010. After my surgery I will let you know if I think I can make it to the July 03, 2010 rally. If not I will look forward to joining you for the next practice or rally.
  • Terri Booth

    Thanks Helen, You will be in my prayers.
  • Valerie Sawyer

    I will be out of town over the July 3rd weekend so will not be able to be at the rally. Therefore, I will skip the rehearsal this time around.
  • Terri Booth

    Valerie, Thanks for letting me know.
  • Rose Hayden

    Please advise when and where rehersals are and details of July event. I've been out of touch lately. Thanks.
  • Rebecca Howell

    What time are we meeting tomorrow (Thursday 6/24)??
  • Terri Booth

    I thought It was July 1st at 6:30 did I mess up?
  • Rebecca Howell

    No, I must have mixed up the dates. We'll see you July 1!
  • Gayla Reed

    Hi Everyone - I am organizing volunteers for July 3. If you are singing and/or would like to volunteer for other things on July 3 please let me know so that I can get your name on the check in list. I'm not sure how much you will be singing but when you are not we could sure use your help. Please let me know by email @ Gaylareed@carrolltile.com. If you can't volunteer but are just singing still send me your name for the check in list. Thanks, have a great weekend.
  • mike torelli

    Anyone interested in putting together a band to play wherever we are needed? I'm a guitar player, have rehearsal space and P.A., so if you're a drummer, bass player, guitar player, keyboards, sax, lead singer or whatever let me know.
  • Caleb Bryan

    Mike, My name is Caleb Bryan and I play drums and percussion. I am interested.
  • Caleb Bryan

    Is anyone intersted in singing for my school's Veterans' Day Assembly at Callahan Middle School on November 10th, 2010 at 10 in the morning? If so, please call me at 904-742-8684. Thank you in advance.
  • Lisa Kelly-Scott

    "TEA Are THe World" a GREAT musical project! If any of you are interested in purchasing YOUR copy, go to website: http://americasmightywarriors.org/, A 2-CD/Documentary DVD of LLOYD MARCUS & 39 other artists, our original patriotic songs! The project gets out the musical message of citizen patriotic activism, of honoring our country & our troops, and the funds benefit "Americas Mighty Warriors" org. in support of our troops & their families! Get the package with the T-Shirt! AN HISTORICAL PROJECT!! Spread the word folks!!! Come see LLOYD MARCUS, LISA KELLY, MURRAY GOFF, & others, at the HUGE "FIRST COAST TEA Party Celebration Rally" Nov. 2 at the Jacksonville Landing, FL 6:30pm! 1,000's of patriots will be there! Will be singing our tunes from this project & selling the CD/t-shirts!
  • FCTP

    We need a sound system for this Saturday as we go around town on our float and encourage people to vote. Does anyone have a sound system we can use along with patriotic cds? Thanks
  • mike torelli

    Hey Billie, I have one, but it's pretty big. There are 2 speakers that are 3'wx3'dx4'tall and the sound board is 2'x3'. I have wiring for ipod, cd player, or computer for the sound. I don't have any cd's though.
  • E W Pierce

    I have a small PA that has independent speakers with built-in mixers. They can be used as a pair or independently. I can provide some music on an IPOD or other player. We will just need power from a generator or other source. contact me for info. 476-8928
  • mike torelli

    Hi Caleb Give me a call at 904-716-6902. Mike
  • Angela Poole

    Check with the Westside Baptist Church's Jazz Band. They play for events and the church is very conservative politically. It is an Band of about 15 players and they are good. The Director of the band is Dan Mullis and can be reached at 904-781-5700.
  • Mike Fischer

    Nothing more I like than singing the truth. Let me know when and where. Mike

  • Mike Fischer

    It seems like you all must be in the same place. I think I'm in another world. I live in Branson, Mo. I guess that puts me out of touch, at least physically. I did make it down to Florida for the last Tea Party Tax day. Ok, let me know. Mike