Terry Criss


Jacksonville, FL

United States

Comment Wall:

  • FCTP

    Hi Terry: I did not endorse Rick when I spoke to the TU nor am I speaking on behalf of others in the tea party. I've know Rick for about 5 years now. He was one of our speakers at the first April 15th event last year. He spoke on healthcare and for the last year he has supported the tea party movement with information about healthcare reform through his organization - Conservatives for Patients Rights. I know Rick and what they are saying about him is not true. You can check out the truth at http://www.rickscottforflorida.com/home/2010/06/01/the-truth-about-....
  • FCTP

    Rick is a great guy and is truly one of us. He is not a thief and he took responsibility for what happened at HCA. During that time, Bill McCollum even went to bat for Rick and HCA stating they were being unfairly targeted by the feds.

    Bill McCollum is a good man and I hope Rick will be given a chance to be known as the good man I know him to be also.