Valerie Sawyer


Jacksonville, FL

United States

Comment Wall:

  • C. Jesse Duke

    Thank you Valerie!
  • Kay Ragan Durden

    Hey girl, I thought we were already friends on this thing. Hope to see you soon. K
  • Leanne King

    valerie, thanks so much I will put you down.. still figuring this out. will get back with you soon.. again, thank you. Leanne
  • Joan Reynolds

    Thanks, Valerie,

    I had no idea there were "friends" within the tea party! A separate category i mean....Nice! I don't know why the Lord moved me to respond to that today, but I guess it is time for all of us to not keep silent anymore....what has that cost us but 50 million lives, and all the others, affected by someone's choice. My other son's only wish was to someday be a brother. What would a different decision have done to the close relationship I have with him, and could I ever have been truly honest with him after making a choice that would have cost him a brother? I am grateful I will never have to wonder about that. I know what great things the crisis pregnancy centers do and give you many thanks for all your support. I hope to meet you one day at a rally, I really don't know anyone but love the fact that we are all banded together by like minds and hearts. Blessings, Joan