Karen M


Saint Johns, FL

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Deborah Ringhaver Lane

    Dear Karen,
    Thanks for the heads up on the bumper magnets in the Folio article.
  • Deborah Ringhaver Lane

    Dear Karen, have you gotten the word about Kimberly Fletcher giving a voter education workshop here in Atlantic Beach on the evening of Friday Junes 25th at 7 pm? Give me a call at 904-403-8006 if your are interested. There are still spaces. Thanks again for the heads up on the Folio magnet picture.
  • Leanne King

    thanks for the information. will probably give them a call. also, may well join you all on 9/30 at the golden Coral.. See you were in Washington.. Hubby and I were there too. Met up with folks from Mississippi and Calif.. Great time.. Again thanks Leanne
  • Leanne King

    Just touching base.. You are assigned to the Merchandise table with several other ladies.. Check in at the Volunteer are for your badge and they will tell you where to report. Look forward to seeing you and thanks again. Leanne