It's listed on this web site, but to save you the search, it's 11437 Central Parkway, Suite 107. It's about 1/2 block east of St. John's Bluff Road, and Central Parkway is the first signal south of Beach Blvd. It's the last office at the end of the small row of offices that faces Central Parkway. Hope you can make it!
Hi John, Yes, we are having rehearsal on Tuesday, April 23rd starting at 6:30 at the Tea Party office - address is in my note of March 26. Please let me know if you can come and I'll be sure to have some music ready for you! Looking forward to meeting you.
Wonderful! I'll have music for you and will introduce you to this great group of patriots. If you like to sing, you're going to love being a part of LFS! See you tomorrow.
Sandy McCorvey
It's listed on this web site, but to save you the search, it's 11437 Central Parkway, Suite 107. It's about 1/2 block east of St. John's Bluff Road, and Central Parkway is the first signal south of Beach Blvd. It's the last office at the end of the small row of offices that faces Central Parkway. Hope you can make it!
Mar 26, 2013
Sandy McCorvey
Hi John, Yes, we are having rehearsal on Tuesday, April 23rd starting at 6:30 at the Tea Party office - address is in my note of March 26. Please let me know if you can come and I'll be sure to have some music ready for you! Looking forward to meeting you.
Apr 21, 2013
Sandy McCorvey
Wonderful! I'll have music for you and will introduce you to this great group of patriots. If you like to sing, you're going to love being a part of LFS! See you tomorrow.
Apr 22, 2013