Just a thought: For guest speaker our School Board member for District 1. This would not be for the whole evening, but in addition to the main speaker. It is the School Board who decides on the education of our children, quite often the wrong way. Just like our Legislature who decided to give in-state tuition to ILLEGAL ALIENS.
Derby Ulloa
Just a thought: For guest speaker our School Board member for District 1. This would not be for the whole evening, but in addition to the main speaker. It is the School Board who decides on the education of our children, quite often the wrong way. Just like our Legislature who decided to give in-state tuition to ILLEGAL ALIENS.
May 8, 2014
Derby Ulloa
For Trivia Night I suggest we have questions on Government, Civics and American History and very little to nothing on Pop Culture.
May 8, 2014
Steve Reynolds
LeAnne, you asked me about some sound help for one of these group meeting in December is it still on?
Dec 3, 2014