If you want to meet Rick Scott, he will be here Thursday at 6:00 at River City Brewing. If you want to meet with him personally or via phone, just let me know and I will arrange that.
I knew him before the tea party and I must stand up for him because I know his heart. Thanks for sharing your concerns. Billie
Terry, thank you again for your message about the email return. It appears that the site is working and emails with Admin@firstcoastteaparty.org are being accepted. I will be going by the office this morning to double check things there. If you try again and are not successful please let me know.
you can email me at nonny2angels@comcast.net
Again thank you for taking the time to let me know about the problem.
I knew him before the tea party and I must stand up for him because I know his heart. Thanks for sharing your concerns. Billie
Jun 6, 2010
Tom Wright
The class for Poll Workers is a one time class, it will either July 30 or 31.
You must email Jerry Holland directly at : jholland @coj.net to apply.
However if you wish to be a Poll Watcher, these classes will begin in August, to register as a Poll Watcher simply go to : duvalgop.com
Either way, please send me your full name, county of residence, phone numbers, and email address, send to me at: tomwright4@att.net
I will add your name to our list and you will be contacted when dates and locations are posted.
Tom Wright
Jul 10, 2012
Leanne King
Terry, thank you again for your message about the email return. It appears that the site is working and emails with Admin@firstcoastteaparty.org are being accepted. I will be going by the office this morning to double check things there. If you try again and are not successful please let me know.
you can email me at nonny2angels@comcast.net
Again thank you for taking the time to let me know about the problem.
Oct 26, 2013