Manal Fakoury... Possibly the most Dangerous and Influential Islamist in Florida Politcs!

See this Link for full story:


A few of us in the know have been briefing elected officials and others about Manal Fakoury with mixed results, however the latest fundraiser at her Ocala home for Senator Bill Nelson has brought unwanted publicity and his Senate race may actually be the catalyst which finally exposes her Muslim Brotherhood connections.   

The controversy stems from a donation to Senator Nelsons Campaign by Ahmed Bedier, who is a former leader of the federally designated Muslim Brotherhood front group know as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR ) aka HAMAS (the Palestine Committee in official court documents).


The stated goal of the Muslim Brotherhood in America is to "subvert and destroy America from within" just as they did in Egypt by getting themselves elected into office and/or positions of influence until these Islamist have the numbers to agitate for eventual violent overthrow. 

Ahmed Bedier in Egypts Revolution waiving Flag

Ahmed Bedier is no stranger to Revolution

                      This photo was taken during the overthrow of Egypt and posted on his facebook page with the caption "I was proud to be part of the Revolution".  It is now universally agreed that the Muslim Brotherhood was behind the overthrow of Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and other current unrest in the Middle East.

In addition to gaining access to those responsible for effecting change at the local, state, and federal level via these private fundraisers, (UVA) board members Manal Fakoury and founder Ahmed Bedier, continue their influence operations against elected officials during their annual "Muslim Capitol Days".  United Voices of America (UVA) has lobbied against "American Laws for American Courts", E-Verify, Border Security and Strong Immigration Bills. 

This is quite Interesting, when you consider over 86,000 OTMs (Other than Mexicans) cross the border annually  to include Islamic terrorists and over 50 cases of Sharia Law trumping U.S. law in American courts  have been documented in a report by Frank Gaffney of the Center of Security Policy.


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  • ACT Jacksonville

    That is one thoughtful and accurate assessment of compromise... unfortunately, the vast majority in an effort to appear tolerant, blindly compromise on issues which deserve neither tolerance nor compromise. 


    Thank you for sharing this with us!

  • amanda choate

    Mr. McDaniel,

    Your quote:

    As far as the CONSTITUTION GOES.... NO IT IS NOT A LIVING AND BREATHING DOCUMENT and is the basis for the LAWS of our REPUBLIC.... Meaning we live under a democratic system which operates within the confines of the law.... hence a republic not a democracy.

    Please tell me that is not what you undestand a "republic" to be.

    We are a republic because the Constitution demands such, making us a Constitutional Republic.

    Democracy is the means we use to choose our leaders. We could use duels, patronage(kind of where we are now really), auctions, internment among others. We have chosen democracy. 50% plus one. It is imperfect, but it is the best thing going right now.

    I really have no fear of Sharia law or Muslims taking over our country. I actually smirk when I think of it.  If over two centuries we have resisted the urge to become a Christian theocracy, with the not so gentle urging of a raucous minority, we probably will be able to withstand Sharia when Muslims gain the majority in this country. Let's see, extrapolating out, they would need about 50 times the number of Muslims to be for this if they were all for it, if it were only half it would a hundred times as many, to get half the votes. That is at least 10 generations. One generation is equal to 20 years, two hundred years if everything perfect.

    I have read Act for America's site, and their critics. I am not impressed. Their claim to fame, they ran, some crazy Nazi war re-enactor, a white kid, who was now forming his own jihad, off Penn State's campus. Woo! I feel safer. Otherwise it seems to me they just pick on decent Americans who happen to be Muslim.



  • ACT Jacksonville

    Mrs. Chaote,


    The Absurdity of your OPINION is not worth my effort.... try again.