All Blog Posts (4,805)

TU: New Jacksonville economic development panel readies



We will need to keep an eye on these folks.  Their next meeting is 2/23 at 3 location was mentioned.…

Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 8, 2012 at 10:27am — 1 Comment

TU: Councilman Don Redman sets up shop at Occupy Jacksonville camp

I don't know how many of you heard about Don Redman's stance on the OWS gathering on the radio, so I thought you might like to see what he was doing.  We need to stop by and say a few words to him if we are downtown or write and thank him!


The councilman sat outside City Hall, but said he wasn't staying overnight.


Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 8, 2012 at 10:12am — No Comments

TU: Mayport ferry supporters call for rally to support service

The rally will be, as pointed out below, Saturday Feb. 18 at 2 PM on both sides of the river at the ferry docks.  Please see second article below by Matt Dixon.




Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 8, 2012 at 10:00am — No Comments

Food Freedom: ‘No Food Rights’ Judge quits to work for Monsanto law firm

Although this ruling took place in September, it has now been discovered on September 30th, he went to work for Monsanto (who stood to gain from the ruling he made at the beginning of September).  Shameful how crooked everything is now!


Judge Fiedler ruled that humans:

“Do not have a fundamental right to own and use a dairy cow or a dairy herd;”

“Do not have a fundamental right to consume…

Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 7, 2012 at 1:39pm — No Comments

BLACKLISTED NEWS: The ill-effects of Monsanto's Genetically Modified Seeds in India

This is an update on an ongoing problem with Monsanto (dear friends, and I am sure contributors, to the Obamas and the Clintons) which might explain why they have been closely linked and kept close if not involved in FDA (not a good idea considering, wouldn't you say?).


February 6, 2012


Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 7, 2012 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment

Keep An Eye on Those Who Talk Down the Constitution

Experience teaches us, especially in the area of politics, not to believe in coincidence.  Just this week two stories have made the news regarding our "outdated" Constitution.  First, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg instructed nations looking to draft a constitution to NOT look at the U.S. constitution for guidance because it doesn't focus enough on human rights.  Then, in a New York Times article, two professors make the case that the U.S. Constitution is losing appeal with people around the…


Added by Cord Byrd on February 7, 2012 at 12:48pm — No Comments

Miami Herald: Charter schools seek construction money

How does everyone feel about this.  Certainly, I can agree with the argument that charter children should be treated equally to those in the public schools.


Posted on Monday, 02.06.12Posted on Monday, 02.06.12

Florida school districts are fighting a bill that would require them to share construction dollars with charter schools.


TALLAHASSEE -- The charter school movement flexed its legislative muscle Monday, taking…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 7, 2012 at 6:43am — 1 Comment

TU: Alvin Brown says Jacksonville will grow, but he won't put a number on it

I am confused here, because part of what the mayor ran on was bringing jobs to Jax and now, he is saying he really doesn't have the tools, as a mayor, to do that?  I think we may need to remember he said this.  We also need to be wary if he tries to claim responsibility for any improvement since he doesn't feel the mayor can really impact unemployment.  I know certainly the governor is doing things to improve conditions, so maybe we can thank him in the end?  This is interesting,…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 7, 2012 at 6:30am — No Comments

Human Events: McConnell: Keystone pipeline unlikely to pass until Obama is voted out

Another reason his highness needs to voted out including the fact he thought he should take over the super bowl last night, because is running for re-election and needed more exposure and his green cars were there with him!  I wonder, did we pay for that or did his re-election campaign?  It is very pricey, so he probably stuck the taxpayers with the bill!



Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 6, 2012 at 1:59pm — No Comments

There Goes The Neighborhood!

I found this link on WOKV FOX News Center: Obama campaign opens Jacksonville headquarters

Added by John Sauer on February 6, 2012 at 10:59am — No Comments

Town Hall: Box-checking Obama in a Liberal Cocoon

You probably going to be totally blown away when you find out what the man in the oval office actually does..........checks boxes prepared for him and in some cases with a huge amount of guidance as to which box to check if it isn't checked already for him :).  Unreal!


Michael Barone

February 6, 2012

It's unusual when a reporter sympathetic to a politician writes a story that makes his subject look bad. But Ryan Lizza of The New Yorker…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 6, 2012 at 9:35am — No Comments

npr: Obama Could Alter Stance Of Federal Appeals Courts

What this means basically, if it is allowed to happen, is someone with a legal expectation of a remedy in their favor, based on the constitution, would get liberal gobbildy goop that has nothing to do with the constitution.  Are we all willing to play games with this next election?  I think not.  Obama has to go period even if we aren't that wild about our choices.........and that can be battle for another day as it surely should.  Liberal judges even on the supreme court would…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 6, 2012 at 9:30am — No Comments

TU: Young voters' turnout low in Northeast Florida, but there's a disagreement as to why

This is not something we are not aware of, but I disagree that in 2008 we were given intelligent solutions.  They were given spin and the chant "hope and change" with no definition of what it meant...............and now we know it meant no jobs, food stamps for all and more unemployment and welfare.  I would wonder if some of these young people are smart enough to make a wiser choice next time around or will they fall for the rhetoric, all the promises that require borrowing huge…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 6, 2012 at 7:31am — No Comments

TU: Amy Rankin: Public-private deals must be two-way street

The churches and non profits used to provide services for the poor, but the government decided it would use tax dollars, and slowly over time, they have pushed the folks who would normally do this out. And personally, why would a church or a non profit want to partner with a government entity and put up the money, so the city, state or federal government could try to take over as the manager (which is what this is all about really). They want to blur the lines and ingratiate…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 6, 2012 at 7:04am — No Comments

TU: Jacksonville pension chief's pay hike raises eyebrows

Curtis Lee had mentioned he  expected us to see an article in the TU on this shortly, and sure enough, this morning, there is one.  Hope you are keeping up with this drama as it becoming a very transparent issue as it should be considering the mess our pension fund is in.  That Mr. Keane would be rewarded for the management of a fund in the condition the fund is in with its huge unfunded liability is surreal, and they actually pay someone to make investment suggestions???  …


Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 6, 2012 at 7:00am — No Comments

Curtis Lee: EPIDEMIC OF MISTAKES AT THE PFPF; please write as Governor Scott makes final decision

I am going to post a couple of new items from Curtis Lee about the PFPF, and hope you will read and understand this is a serious problem and almost daily Curtis is uncovering more unsavory information.  He has been a champion at the cause, and I am very grateful he has been kind enough to share his revelations with us.  I know you will allwill understand the reason for Curt's somewhat facetious statements, because of the way this very serious matter was…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 5, 2012 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Judson Phillips; Tea Party Nation: Priorities

Well thought out and a plan we may be to look at.  We, as a group, all support different candidates, and some folks are hard line enough about their guy there is no wiggle room at all for them regardless of the situation in our country and the absolute need to remove the current resident of the white house.  Because we support different candidates, chances are very good, we are going to get the establishment GOP pick yet again, and we all know how wonderful that worked out last…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 5, 2012 at 10:00am — No Comments

FOX: Outrage subdued after DJ goes on racially charged rant on GOP congressional candidate

This is a total outrage, and this man should lose his job and the possibility of working in radio broadcasting anywhere.   Amazing how angry democrats get when someone walks off their plantation!  We elect our officials based on the content of their character and their stands on the issues and not on the color of their skin, but in spite of the fact Matthews voted for Bergmann and indicated he would again, color of skin is important to…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 5, 2012 at 8:00am — No Comments

Bobby Eberle; The Loft: Getting to the REAL Unemployment Figures

This is an extremely interesting explanation of how the new employment numbers were deduced.  I think when you are finished reading it you will realize, we have been duped yet again (pretty much as we thought we were).  Dr. Eberle has gathered information from several sources to put this together, and, I personally, think he has done a nice job of explaining some of it and numerous links for further clarification. 


By Bobby Eberle…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 4, 2012 at 11:30am — No Comments

Natural News: Help stop former Monsanto VP from attaining top position at the FDA - sign the petition

If this man is appointed (and lets hope Obama doesn't try another recess appointment), it would be a huge conflict of interest.  But the democrats have been working so hard to keep pushing to make Monsanto in charge of the food we eat.  Clinton did the same thing.  These folks are destroying our food for the sake of profit for Monsanto. 


Thursday, February…

Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 4, 2012 at 7:46am — No Comments

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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