Action items: (2).Open Carry and Campus Carry - Votes next week Florida

Credits: Liberty First Network and Florida Citizens Alliance

Legislative Update and call to action

Next week will be the third of six committee weeks to be held this year in advance of the 2016 Regular Session beginning January 12th, 2016. Interim Committee weeks are where legislators begin debating and voting on bills, as well as, beginning the budget process. State Government Agencies will present their 2016-17 budget requests to the appropriate Committees. Legislators have been filing bills and as of today, there have been 485 bills filed between the House and the Senate.
The last few Sessions have seen a total of 1,879 bills filed in 2014 and 1,755 bills filed in the 2015 Session last spring. The number of bills filed and passed has been trending downward now for several years and we are hoping for that trend to continue. We have always advocated that we do not need to create more unnecessary laws, we need to repeal existing laws that do harm to our freedom and liberty.
Florida, just like the Federal government, has way too many laws. There are so many it is almost impossible to count. Florida laws are tedious, and so overly complex, even the most seasoned attorneys cannot understand the language, which makes them almost impossible to comply with.
Liberty First Network believes the only new laws that should be considered are ones that reduce the size of government and protects our individual freedom and liberty. Here are three bills that have been filed that would promote individual liberty and two very important CALLS TO ACTION.

1. Weapons and Firearms (Open Carry)

HB 163 by Rep. Matt Gaetz and SB 300 by Sen. Don Gaetz
Provides that a person licensed to carry a concealed firearm or weapon may also openly carry such firearm or weapon; providing that a person or entity who infringes on specified rights of an individual may be subject to liability under specified provisions, etc.
HB 163 passed the Criminal Justice Subcommittee 8-4 on Oct. 6, 2016


The Senate Open Carry bill SB 300 will be heard in the Senate Criminal Justice Committee next Tuesday October 20th, 2015 at 9:00AM.
Please call and e-mail the following members of the Senate Criminal Justice Committee and tell them to vote yes on SB 300.

Information is provided below however the fastest way to send an email is to click on the link below, add your personal information and an email will go to these members and your State Representative and Senator.

Rob Bradley 850-487-5007

Jeff Brandes 850-487-5022

Jeff Clemens 850-487-5027

Greg Evers 850-487-5002

Audrey Gibson 850-487-5009

Talking Points

• Bearing Arms is a right that cannot be infringed upon in the Second Amendment to the US Constitution.
• 45 states allow “Open Carry”, Florida is one of only five states that prohibit open carry: California, Florida, Illinois, New York, and South Carolina.
• Open Carry creates more of a deterrent to criminals, just carrying a concealed weapon does not alert a criminal that you have a firearm. Many studies report criminals will avoid an armed person or home when selecting a victim.
• You may only have seconds to draw your firearm when confronted by criminal who wishes to do you harm, it’s quicker to draw a pistol that is openly carried verses one that is concealed.

IMPORTANT NOTE:While we completely support “Open Carry”, we also support private property rights, which would include the right of private property owners, including businesses to prohibit the carrying of a firearm, open or concealed on their property. Many legal experts have concluded that this bill in its current language does not adequately protect private property owner’s right to prohibit the carrying of firearms on private property. We will be in Tallahassee fighting to pass “Open Carry” and making sure this bill includes language to protect private property rights as well.

2. Licenses to Carry Concealed Weapons or Firearms (Campus Carry)

HB 4001 by Rep. Greg Steube and SB 68 by Sen. Greg Evers
Deleting a provision prohibiting concealed carry licensees from openly carrying a handgun or carrying a concealed weapon or firearm into a college or university facility, etc.
HB 4001 passed the House Criminal Justice Sub-committee 8-5 on Sept. 16, 2015.
SB 68 passed the Senate Criminal Justice Committee 3-2 on Sept. 16, 2015.


The Senate Campus Carry bill SB 68 will be heard in the Senate Higher Education Committee next Tuesday October 20th, 2015 at 9:00AM.
Please call and e-mail the following members of the Senate Higher Education Committee and tell them to vote yes on SB 68.

Lizbeth Benacquisto 850-487-5030

Oscar Braynon 850-487-5036

Don Gaetz 850-487-5001

Arthenia Joyner 850-487-5019

John Legg 850-487-5017

Joe Negron 850-487-5032

Maria Lorts Sachs 850-487-5034

David Simmons 850-487-5010

Kelli Stargel 850-487-5015

Talking Points

• Colleges and Universities are open environments, there is no one entry point with metal detectors and armed guards performing pat-downs and bag inspections. Colleges cannot guarantee safety and should not deprive people of the ability to protect themselves.
• “Gun free zones” only disarms law-abiding citizens and violates their right to protect themselves as well as the opportunity to stop a criminal and save lives.
• Eight States have “Campus Carry” including Utah for the last ten years. Utah University officials report no improper incidents on campus in that 10 year time period.

3. Traffic Infraction Detectors (Repeal of Red Light Cameras)

No Action Needed on this issue at this time.  Just FYI

HB 4027 by Rep. Frank Artiles and SB 168 by Sen. Jeff Brandes
Traffic Infraction Detectors; Repealing provisions relating to the definitions of “traffic infraction detector” and “local hearing officer”, installation and use of traffic infraction detectors to enforce specified provisions when a driver fails to stop at a traffic signal, provisions that authorize the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, a county, or a municipality to use such detectors, and the distribution of penalties collected for specified violations, and failure to comply with a civil penalty, etc.
The red light camera law came to Florida in 2010. This law turns American freedom and justice upside down and makes vehicle owners guilty unless they identify who they think had custody of their vehicle. This is especially a burden on rental car companies and businesses with fleet vehicles.
While invariably spoken about as a safety issue by the local officials that stand to fatten their coffers by these “free” programs (even though several cities have lost revenue), the fact is these devices are about one thing: Revenue.
If they were for safety, the violations would place points on the offender’s driving record.
If they were for safety, the fine would not be reduced.
Red light violation crashes are caused by drivers that are inattentive or impaired. No pole mounted device will have any impact upon them.
Red Light Cameras raise revenue by punishing technical foul violations such as right turn on red violations and split second entries into the red light which rarely cause an accident. The vast majority of camera tickets are right hand turns and split second entries.
Studies show that increasing yellow light time by 1 second can reduce violations by 60% or more.

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"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence … from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference — they deserve a place of honor with all that's good."
George Washington

Views: 211


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Comment by amanda choate on October 23, 2015 at 4:10pm
More people are killed in their homes by guns than anywhere combined.
Comment by amanda choate on October 23, 2015 at 4:09pm
Soa cop stops someone gking down the street brandishing a weapon, and he faces a fine. Fuxking ztupid.
Comment by FCTP on October 18, 2015 at 8:34am

The link is now working.

Comment by FCTP on October 17, 2015 at 9:32pm

Sorry about the sign now link not working. They have been informed and their "back office" is working on the link.

I will leave a message when it is fixed. In the mean time you can use the phone numbers and emails that are provided in the communication.

Sorry for the inconvenience..

National Debt Clock


The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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