Yesterday we watched America mourn.  The memorials were beautiful.  The dedications were moving.  The stories were tear jerkers.  The photos were stunning.  The pride of being an American was revived.  It was okay to fly your flag.  It was okay to salute a soldier.  Political correctness was told to stay home.  There was no place for politics – patriotism ruled the day.


The day after 9/11 ten years ago was one of the best days to be an American.  Flags flew on every mailbox post in the neighborhood.  Cars had hand printed signs “We will never forget” with their own car flags blowing in the wind.  Cars honked at each other with thumbs up when they recognized the patriotic symbols.  Americans loved America again and our “Momma bear” attitudes kicked in. 


September 12th became a symbolic day for Patriots.  It was the day we stood up and said, “We are not going to take this anymore.”


Eight years later, Patriots from all over America marched on DC on 9/12 to send a message to Washington that we were not going to take it anymore.  Our country was under attack from within by members of a political class who were taking our country down financially.  We were stunned to learn that we were bailing out banks; a new healthcare law mandating individuals purchase government health insurance was on the table (eventually passing); junk science legislation such as cap and trade was being considered; and back room deals were the norm in politics. 


The people had enough and with flags flying and home-made signs stating their concerns, a movement not of this world happened.  People paid their own way to DC.  Families drove for days to attend.  Bus companies ran out of rentals in their fleet from the tea party movement demands.  Airplanes were filled up and trains too as people with luggage and their signs headed to DC. 


On 9/12, the people began streaming into Freedom Plaza.  We were fortunate to be atop a home-made “Dartmouth” float built by one of our members as his way of stating “Enough.”  As we moved down Pennsylvania Avenue, more and more people joined our throng from side roads along the way.  People below our float handed off their cameras to us and we became the Photo Op above the crowd.  Camera crews from across the sea found us and asked to get a shot too.  We were happy to oblige.


My cell rang in the middle of the crowd and it was our local radio station back home.  They wanted to know how we felt because they had heard 1.5 million people were there.  Our radio station was reporting the numbers and we were amazed to be a part of something this big.  We screamed out the numbers to the crowd and people immediately began to cry.  They no longer felt alone.  They no longer believed they were the only ones concerned about America.  They once again felt God was alive and He loved America too.


Two years exactly from that day in DC, we are now in Tampa, Florida as one of the hosts of the CNN/Tea Party Express Presidential Debate. 


No one would have imagined on that beautiful day in 2008 we would be on a national network tonight.  We would have laughed had anyone mentioned it.  The media was not our friend on 9/12/08 and it’s been a battle with them since then. 


But we now know if you just keep doing what is right; your message will get heard.  If you stick to your principles; you will be respected.  If you never quit; you will never go away.


Tonight we are proud to be in the debate hall and we encourage all our members to tune into CNN and be there with us.  The debate hall could not hold the original 1.5 million patriots who walked on DC but you will be with us in spirit.  We know the others who have joined this movement since that day will also be holding tissues tonight in awe that our time has finally come.


Tea party members developed the questions and some will personally ask them tonight.  You can also join in with the debate at Twitter:  #CNNTeaParty or on 


Tonight is historical and we thank CNN for stepping up, reaching out and making this happen.  The people at CNN are great American patriots just like you and me.  Sometimes they don’t always get it right – but they are trying.  Just like on September 12, 2001, we see their efforts and we shoot them thumbs up for this experience tonight.


Join us tonight – CNN – 8:00 PM.  All throughout the day CNN will be interviewing various individuals and showing the crowd of Tea Party Members forming.  We heard some hecklers were also going to try to make their way outside the debate hall.  You have to have hecklers to make it a real debate!


God bless you all and God bless America the land that we love!


Views: 354


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Comment by sabrina Wheeler on September 13, 2011 at 8:59pm
We are beyond proud to be part of the First Coast Tea Party with Billie as our fearless leader!
Comment by Carla on September 12, 2011 at 4:44pm
We are with you in spirit Billie and this household WILL be watching the debate!
Comment by Joy Nelson on September 12, 2011 at 12:32pm

On 9-12 2001, there was one civilian aircraft allowed to fly.  It was a Civil Air Patrol plane stationed at Long Island MacArthur Airport.  Here is an account from the pilot and one of his crew. 


NEW YORK -- From 1,000 feet above lower Manhattan, Lt. Col. Warren Ratis looked down on the smoldering rubble and twisted steel of the World Trade Center. The devastation was everywhere and the pain, one day after the nation was rocked by the terrorist attack, still raw. An airborne photographer in the Civil Air Patrol assigned to document the destruction, Ratis didn’t have time to mourn the victims, including 18 former co-workers. He had instructions from the highest reaches of government. Ratis picked up his camera and began shooting. Nearly a decade later, he and Lt. Col. Jacques Heinrich, the mission’s pilot, are talking publicly for the first time about the aerial mission.
Comment by Rod Morrill on September 12, 2011 at 10:35am

Thank you Billie for all you do.  You are amazing and show what is possible with God's strength and guidance.

No sermon here just this for Billie, another patriot I shared this wih and now for whoever see this and shares in this effort through God's strength to return this nation to the purpose and greatness it is based on.

Read Psalms 27 and ask for the same strength and protection that King David sought.

You read it and realize it is yours for the asking.



Comment by Alice & Terry Beutien on September 12, 2011 at 9:56am
We were there in DC on September 12th in 2009 standing at Freedom Plaza with 1.5 M of our newest best friends. Was an amazing day it was and one we will not forget.  Today, we are in Tampa waiting for the gates to open so we can be a part of Tea Party history at the Presidential Debate tonight. We are so grateful to be a part of America's second revolution.
Comment by Peggy Hall on September 12, 2011 at 9:51am
Awesome Bille.  Just awesome.
Comment by DURWIN WALTER DAVIS on September 12, 2011 at 8:48am
RIGHT ON!!!  No, what I mean is FAR RIGHT ON!!!  Great presentation.  Tea Partiers don't back up.  Tea Partiers don't back down!  It is forward, onward, and upward.  After taking the Presidency and the senate, adding to our members in the house, we need to perform emergency surgery on the bureaucracy, cutting out, removing that giant cancerous tumor located in the "cabinet".  Ann Coulter has said it most recently; abolish the department of commerce, agriculture, etcetera.  These "regulatory bodies do the dirty work of the presidency.  Any harm perpetrated on our citizenry can be directly linked to a "regulartory agency, stuffed full of political hacks".  Its time for these folks to get a real job!
Comment by Tim Clark on September 12, 2011 at 8:06am
Sharia never!  That's not just hate speech from an Islamophobic Tea party member, democratic republics are meant for freedom loving people not for Thugocratic philosophies.  Hey an aside, catch Glenn Becks 9/12 show.  He is going to be up to good mischief today.
Comment by Joe Story on September 12, 2011 at 7:54am

Thank you Billie,

It is nice to know that so many people are becoming aware that this financial disaster we are in as a nation is more than just bad leadership. It is part of a strategy seeking absolute Dhimmitude, the Islamic system of governing populations conquered by jihad wars, encompassing all of the demographic, financial, ethnic, and religious aspects of the political system. With each concession comes further surrender and appeasement towards Islamic demands.


Muslims have created an expectation of Islamophobia as a means for the subrogation of the rights of American people. This is a perfect ruse to penetrate our society demanding “equal benefits” when the objective is total control. This net centric strategy[1] is creating the most powerful Muslim nation in the world, the USA.  It does not matter what sect (denomination) of Islam they practice what matters is that they are Muslim and they are achieving positions of power in our geo-political structure.


The purpose of establishing Islamic Mosques in Christian, “infidel” areas of the world, particularly the United States is to further Islamic conquest through non-conventional Asymmetric Warfare[2] . Which Islamic sect[3] controls the USA and the world will be determined next.


Think hard America as our legal and social structure established on the Judeo Christian bible become subjected to Islamic rule and shari'a law.

This no place for politics patriotism must rule if we are going to survive as a nation.


Comment by Tim Clark on September 12, 2011 at 7:40am
Have a great debate, I wouldn't give CNN to much praise yet until you see how they slice and dice the footage.

National Debt Clock


The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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