Credit: Refugee Resettlement Watch - Anne Corcoran
World Relief out in front!
You already know this is happening because you’ve probably seen the media campaign where you live. Pro-Syrian Muslim groups and the federal resettlement contractors*** are putting in motion a campaign like no other especially since they have learned that the majority of Americans don’t want the US State Department to bring in 10,000 Syrian, mostly Muslim, refugees and scatter them throughout the country.
LOL! They think if they utter the word “robust” in regards to the vetting process, the public will say—well, then by all means let them in! WTH is “robust?”
Meet Jenny Yang
Jenny Yang, Washington DC lobbyist for World Relief spinning the Syrian refugee story.
Here is just one article about the media blitz by pro-Syrian groups and the No Borders movement, this one from Voice of America:
In three U.S. opinion polls published by Bloomberg, NBC News and the Washington Post/ABC News this month, 53 to 56 percent of respondents said no more Syrian refugees should enter. One reason cited by many respondents is a concern that Islamic State terrorists could slip through the U.S. refugee vetting process.
World Relief (National Association of Evangelicals) is one of the nine federally-funded resettlement contractors out in force in defense of their role in bringing in mostly Muslim Syrian refugees (98% so far are Sunni Muslims).
And, remember! The UN High Commissioner for Refugees told a Georgetown audience (here, we were there) that the Syrian Christians are not persecuted because the “regime” (Assad) is protecting them, therefore it is the Sunni Muslims that the UNHCR is focusing on and sending to your towns.
Here is World Relief’s Washington advocate (aka lobbyist) Jenny Yang:
Yang never tells the listening audience that World Relief is PAID BY THE HEAD by the US taxpayer for their work in ‘welcoming communities’ and that they work closely with businesses to supply them with cheap immigrant labor.
World Relief’s vice president of advocacy and policy, Jenny Yang, also appeared on Hashtag VOA, and said her organization works with businesses and religious groups around the country to provide Syrian refugees with jobs and welcoming communities.
World Relief is also reimbursed by the taxpayer through a match program for supplying the volunteers in churches who pick up the refugees at the airport!
“We equip churches to respond tangibly,” Yang said. “We work with them in picking up a refugee family at the airport, or providing them with a meal, or even inviting a family [to join them] for the holidays.”
Then here she is implying that they are saving the Christians, WORLD RELIEF IS NOT SAVING THE CHRISTIANS! The UNHCR is picking Sunni Muslims for resettlement to America and as a federal contractor, World Relief must resettle the Muslims or lose their federal funding (it is about the money!). Imagine having to dodge and weave like this! I repeat, they are not helping Christians!
Yang said World Relief believes there is a need to help religious minorities in the Middle East, including Christians. “But helping Christians doesn’t have to come at the expense of other refugees like Muslims who also are persecuted,” she said. “As Christian evangelicals, we believe that we can live out the calling of Jesus in welcoming the foreign-born and others into our communities.”
One of their favorite talking points is this one about how Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan are doing more than their fair share. But, please remember that the Syrians who have gone to those countries will be sent back to Syria the minute the fighting is over and will never become voting citizens of those countries. Those coming here will live permanently in the US, bring their family members and become voting citizens of America. And, it will never end. More than two decades after the Somali civil war the US (World Relief and others) are still resettling Somalis in small town America by the thousands!
Yang said the number of Syrian refugees that the Obama administration wants to welcome in fiscal year 2016 — 10,000 — is a “drop in the bucket” compared to the millions of Syrian refugees absorbed by Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq.
More here at VOA. (Voice of America)
World Relief is just one of nine federal contractors working to change America for Obama, for the NO Borders Left, and for the Democrat Party.
Click the link below for a list of cities where World Relief is doing its “welcoming” work. Any ‘pockets of resistance’ forming in these cities? ( 3 In Florida )
***Nine major federal contractors which like to call themselves VOLAGs (Voluntary agencies) which is such a joke considering how much federal money they receive:
Church World Service (CWS)
Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC) (secular)
Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM)
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
International Rescue Committee (IRC) (secular)
US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) (secular)
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
World Relief Corporation (WR)
The other day we told you that the nine major federal resettlement contractors have put in motion a massive campaign to make sure they can continue to flood your towns with refugees and collect their paychecks! One of the nine is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society which has instructions on contacting your member of Congress and US Senators.
Meet Melanie Nezer
Here are their instructions. It appears the appeal is broad (and not just aimed at the Safe Act) as had been previously the focus of their attention—they seem to ‘get-it’ that the funding for the entire refugee admissions program could be in jeopardy.
But, what I want you to know is that they have a feedback page so that their people can report what they learn when calling Congressional offices. And, get this! Their top day was November 18th when 105 people reported in, yesterday only 2 reported.
But, check this out! From comments at HIAS website:
Senator Perdue: Parker, who answered the phone, said that Senator Perdue firmly opposed the resettlement of any Syrian refugees in Georgia; they received 7,000 calls yesterday in opposition to the resettlement of Syrian refugees in Georgia and my call at 1:53 pm today was the first call they received in favor of the refugee program.
So, if you think your calls don’t matter, you are wrong! They have never been challenged like this! Mention the Syrians in your calls, but it’s the funding for the program you should focus on!
About Nezer: Way back in early 2014, Nezer was the first to call for a huge number of Syrians to be admitted to the US. HIAS is now pushing for 100,000 mostly Muslim Syrians to be resettled in your towns and cities.
Here is another link were HIAS is encouraging it's supporters to contact congress
Despite all the tough talk by Speaker Paul Ryan and GOP leaders in Congress about Syrian refugees and the need for better screening, the true intent of those leaders will be laid bare on Dec. 11.
That’s the day that a catch-all “omnibus” budget bill is scheduled to be voted on in the House.
In that bill there is expected to be full funding of President Obama’s refugee resettlement program, which costs $1.2 billion annually to bring in 85,000 refugees from more than two dozen countries around the world. About half of them will come from countries with active jihadist movements including 10,000 from Syria, about 8,000 from Somalia, nearly 10,000 from Iraq, and several thousand more from Burma, Uzbekistan, Bosnia, Democratic Republic of Congo and Afghanistan.
The United Nations will choose which refugees from what countries get to come to America at the U.S. taxpayer’s expense. The nationalities of these refugees will be concealed in most cases until after they arrive in the more than 180 cities and towns across the U.S.
The House passed a bill, the America SAFE Act, by a lopsided vote two weeks ago that calls for a “pause” in the resettlements until the White House can provide certain assurances that the refugees have been properly vetted.
But that’s a smokescreen as the SAFE Act won’t stop a single refugee from arriving in any of those 180 cities, says Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., who is chairman of the Senate’s subcommittee on immigration and the national interest.
Of the 132 Syrian refugees admitted to the U.S. since the attack on Paris, all of them have been Muslim. Not a single Syrian Christian has been allowed in over that period through the U.N.’s refugee program, government databases show.
There is only one way to stop the refugees, as the governors of more than two dozen states have said they want them stopped.
Sessions released the following statement Tuesday addressing the refugee program and its close cousin, Obama’s policy of “welcoming” illegal alien women and children from Central America.
“This year’s appropriations bills – which will be combined into a catch-all ‘omnibus’ by Dec. 11 – amount to a blank check for the President to carry out his refugee resettlement plans [as well as to]: fund the continued placement of illegal aliens from Central America into U.S. communities; continue federal funding for ‘sanctuary cities’; allow for the continued operation of the President’s 2012 executive amnesty program; and [could also] include a huge expansion of the H-2B foreign worker visa program.
“The President’s annual funding requests are just that: requests. It is the exclusive and sole constitutional prerogative of Congress whether or not to accept his requests, reject them, or impose whatever conditions Congress deems proper on behalf of taxpaying Americans.
“Now is the hour of choosing for Congress; will we surrender – funding Obama’s entire immigration agenda – or will we assert Congress’s power on behalf of the interests of the American people?”
Not only will Obama be allowed to bring in the 85,000 refugees he has announced on top of current record immigration levels, but this will include at least 10,000 refugees from Syria who will subsequently be able to bring in their foreign relatives, Sessions said.
All refugees are eligible for lifetime government assistance and can draw funds from Social Security and Medicare at Americans’ expense. More than 90 percent of recent Middle Eastern refugees are on food stamps, Sessions said. As soon as they arrive on U.S. soil they are placed on a fast-track to becoming full, voting citizens.
“Altogether, we can expect to issue nearly 700,000 green cards – or lifetime residency cards – to migrants from Muslim nations over the next five years (as we did over the last five years),” he said. “Terror groups have demonstrated that they will recruit from among this inflow. We have already identified nearly 30 foreign-born individuals charged or convicted of terrorism offenses in the last year – investigations which required the deployment of vast manpower, financial and legal resources.”
A bill in the House, HR 3314 introduced by Rep. Brian Babin, R-Texas, would cut off all funding for the refugee program until a full audit can be completed on both the costs and the risks to national security. Thus far Ryan has not brought it to the floor for a vote and Babin has said he wants the bill’s language to be inserted into the omnibus spending bill coming up for a vote on Dec. 11.
While the cost to administer the program is known to be $1.2 billion a year, that figure does not include the heavy welfare usage by refugees.
The Obama Administration has said it may bring in up to 30,000 Syrian refugees in fiscal 2017, following the 10,000 in fiscal 2016.
“There is, however, no limit on the number that the President can admit this year or any year under current law, if Congress continues to write blank checks,” he said.
“It is also expected that the omnibus bill will fund the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s continued placement of illegal aliens from Central America into U.S. communities – instead of deporting them – on top of the enormous green card flow.”
The omnibus will also likely continue federal funding for “sanctuary cities” and allow for the continued operation of Obama’s 2012 executive amnesty program, which provides work authorizations and certain government benefits to some 700,000 illegal aliens under the age of 30.
And, finally, the omnibus may also include a huge expansion of the H-2B foreign worker visa program, used to fill blue-collar jobs such as truck driving, landscaping, construction work and hotel service.
“This action would further replace and reduce wages of American workers during a time of record immigration and historically low workforce participation rates,” Sessions said.
Obama’s annual funding requests are just that: requests. It’s up to Congress whether to approve them.
“It is the exclusive and sole constitutional prerogative of Congress whether or not to accept his requests, reject them, or impose whatever conditions Congress deems proper on behalf of taxpaying Americans,” Sessions said.
“Now is the hour of choosing for Congress; will we surrender – funding Obama’s entire immigration agenda – or will we assert Congress’s power on behalf of the interests of the American people, and declare by appropriations what programs are worthy and what are not?”
Click below if you want to play around with the US State Department data base (called the Refugee Processing Center).
What did other countries commit to?
Posted by Ann Corcoran on February 2, 2014
IRELAND WILL ACCEPT 90 Syrian refugees this year, the government has told the United Nation’s refugee agency.
Most will be resettled from host countries in the Middle East and North African region. According to the Department of Justice, they could possibly come from over-populated camps in Lebanon and Jordan.
Earlier this week, the UK agreed to take up to 500 refugees after a battle with the UNHCR for not signing on to its ‘quota’ programme.
Check out this interesting graphic accompanying the story. I guess that message that the US has agreed to take 2,000 (from the article about US Rep. Pascrell wanting 15,000) hasn’t reached the UN. Frankly, I didn’t think the 2,000 was a done deal yet because the security screening will take a long time and we are already 4 months into the fiscal year.
As always thank you so much for taking action..
There comes a time when MORE is needed to be done. There was another such time when MORE was needed to be done.
And, The Tea Party was born and did MORE.
Another such time has come again...
Break out the old Tea Party play book. It's needed again.
I guess I look at this differently. While I might not be able to STOP anything, at least I am exercising my rights as an American to let my representative know my opinion along with standing up for what I think is right for my country. Whether it's giving an opinion, asking questions on a vote and/or thanking a leader for his/her leadership on an issue.........I willdo what I consider to be my "bit of participation." "It's my duty."
This invasion is not going to be stopped with telephones. No matter how 'smart' your phone is...
Just as the illegal mexican invasion has not been stopped with telephones.
This war against the American people and their country has gone on far to long to be stopped with telephone calls.
There is no easy way out of this war.
All eyes will be on the leaders we have elected to represent us next Friday, Dec. 11th. The BIG Question will be if they listen to the American people and "do the right thing." All the more reason for each of us to take 5 minutes and make those calls!
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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