From my blog at
You are who you associate with. During the campaign, we were told over and over by the major news outlets how Obama was a moderate who would "bring this country together". Any time people tried to point out who Obama associated with previous to running for office, such as Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright, the mainstream media and Democrats in Congress would label the whistle-blowers as "racist" and "uncomfortable with the thought of a black president". Well, nearly 18 months into office, those who warned us about Obama's
associations are telling us "We told you so".
So, who is it this time that is causing such a stir? This would be Obama's newly recess appointed administer to Medicare and Medicaid, Donald Berwick. Before we divulge into him, we must first take a look back into Obama's past. We have been saying now for quite some time that Obama, at the core, is a Marxist. Obama's record does not say otherwise. In the early 90s, Obama began his move in the political scene thanks to the ''New Party''. Rick Moran of The American Thinker pointed out some facts about the "New Party":
Most New Party members hailed from the Democratic Socialists of America and the militant organization ACORN. The party's Chicago chapter also included a large contingent from the Committees of Correspondence, a Marxist coalition of former Maoists, Trotskyists, and Communist Party USA members.
Here are some more nuggets. WorldNetDaily points out that Obama's Illinois State Senate run began as a fundraiser in the home of Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers. Accuracy in the Media points out that during the same time frame, the Democratic Socialists of America endorsed Obama. Obama's church for over 20 years taught liberation theology which has deep Marxist roots. Also, take a look at some of Obama's quotes from his book 'Dreams of My Father':
"I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets......Political discussions, the kind at Occidental had once seemed so intense and purposeful, came to take on the flavor of the socialist conferences I sometimes attended at Cooper Union"
Marxism is basically defined as "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Remember when Obama told Joe the Plumber he wanted to "redistribute the wealth" so people will have a "fair shot"? Now that you have that quick background, let's take a look at Obama's new appointee.
Donald Berwick is relatively unknown because he has never appeared before the Senate for questioning. Obama appointed him to run Medicare and Medicaid during the July 4th recess. So, what is it about this man that forced me to do a brief history lesson on Obama's ties to Marxism? This is a quote from Berwick while speaking in Great Britain:
“Please don’t put your faith in market forces. It is a popular idea that Adam Smith’s invisible hand will do a better job at designing care than leaders with plans can do. I do not agree. I find little evidence anywhere that market forces bluntly used that is just consumer choice among a ray of products with competitors fighting it out, leads to the health care system you want and need”
So, according to Berwick, free markets don't work. There was another man who despised the concept of free markets. His name was Karl Marx. Free market capitalism is what made America the most prosperous nation the world has ever known. The "right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness" is the heart and soul of capitalism. Capitalism does not guarantee one's success. One must earn it. But, according to Berwick, a system with a proven track record of success is not needed for his vision of health care. This next quote from Berwick is what solidifies his Marxist views that tie in with Obama and his associates:
“Any health care funding plan that is just, equitable, civilized, and humane must, must redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the poorer and the less fortunate. Excellent health care is by definition redistributional.”
Remember Karl Marx's 'Communist Manifesto' creed, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." This man finds it completely necessary, and legal, to forcefully take from one who has earned wealth and give it to someone who has not worked as hard to achieve that same level of wealth, or health care. It is truly uncanny how many of these people Obama has in his administration who have hardcore fundamental beliefs that are completely contradictory to everything this nation was founded upon. Fortunately, Americans seem to be awakening from Obama's inauguration hangover and are seeing him for who he truly is. A Gallup poll from last month showed that 42% of Americans claim to be conservative, 35% moderate, and only 20% claim to be liberal. Obama has willfully gone against the American people in his health care bill and his latest gaffe, suing Arizona on their new immigration bill. Marxism is not a system of government for people who believe in liberty and freedom. All signs point that this November, Americans will tell Obama just that.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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