Last night across the bottom of the tv screen, the words read: Senator Brown will vote for Financial Reform bill. I watched the scrolling words move across the screen in dismay with a large pit in my stomach. My mind took me back to Scott Brown's campaign and his promise to stand up for Freedom if we gave him The People's Seat.

Yesterday, his lies became clear and he will trade our Financial Freedom for his Financial Welfare forevermore. He will not have to worry where his pension will come from. He will not have to worry if he will have food on the table. He will not have to worry about anything EXCEPT one thing: He will have to worry about the people he enslaved and answer for this decision for the rest of his life - and beyond.

An open letter to Mr. Brown - "You may have beautiful daughters but you yourself are one ugly man. Ugliness comes from within and what you have decided to do to us is a slap in the face of those who worked for you and with you to win the People's seat. I, for one, hope you lose sleep over this and you will not rest again until you make the right decision. We will not rest either because now you have created more concern for us, more regulations from a government who can't even keep oil off our shores or terrorists from America's borders. You think this same government can do a better job of handling my financial well being than I can? Get in your truck Mr. Brown and ride around so you can clear your head. This is a bad decision and you need to right it before you make it."

Ladies and Gentlemen: Go to and read all the information they have prepared for you regarding this Non-Financial Reform bill. It is filled with horrible rules, regulations and more big government. New agencies, new laws and even racial preferences are inside the belly of this bill. It's bad and nothing about it is good.

Once you have read the information - pick up your phone. Our fore fathers penned their name to a Freedom document and I am asking you to pick up a phone and call for Freedom for yourself and your family.

As you get ready to dial, listen to Jim Croce sing Bad, Bad Leroy Brown and change the lyrics to read:

The District of Corruption

Is the worst of any town

And if you go down there

You better just beware

Of a man named Senator Brown

Now Scott is more than trouble

You see he lied and took the seat

Said he’d serve the wishes of the people
Yet he’s a man of deceit

And it’s bad, bad Senator Brown

The baddest bill in the whole danged town

Badder than healthcare reform

And meaner than cap and trade

Now Scott he was a talker

And used the people too

And he made commercials with his truck

To make him one of us

Now he’s got HIS seat in Congress

And his lifetime pension too

He got a finger in his pocket for fun

And he’s aiming it straight at you

And it’s bad, bad Senator Brown

The baddest bill in the whole danged town

Badder than healthcare reform

And meaner than cap and trade

Now Friday ‘bout a week ago

Brown was shooting right

Said finance bill was just too bad

And oo he would fight

Then he changed his vote about it

And the trouble he will reap

Cause Senator Brown will learn a lesson

Bout messin with the People’s Seat

And it’s bad, bad Senator Brown

The baddest bill in the whole danged town

Badder than healthcare reform

And meaner than cap and trade

Well the Senator with his best friend Snowe

When they head down to the floor

Will vote for this big government

And our freedom's out the door

And it’s bad, bad Senator Brown

The baddest bill in the whole danged town

Badder than healthcare reform

And meaner than cap and trade

Views: 34


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Comment by Mary Ann Mobilian on July 13, 2010 at 11:39am

Love the song! I think that tune should be going through our heads as we investigate all the other candidates running for office.

Mary Ann
Comment by Harold Swift on July 13, 2010 at 9:31am
Point well taken Honiker, send fax below to your reps.
Comment by Bob Honiker on July 13, 2010 at 9:28am
There must be something in Massachusetts water!. I'm not surprised, although I did send ten bucks to Brown's campaign. I never expected more than a very lesser evil.
If there are any Romney salesmen lurking around here, don't waste your time on me.
Comment by Yvonne C Heikkinen on July 13, 2010 at 8:42am
I was gullible and donated to Mr Browns' campaign when he was running for the Senate. Silly me! "Buyer Beware" when it comes to candidates from states that are not your own. If anything screams "do your homework" this does! If he was elected in Mass. then it's not likely you'll find too many true Conservatives. He's just another pretender that said all the right things about the issues that were important to "small Government" conservatives. Like, for instance "I will be the 41 vote against the Health Care Bill". It didn't matter and he went on to vote with the Dems on other issues. It's so frustrating!
Comment by Harold Swift on July 13, 2010 at 8:37am

Please contact your reps also. Snow fax is: 1-202-224-1946 Brown fax is: 1-202-228-2646


Sen. Allen Specter;
Sen. Robert Casey;
Rep. Glenn Thompson;

SAY NO TO: 'Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act' UNDER THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Even Sen. Dodd, the bill’s chief architect, has stated that the bill’s contents, effects, and impacts are unknown and will remain so until the act is passed into law and implemented. WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE THERE FOR? RUBBER STAMPING?

It's just another Pelosi stunt. "You have to pass this bill to find out what's in it."

Please, bring all the pressure on Snow and Brown to get off this band wagon. We, the public, have had all the government control we can handle for the present.

Sincerely, Harold T. Swift,
Clearfield, Pa. 16830

Comment by George Vaughn on July 13, 2010 at 8:30am
This guy is certainly a disappoint. Are there no consequences for his actions? He is nothing but a "closet" democrat and his voting record to date is nothing close to his campaign image that he projected before getting elected. We have got to get better people than this running for office and a starting point would be for potential candidates to sign a pledge to conservatism with definite consequences if they turn against the people while in office. These guys act like they are 10 feet tall and bullet proof once getting elected to office and do not represent the people.
Comment by Barbara Y. Martin on July 13, 2010 at 8:27am
Comment by Bella on July 13, 2010 at 8:07am
Just like BHO Brown is a smooth operator.
They are so very CHARMING that even the
snakes rise up in a basket. Remember the snake
charmers? There are many out there sadly to say.
Comment by Joanna B McDermott on July 13, 2010 at 8:00am
Who can you trust?
Comment by Harold Swift on July 13, 2010 at 7:18am
Guess we get what they pay for no matter who we put in there.

National Debt Clock


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Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


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