Blood on the hands of Obama’s phony propaganda

This is the companion piece to another commentary I will be putting up as soon as this one goes up.  Very interesting how long the list is, isn't it?


The title line of this note uses a good turn of phrase by Walid Shoebat in the article linked below:

Alinsky smiling up at Obama over “Phony Scandals” line | Walid ShoebatWalid Shoebat:

He refers to Obama’s phony “phony scandals” remark, where he said all of the scandals of his administration’s doing are “phony scandals”.

He means: 1.The long list of lies and dirty tricks used for the Unaffordable Act and its PHONY purpose

2.Fast and Furious and its PHONY cover story 2a.The PROMOTION of the managers of the Fast and Furious operation instead of demotion

3.Eric Holder in contempt of court for Fast and Furious stonewalling

4.Obama covering Holder with PHONY “executive privilege” cover


6.Benghazi-gate whistleblower suppression

7.The IRS targeting tea party, patriot, and other conservative and libertarian tax status applications for denial by endless questionnaires

8.IRS investigation stalling and stonewalling

9.Suspension WITH PAY for the most visible IRS official in charge of deep-sixing conservative applications

10.The coverup by secret classifications of murders of civilians in Iraq including reporters, part of the files we have seen thanks to whistleblower Bradley Manning

11.The universal Orwellian Big Brother surveillance state, the gathering of data on EVERYBODY in the country, in gross and blatant violation of the Fourth Amendment, expanded by the Patriot Act and expanded by the Obama administration

12.The demotion, harassment, and the prosecution of whistleblowers and the journalists that publish their data, to scare other potential whistleblowers

13.Janet Napolitano’s DHS enemies watch list for federal, state and local law enforcement, listing veterans, conservatives, libertarians like Ron Paul supporters, grouped along with other bad guys as dangerous (We saw in the 2012 presidential campaign who were the more dangerous ones with the blatant illegal, fraudulent and abusive treatment of Ron Paul delegates)

14.The blatant abuse of authority by the president to order a stop to drilling permits in the Gulf, and then the blatant disobedience by the Obama administration to more than one order by a federal judge to open up the drilling permits

15.The use of the DOJ to provoke racial animosity in a highly publicized case, and the blatant disregard for many racists attacks across the country against lighter skinned Americans whose only sin is the color of their skin

And now we have a new scandal uncovered by Walid Shoebat, the attempt by the Obama administration to provoke some big attack by someone of the groups they hate and they want to suppress, to provide a cover for the much bigger attack on what’s left of respect for individual rights in America, and to finish crippling the American economy with a fascist/socialist central-planning regime.

They are also distractions from the way this dictatorship is getting built. The Federal Reserve is the focal point of both economic disruption and money creation, with funds going first to the best connected and the most favored, and that’s not the poor. The poor are pacified with “safety net” promises and demagoguery. They remind me of the cartoon I saw once of the rich man with the beggar, where the rich man is telling the beggar, “I’m sorry I can’t find anything to give you”, with the rich man’s hand searching around inside the beggar’s jacket. Except in this case, the rich man fascist is buying the poor man’s votes, and by the way, the rich man’s votes too, with government subsidies and “tax breaks”. Tax breaks are where they let you keep some of the money they’re stealing.


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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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