Office Depot and ICLEI USA Launch National Green Business Challenge with Cities Across the Country
Innovative Program Helps Local Governments Engage Business Communities in Going Greener; Four New Challengers to Be Announced at the NYSE Closing Bell on April 21
BOCA RATON, Fla., Apr 20, 2011 (BUSINESS WIRE) --
Office Depot (NYSE:ODP), celebrating 25 years as a leading global provider of office supplies and services, and ranked as America's greenest large retailer by Newsweek(R) Magazine, today announced a partnership with ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability USA to launch the 2011 Green Business Challenge. Executives from Office Depot and ICLEI together with elected officials from the City of Austin, TX; City of Bellevue, WA; City of Chula Vista, CA; and Triangle J Council of Governments, NC will launch the program by ringing the Closing Bell at the New York Stock Exchange and greening the exchange floor on Thursday, April 21, the eve of Earth Day.
"On behalf of ICLEI's 600 local government members across the nation, we wish to thank Office Depot for its vital support and commitment to helping businesses embrace environmental sustainability," said Martin J. Chávez, Executive Director of ICLEI USA. "We feel that Office Depot, as the greenest large retailer in America, is the ideal partner to expand ICLEI's Green Business Challenge and encourage energy efficiency and promote energy-saving efforts among different sectors of the business community."
The Green Business Challenge is a unique program that seeks to engage local property managers and tenants in a friendly competition to save energy, reduce waste and water consumption, procure greener products, and implement other sustainable activities within their companies. The program was initially piloted in 2010 as the City of Chicago "Green Office Challenge" and organized by the Chicago Department of Environment and ICLEI USA. Office Depot was the primary underwriter of the challenge in Chicago and directly supported key aspects of the initial program development.
As the Presenting Sponsor of the 2011 Green Business Challenge, Office Depot is providing core funding for the national rollout of the program, in addition to "Green Business Challenge Implementation Packs," which will be given to the Cities of Austin, Bellevue, and Chula Vista, as well as the Triangle J Council of Governments. The Office Depot "Green Implementation Packs" include direct funding and technical support as well as products and services designed to help local governments manage the Green Business Challenge. Further, Office Depot will provide the participating cities and businesses with greener purchasing training.
"Most corporate environmental efforts focus primarily on the supply chain or internal operations, but very few focus on shifting the marketplace," said Yalmaz Siddiqui, Director of Environmental Strategy for Office Depot. "ICLEI USA's Green Business Challenge provides a simple step-by-step approach for businesses of all sizes to go greener. Office Depot is excited to be the presenting sponsor of the Green Business Challenge because we know that encouraging the business community to go greener can have a transformational impact all the way up the supply chain."
To learn more about ICLEI USA's Green Business Challenge, please visit
For more information about Office Depot's environmental initiatives, visit:
To learn more about the products and services available at Office Depot, please visit your local Office Depot retail store location or To become a fan of Office Depot on Facebook and receive exclusive content, offers and more, please visit To follow Office Depot on Twitter, please visit
About ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability USA
ICLEI USA's membership represents some of the most aggressive and innovative climate action happening in the United States including: innovative building codes in New York, carbon neutrality goals in Austin, light rail in Portland, renewable energy in San Jose to energy efficiency in North Little Rock - ICLEI USA's members are moving forward on lowering Greenhouse Gas Emissions and bolstering their sustainability efforts right now. For more information, please visit:
About Office Depot
Celebrating 25 years as a leading global provider of office supplies and services, Office Depot is Taking Care of Business for millions of customers around the globe. For the local corner store as well as Fortune 500 companies, Office Depot provides supplies and services to its customers through 1,602 worldwide retail stores, a dedicated sales force, top-rated catalogs and a $4.1 billion e-commerce operation. Office Depot has annual sales of approximately $11.6 billion, and employs about 40,000 associates around the world. The Company provides more office supplies and services to more customers in more countries than any other company, and currently sells to customers directly or through affiliates in 53 countries.
Office Depot's common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol ODP. Additional press information can be found at: and
SOURCE: Office Depot
Office Depot
Melissa Perlman, 561-438-0704
Guillermo Meneses, 202-629-3591
It seems like this thread is covering a lot of territory including not only buying pens and paper at Office Depot but also the Federal Reserve Bank, failing schools, the New World Order, Woodrow Wilson and the League of Nations, and relationship between the AFL-CIO and the Fabian Socialist movement in England a hundred years ago with security lock boxes in Cedar Falls Iowa. Most of these issues have only a tangential relationship with Agenda 21 at best- certainly no cause and effect. I will readily accede that the UN has passed an Agenda 21 resolution that promotes sustainability, and that George Bush signed a resolution of support of the concept. It is gaining wide spread support across America and around the globe. There might be some points upon which we disagree.
The most widely quoted definition of sustainability and sustainable development is that of the Brundtland Commission of the United Nations on March 20, 1987: “sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". It appears to me that this idea is consistent with Biblical admonitions for stewardship. Is this contrary to your value system? Is it really a good idea to deprive future generations to support for their own existence through (unnecessary) exploitation of resources?
Agenda 21 is real.
Go to 3:35 - was that a stack and pack unit?
Thanks Debbie!
Does Gov. Scott seem concerned?
I know it's not good for Florida and so I'm going to make sure we're not giving someone else the power to figure out our destiny. I'm focused on our rights as an individual state. I don't believe the federal government should be telling us what to do and clearly the UN should not be dictating how we build our state. Governor Rick Scott
If you would like to pull your heads out of the sand and take a couple of minutes to read (in a PDF format, so you can take your HOOTS for shorter periods of time) on Agenda 21. See link below!
You think you own your land, try not paying your property taxes.
“The student of true history, which is not a series of disconnected episodes but a flow of policies stemming from philosophies, knows that current events can only be realistically assessed against the background of past ideas and beliefs” The Fabian Socialist Contribution to the Communist Advance.
@Paul, my mistake Forever Florida and Florida Forever are two distinct separate entities. Forever Florida, an ecotourism entity, is not associated with the Florida Forever, a government land acquisition program. Accurate research is the datum of reliability.
Though we have a constitution and it is “supposed” to prevent any state or locale from entering into agreements with foreign entities, such agreements are being made across the nation. In Cedar Falls, Iowa on May 23rd, 2011 the city council passed an ordinance to require “lock boxes” on all commercial property under the guise of safety. The citizens vehemently protested this encroachment on their private property. This may, on its face, appear to be a local city issue, but in fact was part of Agenda 21.
The ordinance is based on International Fire Code (IFC) and supported by the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), AFL-CIO. The IAFF out of Chicago lobbied the City Council in Cedar Falls, Iowa to pass this legislation.
The AFL-CIO has a long history of promoting a socialist style of production and is working on a global level to gain in this effort.
In 1916 the Intercollegiate Socialist Society (ISS) made this statement in their Oct-Nov quarterly: “To be sure, the Socialists have never seen advantage in perpetuating a capitalist state as such; but they usually have seen very great advantage in preserving such of its machinery as can be used in furtherance of the cause of democracy; and in preserving even the capitalist state itself from chaos until it can be conquered from within by the ballot and economic pressure and converted from a capitalist state into a co-operative commonwealth.
In 1919 the ISS began to look into partnering with labor and the Fabian Society of London. The 1919 Socialist Review pointed out the success of England moving towards a socialist style of production “It is control of industry by the producers (including, of course, foremen, managers, draughtsmen, directors, technical advisors).
The fundamental fact is that the owners of land and capital have lost control of labor. Labor refuses longer to work under a system of “private enterprise,” and for “private profits.” The game is up. Labor demands a transfer of economic power.”
I did make a mistake with the Florida Forever, but did not make a mistake with the Agenda 21 issue. It is real, it is egregious, it is a global effort to control citizens, and it is here in Jacksonville. I posted this merely for information for those who already have done their homework on Agenda 21.
Below is seemingly innocuous letter from the United Nations that aims to foster legislation and regulation to help both the environment and the citizens. However, it is a “feel good” presentation of Agenda 21 and global control of citizens.
Commission on Sustainable Development Thirteenth session 11-22 April 2005 Item 4 (c) of the provisional agenda*
Thematic cluster for the implementation cycle 2004-2005 (policy session): human settlements
Distr.: General 9 December 2004
Original: English
Human settlements: policy options and possible actions to expedite implementation
Report of the Secretary-General
Sustainable human settlements development requires a coherent and proactive policy approach to land use, housing, urban services, infrastructure and environment. While there are many examples worldwide demonstrating the impact of local policies and programmes on reducing urban poverty, faced with the prospect of further growth of slums and informal settlements, the challenge is to find solutions that work at both city and nationwide scales. Where slums and informal settlements host the majority of the rapidly growing urban population, sustainable urban development cannot be separated from
Please do not confuse Forever Florida, a private ecotourism company with Florida Forever, the state program to strategically purchase (mostly otherwise undevelopable land) for conservation and recreation, in order to protect the states natural and cultural resources. The United Nations does not operate either program.
There is an article on FCTP about truth, yet it is ironic to see links to such spurious falsehoods and misinformation regarding Agenda 21, what it is and what it isn't. The United States still operates under its constitution, the United Nations does NOT control the national, state or local governments, people are not being rounded up and placed in interment camps. Wise land use planning did not start in 1992, the idea that our generation should use up all the world's resources and leave nothing for future generations is not a morally superior position, nor is it the vision of the founding fathers. Provision for eminent domain is derived from English common law and was only later incorporated into the US Constition. It was certainly not invented by the UN in 1992. Wise use of community resources is not a socialist plot, and the world did not end in the year 2000 as was projected by many of the same unreliable sources that are now erecting their straw man arguments regarding Agenda 21. It may be time to look at the truth of the matter rather than relying upon falsehoods and distortions being pimped for personal and corporate profit.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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