Brandon Darby is an American hero.  He is a former anarchist and a former friend and member of the group behind the Occupy movement.   Darby began working as an FBI informant in November 2007.  He infiltrated groups that organized protests at the 2008 Republican National Convention and gave the FBI information which led to the seizure of 34 homemade riot shields.  Two of the activists in this group purchased materials for and constructed Molotov cocktails that were to be used on state owned vehicles.

Darby became widely despised for his "entrapment" of the conspirators in the activism community where he was once a leader.  He realized the real purpose behind his "friends" passion and could not be a part of destroying America.    The same group of radicals are now inciting riots in the Occupy movement.  Brandon's "former friends" are caught speaking at these events.  See the video below:  




 He will join others on our stage at the event to pep up the patriots for a showdown at the polls one year from that night - Election Night.  We have had the honor of hearing Brandon and spending time with him.  You can't miss this one!  For more information and to RSVP, please go to  Rally to the Right Event Information  





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Comment by FCTP on October 15, 2011 at 6:45pm
Please see this reference to Brandon Darby in today's article at Big Government --
In keeping with the new media notion of crowdsourcing–enthusiastically embraced by the mainstream media when trawling through Sarah Palin’s emails–Big Government will be providing readers later today with links to a document drop consisting of thousands of emails.
The email archive, created by a private cyber security researcher, appears to contain messages shared by the left’s anarcho-socialist activists during the strategic and daily tactical planning of the “Occupy Wall Street” and broader “Occupy” campaign this fall.
Big Government received a tip about the existence of the archive, and we were able to contact the individual who compiled and posted it. He will describe the archive, and how he obtained the emails, later this morning exclusively on Big Government.
Through “crowdsourcing,” the media and the public will then be able to discover the truth behind the “Occupy” movement.
The archive includes emails, for example, from radical anarchist organizer Lisa Fithian, who was profiled earlier this week at Big Government, and who is one of the leading organizers behind the Occupy movement.
In one email, dated October 1, Fithian applauds the launch of “occupations” throughout the country. She also highlights an ACORN-style illegal home occupation in California, linking to a television news story that reveals the involvement of the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE), which is apparently the reconstituted version of ACORN in California.
Per the 8800+ pages of emails (3900+ emails), the Occupy movement has been in the works for some time. Its leaders apparently intend for it to broaden out and intertwine with the Days of Rage global initiative, which is set to begin on Saturday, October 15th. They also intend the demonstrations to continue indefinitely, as suggested in the following email, dated Monday, October 10:
The true purpose of the Occupy movement appears to be further economic and governmental destabilization, at a time when the world is already facing major financial and political challenges. By embracing the Occupy movement, President Barack Obama, the Democrat Party, and their union allies may be supporting an effort to harm both the domestic and global economies; to create social unrest throughout the democratic world; and to embrace other radical causes, including the anti-Israel movement. Ironically, the emails suggest that the President and the Democrat Party may soon find their friends in the Occupy movement to be a political burden. The email below calls for the Occupy movement to begin “executing higher-risk actions, civil disobedience and arrests,” and suggests: “We must draw a line, disavow the Democrats explicitly, make our messaging a little uncomfortable.”
Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on October 14, 2011 at 10:45am
Billie I respect you for what you do and have done for this movement you are in my book a true patriot and I would not have it said that I did not give a person a chance. I will be there to here this young man tell his side of the story. Thanks for all that you do and God bless you.
Comment by Barry Lee Phillips on October 14, 2011 at 9:53am

One of the things I like about the Tea Party are the people who think for themselves and are not afraid to speak their mind.  That is apparent by the comments in any blog post.

Good point Steven and Rebecca.

I am comfortable with Billie stating this guy has been thoroughly vetted, but I will reserve my opinion of him until I have vetted him myself.



Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on October 14, 2011 at 9:18am
Lee there doesn't seem to be a lot of vetting of some of these people so like myself I suggest you do as much research on these people as you can and make up your own mind as to how they stand up as patriots. Being a hasty judge of a person is how we ended up with Barack Oboma and we all know how that has turned out. It is kind of like Mitt Romney calling himself a conservative. I mean if you design a state controlled medical program that is paid for though taxes or fees on the people of that state it is a socailist program. If you are the designer of that program you must be a socialist so why would you run as a conservative. He may be a smart man but I think he is a little confussed. I mean are you conservative or are you socialist you can't be both.
Comment by FCTP on October 14, 2011 at 9:17am
Please NOTE:  Brandon has been thoroughly vetted and is one of us.  Please vet him yourself and understand that we have done the same.  He is hated by the left for what he did to some of their guys.  Thanks.  Billie
Comment by Rebecca Covington on October 14, 2011 at 8:31am
But I also will do some more research and vetting myself.
Comment by Rebecca Covington on October 14, 2011 at 8:28am
Sounds great! Plan to come and bring family and friends.
Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on October 14, 2011 at 7:43am
You know I am very much a supporter of the TEA PARTY movement and I love my country and I have large concerns about the direction our government is taking us so I am very cautious of the people that I jump on board with. I have heard some of the back ground of this young man and to be quite honest I hesitate to be so fast as to classify him as a hero. The story I was given is that he was more of an instigator of the fire bomb act that lead to some impressional young men being caught up in an act that ended in their arrest. So what I am saying is there are two sides to every story and you might say I am like someone from MO. you have got to show me. I am not sure this young man is not some kind of Benedict Arnald looking for a place to belong. I am sure his story is interesting but is it true?
Comment by Barry Lee Phillips on October 14, 2011 at 6:58am

I am very curious about these people who claim to have had a change of heart about their former allegiance to left wing causes, particularly if that person claims to have had a sudden conversion. 

It wouldn't be the first time that a double agent was used to gather intelligence on the "enemy".

Is anyone vetting these people?

Comment by Cilla Whitcher on October 14, 2011 at 6:42am
Well I was up at 6 this morning and I saw on FOX that the lib Mayor Bloomburg and the owners of the park gave in to these people.  I have to tell you I have no problem with people geathering and protesting, but don't destroy other people's property.  I think if I went to their home and plopped my rear on the sofa and stayed there for 20 days not bathing, eating and leaving all my trash, and using there living room as a bathroom would probably upset them or maybe not!!

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Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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