Will a Spineless Congress Allow More Obama Lawlessness? |
By KrisAnneHall http://www.KrisAnneHall.com January 4, 2012 About six months ago I gave REAL reasons why Obama should be impeached. Now as part of President Obama's fundamental transformation of America, this lawless tyrant is intent upon completely overturning one of the most fundamental characteristics of our Republic; Separation of Powers. The checks and balances in the American system were instituted for the express purpose of combating the rise of a tyrannical and oppressive government. Nonetheless, on December 31, 2011 Josh Earnest, White House deputy press secretary said, “the president will have a larger playing field. If that includes Congress, all the better," But, he added, "that's no longer a requirement." The president did not waste any time in thumbing his nose at the rule of law. Just today, the President announced the “recess appointment” for the controversial Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and three new members to the National Labor Relations board. So what is the problem? Congress is NOT IN RECESS. The President has made a complete end run of Congress and has violated his limitations in Separation of Powers. But what is the big deal about Separation of Powers? James Madison points out in Federalist 47 that“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” Our founders spent a great deal of time discussing separation of powers and believed that such separation was essential to the protection of our liberty. The discussion of the time was not whether these branches SHOULD be separate, but to WHAT DEGREE they should be separate; the founders knowing, as Madison points out, that a separation of the three branches of government was necessary to preserve Liberty. They all agreed that the accumulation of all powers by one person or a single group of people is the very definition of tyranny. “Where the accumulation of power is possible, no further argument is necessary” to support a division and separation of those powers. Madison declares: “…by so contriving the interior structure of the government as that its several constituent parts may, by their mutual relations, be the means of keeping each other in their proper places. “ Our Founders also believed that a certain amount “blending” of these departments was necessary to prevent one Branch from usurping power over the other. This blending is what we know as checks and balances. Madison understood that simply enumerating powers and identifying boundaries on paper would be an insufficient barrier “to the encroaching spirit of power.” Liberty cannot be preserved unless you allow for departmental oversight. Madison made this point very clear: ”But the great security against a gradual concentration of the several powers in the same department, consists in giving to those who administer each department the necessary constitutional means and personal motives to resist encroachments of the others. The provision for defense must in this, as in all other cases, be made commensurate to the danger of attack. Ambition must be made to counteract ambition. The interest of the man must be connected with the constitutional rights of the place. It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government.” The abuses of this President definitely need to be controlled. The absolute amazing thing about this entire scenario is that a President was IMPEACHED for the very thing that our current lawless Executive is doing. On March 3, 1867 Congress enacted the Tenure of Office Act over the veto of President Andrew Johnson. The Tenure of Office Act was designed to prevent the President from removing any office holder appointed by a past president without the advice and consent of the Senate. Johnson did not acknowledge this limitation and publicly declared the 39th Congress was not a Congress at all. He then removed the then Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton from office and appointed Ulysses S. Grant in his place. On February 24, 1868 the House of Representatives brought 11 articles of impeachment against Johnson according to article 2 of the Constitution. Ten of these articles were dedicated to Johnson’s ignoring this Separation of Powers. Johnson was successfully impeached by the House, but was acquitted after trial. Although several Governors had been impeached in the colonies, this was the first sitting president to be impeached. Most impeachments have occurred due to the executive branch ignoring its limitations through separation of powers. In this case, unlike today, Congress fulfilled their responsibility in the “checks and balance” aspect of the Separation of Power and impeached Johnson. Our founders knew that these checks and balances MUST be utilized to prevent the natural course of men who wish to be tyrants. Madison explains: “But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. A dependence on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions.” If such strong checks were and are necessary to resist the tyranny of men, then why are these checks not being employed? History and experience prove not only that Obama’s attempts to completely destroy liberty must be stopped, but that Congress has the ability to stop him. What has happened to the integrity and resolve of the men and women we have elected to protect Liberty? I believe much of it has to do with a complete ignorance of history and a complete lack of understanding of the Constitution. The House of Representatives, by their complete inaction, will allow another dangerous precedent to eat away at America’s Constitutional foundations. The House must begin the impeachment process and end this unconstitutional usurpation by the executive branch, TODAY. We cannot allow this tyranny to continue. Congress must know if they will not stand for Liberty, WE WILL. Just a reminder, Congress, YOU WORK FOR US. Your job obligations and responsibilities are clearly identified in the law, in the Constitution and in the “operator’s manual” written by those who wrote the Constitution. If you don’t understand them, I am more than happy to come and teach you. But do hear us, Congress… Do your job or be fired! Step up and defend Liberty.
R&T; Soros is touted to be one of the "independently wealthy individuals" of the world, but I believe there is more than that to his "story". As widely as he is dispersed and as far reaching with depth that he influences, particularly against the western, Judeo-Christian cultures, I can't help but draw the conclusion he is the "broker of breakdown" for our Russian, Chinese, and muslim enemies. He posts and qualifies his personal fortune as his "legitimate front", but if truth be known, I'd bet a dollar to a donut he is a distributor of financing from these "enemies" to the "occupy wall street people", C.A.I.R., AFL-CIO unions from longshoremen to teachers to police., etc. I am able to qualify his machinations as that of the "FIRM" in John Grisham's novel of the same. The "cells" work in concert to be the financial comptrollers or the "goon squads" that provide the action for the Communist Broadcast System or Communist News Network. In the corrupt environment now, where the lagest active criminal in this country is the nations's Attorney General, just think about all of the investigations that should be surging forward tha are "NOT"!!!
Thank you, Roma and Tom. Did a little research into the Aspen Institute, and after wading through the usual "bi-partisan" disclaimers about it's lofty goals, it seems that this is truly a left-wing think tank. I had no idea! Perhaps this explains why Rubio has been such a let-down. Once again, the politicians have their own agenda and it's not to serve us.
Rubio has important re-call issues, especially on "criminal invaders". It appears that he is sympathetic to these parasites because of "racial-ethnic" points. I don't see them, but according to his voting record, he does not adhere to legitimacy of citizenship. I do not doubt his; therefore I have a problem with, where is he drawing his sympathy for them, from? Chechnayen muslim terrorists are primarily caucasion, but I still know they are illegitimate as humans. All "terrorists" are sub-human. I know he has access to briefings to the hatredf being advocated south of our border and their adherence to muslim terrorist machinations. Oh well; I guess this USA gets the government it deserves.
If he truly is an illegitimate president, and I beleive he is, than impeachment is out of the question; however, arrest is not. Georgia is going to hear the case of O legitimacy; they just denied O's request for dismissal. It looks as though several other states will hear the case as well.
As soon as the first tea party canidate comes up for re electoin that spineless coward needs to be shunned and voted out of office to send a lasting impression. It's time to start vetting and lineing up the next candidate now ! So they know were comming and mean business. Maybe we to start looking for someone to replace Rubio being as he has turned jelly fish on "US"????
Rick Perry is the only candidate that consistantly offers a cure to rid the ailing congress of its "spineless affliction"; eliminate ALL CABINET POSTS except, D. of Treasury, D. of State, D. of Defense(WAR). There is NO legitimate reason, especially constitutionally, for the Federal Gov't. to OWN land, except for military reservations. Remove ourselves from the U.N. As C. Byrd pointed out, we don't need any connection with the stinking IMF either. (What do we have a "state department" for???). On the subject of Newt, do you think Axelrod would refrain from attacking Newt's Bi-Polar illness, especially the way Newt has reacted to Romney lately? I'm waiting to see if Romney doesn't allow one of his attack dog PACS to assert this as mainstream subject matter; and remember, Newt brought it out, tearfully a few days ago, on his own. So what if Romney's dogs wanted more "clarification" on Newt's or his mother's medical records? I'm surprised that that idiot "Obleman" or "Oblemyer" on NBC hasn't brought it up.
Crenshaw is a Representative and like all 435 of them he is up for re-election every 2 years. He needs to have a primary challenger this year.
Has anyone noticed how the "MEDIA" is directing who will run against the dictator. Every time a canidate gets close to good ole Mitt it's automatic destruct mode. Mitt is who the Dems and Obama want to face in the election, you can bet alot of the super pac money is Dem Dollars running the Republican Primary. I don't know of "ANYONE" who hasn't done something or said something in their life they have regreated, a couple of mine have been beleaving Sen Rubio wouldn't fold and having to vote for John McCain, he was a spineless loser back then and he is still one today, you would think with his military background he would stand nose to nose and fight but instead he was playing politics with Mitt while the Dictator was tearing another page out of "OUR Constitution. Sen Rubio and any other Tea-Party backed politican that has done nothing but sit on their hands are spineless also. So much for them going to represent "US" using the Constitution. From where I'm looking "OUR" Constitution is nothing more than tolit paper to our politicians.
Creshaw was just voted back in 2010, and so he is there for four years, and he has his PET Projects, like Mayport, and thats good, but he is building his reputation on that. HE DOES NOTHING TO FIGHT OR SPEAK OUT AGAINST OBAMA CARE, THE SPENDING, NOTHING! Just look at the flyers he is sending out, ALL one sided- Pet Project, Pat me on the back thing, a real Washington Main Stream Politician to the hilt. NO ONE RAN AGAINST HIM IN 2010. WHY?
i'm not going to say a thing,i've said what i've said in earlier posts. too much talk no action hope you like this new regrime we'll have.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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