Our outgoing Mayor has proposed to the tune of over $6 million of our tax dollars that we the taxpayers buy Everbank's relocation of 800 employees to one of Downtown's vacant highrises. The funds of which $2.75 million goes directly into Everbank's hands to pay for quote "leasing costs" come from JEDC. When JEDC was founded, (1996 I believe) it was specifically stated that these funds would not be used to attract companies to relocate from one section of Jacksonville to another. I work specifically in this arena, I represent tenants looking for office space and I represent building owners and their space and I have never heard of a City doing something like this for an existing tenant . Everbank will come from the I-95/Butler Corridor to Downtown Jacksonville at the expense of their landlord in the suburbs. Would Everbank do this without the money, who knows? They certainly have enough money of their own to do this without this handout.

Another $3.25 million dollars is to build a parking garage so Everbank can park presumably for free. Is this Toney Sleiman's garage? It is not, it is another concession to Everbank. Who will this benefit? Of course Everbank, but who else? First Coast News interviewed a hot dog vendor who said (I paraphrase) "it will be good for my business but I don't think taxpayer dollars should be used." This is a private business deal between landlord and a potential new tenant, no interference is necessary from Government and the Government is damaging the existing landlord by putting this "backroom" deal together.

We invite you to join our discussion on this subject already in progress on "Just Speak Up" heard Mon.-Fri. on AM600 WBOB at 12 o'clock Noon. Any of our Councilmen who are listening are invited to participate in the discussion also, that number is 904-854-1320. Please get involved on this one, let's hold the outgoing Mayor responsible and pray our City Councilmen will make the right decision.

Fiunally JEDC takes up this subject for the first time on June 9th at Jacksonville's City Hall Suite 400 at 9 AM. I'll be there will you?

Views: 246


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Comment by Alan Starcher on June 3, 2011 at 4:31pm
Isn't it interesting that our T/U editorial writer Mr. Littlepage rails against what he calls "corporate welfare" -- but he is all for this Everbank deal, writing in support of it in his screed last week?
Comment by Charles D White on June 3, 2011 at 3:33pm
Thank you for support I will keep you up on the happenings and I will be at JEDC on Thursday and we will need to be contacting our Councilmen at the appropriate time and from I what I am hearing it wil be the new council.
Comment by Jim Ryan on June 3, 2011 at 3:18pm

  I vote with Beverly Thornton,  withdraw all funds from Everbank.   And as for Mrs Weaver.

 I have rooted for the Jaguars since they came into existence and lived in Philadelphia.  That ended when she through her support to the Fraud.  Let all the games be "blacked out" and let them decide where in California they want to relocate.  Can't wait for the Florida - Georgia game and the college Gator Bowl.

Comment by JL Gawlik on June 3, 2011 at 3:00pm
Not necessarily Buddy, we have had two Republican In Name Only Mayors for the past two decades. You can not count on the party they say they represent, it has to be like our Founding Fathers warned, the content of character, principles and values. Once you have a party system in, they can manipulate the vote like they have been doing here in Jacksonville for the past two decades with Delaney and Peyton.  We really needed a fiscal conservative Mayor this time around to stop the over spending and make every penny count. The whole idea that the new Mayor is bi-partisan in my opinion is a joke, especially with Audrey Moran still saying she is a Republican which she is not, she is clearly a Socialist Democrat Progressive Liberal like the last two Mayors. Just my opinion.
Comment by BUDDY on June 3, 2011 at 2:48pm
Damn Democrat Mayer's, their all alike. Vote Republacan and everthing will be ok.. I think!!!
Comment by Beverly A. Thornton on June 3, 2011 at 1:50pm

Maybe the best way to stop all this is to withdraw funds from Everbank and do no business with them if they do relocate in town.

Comment by J.R. on June 3, 2011 at 1:49pm
Incoming at-large Jacksonville City Council member, Greg Anderson, Vice President of Everbank, has a conflict of interest with regard to this issue and cannot vote on it. That would be a clear ethics violation. It would also be a conflict of interest for anyone on the Council who owns stock in Everbank or has any kind of business connection with Everbank.

It would also be inappropriate, and I believe unethical, for lame-duck City Council President Jack Webb to bring this Everbank proposal up for a vote, especially if he has been involved in any way in planning or negotiations related to Everbank prior to the issue being brought formally before the Council---or in laying any groundwork for this to come up so soon after he lost the election, in order to try to shove it through before he leaves office.

Further, Jack Webb already has an ethics issue of his own for having verbally accosted, together with two other men accompanying him, FCTP member Debbie G., while she was campaigning alone for Matt Schellenberg, who subsequently defeated Webb.
It was also Jack Webb's good friend and campaign supporter, Tony Hemmerly, member of the Jacksonville Planning Commission, who was witnessed taking and dumping Matt Schellenberg's campaign signs. JSO wrote that up as "grand theft" and requested a warrant for Tony Hemmerly's arrest. That request, based on probable cause, was left sitting on an Assistant State Attorney's desk until after the election and may very well still be sitting there waiting for an arrest warrant to be signed. As far as I know, Jack Webb's friend, Tony Hemmerly is still on the Jacksonville Planning Commission. Whether or not he is prosecuted for a crime, I believe it is a given that his behavior in the matter was unethical This appears to be a case of selective law enforcement and it is unacceptable.

As Cord Byrd said below, using other words, it appears some folks are just more equal than other folks. .
Comment by Cord Byrd on June 3, 2011 at 12:46pm

The CEO and Bd. of Dir. of Everbank need to be drug tested in order to receive tax dollars just like all other welfare recipients. 

"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others."

Comment by J.R. on June 3, 2011 at 12:40pm
This proposed subsidy gift to Everbank sounds just like national government subsidies that distort markets and transfer costs from businesses to taxpayers. Same deal... just lower government level.
Also sounds like it fits right in with Mayor-elect Alvin Brown's stated goal, in the debate with Mike Hogan, to make downtown revitalization a priority in his administration. Of course, that doesn't take into account the fact that the vast majority of Duval County taxpayers live in the suburbs and many of them also work in the suburbs. So, is this how Alvin Brown got so much support and money from the RINO potentates who think Jacksonville is their domain... never mind the rest of us? If that's what they want, let them pay for it and leave us, the vast majority of taxpayers, out of it.
How do they propose to pay for this anti-taxpayer boondoggle? Will they take it out of the recently-passed, unaffordable tax-increased county budget that already has a number of high price-tag projects in it that are ridiculous to even think about with the economy in a recession and a potential second recession on the way?
Anyone who thinks this is an economically sound thing to do at a time of high unemployment, high foreclosure rate, high bankruptcy rate, increasing inflation, and already high county tax rate... and at the same time just moving the same employees from the suburbs to work in the downtown location, at an enormous cost to taxpayers... is a knuckle-dragging idiot.
Bring in some big businesses and industry that will create jobs and stimulate the economy in Duval County, to the benefit of taxpayers, and we'll be willing to consider that. Everbank? Fuhgeddaboutit!!
Comment by ROBERT S. BOURNE JR. on June 3, 2011 at 12:39pm
i just got off the phone with the mayors office and i was told this issue is still being tossed around , so please everyone get on the phones or e-mail the mayors office

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


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