As you may know, we have two American Laws for American Courts bills now making their way through the Florida Legislature: State Senator Alan Hays’ bill, SB 58, and Representative Larry Metz’s bill, HB 351. Both of them are common-sense legislative proposals that protect Floridians’ individual constitutional rights from foreign laws or legal doctrines where the application of those laws/doctrines would violate those constitutional rights. No particular foreign law is singled out. The proposals apply to them all.
Brigitte Gabriel and our national staff have made the passage of these bills a top priority for the 2013 legislative session. This is a vital step in the overall protection of the nation. This erosion of Constitutional authority must be stopped.
We are making good progress on this legislation in large part because of your support. Recently, the House Judiciary Committee voted to favorably report HB 351—with only two dissenting votes!
***Action Alert***
We need your help letting members of the Florida Senate Children, Families and Elder Affairs Committee know of the immense support SB 58 enjoys in Florida.
This committee will be hearing the bill this Monday, April 8, at 4 PM!
We’re almost there. We can see the finish line for our Florida effort! Help make sure the bill doesn’t fall short like last year—so agonizingly close to the bill’s passage!
Please call the following senators today and Monday morning and RESPECTFULLY voice your support for SB 58: Application of Foreign Law in Certain Cases.
Important Note: If you only have time to make one call, make it to:
Senator Miguel Diaz de la Portilla (R) (850) 487-5040
(He is possibly “on the fence”)
But please do your best to call the entire committee:
Chair: Senator Eleanor Sobel (D) (850) 487-5033
Vice Chair: Senator Alan Hays (R) (Bill Sponsor)
Senator Thad Altman (R) (850) 487-5016
Senator Oscar Braynon, II (D) (850) 487-5036
Senator Jeff Clemens (D) (850) 487-5027
Senator Charles S. "Charlie" Dean, Sr. (R) (850) 487-5005
Senator Nancy C. Detert (R) (850) 487-5028
Senator Miguel Diaz de la Portilla (R) (850) 487-5040
Senator Denise Grimsley (R) (850) 487-5021
Senator Geraldine F. "Geri" Thompson (D) (850) 487-5012
As always, thank you for all of your efforts. You ARE making a difference!
WWJD = what would Jefferson do ?...
Certainly, I know you are sane! Amanda likes to waste lots of your time on totally irrelevant things that stray from the actual blog..............I guess she thinks she is doing her part for the liberal cause that way! Who knows.
I don't expect to change her mind, merely point out I am not out of mine...
Ted, sadly you are trying to have a discussion with someone who does not have discussions, but instead tries as hard as possible to waste your time and discredit anything said that does not agree with her liberal viewpoint or her friends of OWS. I also agree for God to appear in so many places, they certainly were far from atheists and believed as Americans do in His hand being involved in our country from it's very beginnings.
I am not saying that they were highly religious. I have read Jefferson, Madison, Adams and Franklin extensively. I have also read the Federalist and Anti Federalist papers, Common Sence and DeTouqueville ( sp ). I am only saying that this was not a primarily secular country at it's founding and that those of the founders placed God in different light than we do today. witness the numerous mentions of God in our national songs, founding documents and on the monuments, court houses capitols etc. and if you really study it go to the Pre-ambles of all the state constitutions he is mentioned in each of them.
Thank you Ted, and thanks for the update. I am really glad you were there.
we have only directed ourselves to a secular society in the last 30 + years.
while freedom of religion or not to exercise any religion has always been part of our legal code. and though people mistakenly believe the constitution advocates a wall of separation from religion there is a separation of church and state. our country was founded on Judeo Christian laws and always has had a very strong religious background.
I was in Tallahassee yesterday and testified for support of the bill, correcting several glaring errors in the ACLU testimony against the bill.
for anyone interested the Bill SB 58 passed committee bay a 5-4 vote. too close.
I do not know which Senators voted nay. you will have to research that yourselves from the record.
The reason that we all need SB 58 - American Laws for American Courts is because of the millions of immigrants that are coming into America. Many of them, especially those of them with children, Are subject to the court orders from foreign countries that are not in the best interests of the children. For example during a court procedure in Florida it the father took off with the two children to Saudi Arabia and there was nothing that the mother could about it because Shariq Law dictates that the father automatically gets custody. Additionally there are no provisions for things like joint custody that would the mother to have a continuing relationship with the children. This is true even if the father is a pediphile. Many foreign countries have laws and civil proceduress that are totally against our constitution and our rule of law.
For example in Saudi Arabia, there is no right to a trial by jury. Nor is there the right to discovery. Females are not given the same access to civil procedures that males are given and there is no standard to the right of alimony or child support. Also brutal sentences can be carried for what a Moslem determines is blasphemy and there no first ammendment rightx which are determined to be offensive to the community at large. The law itself is determined from religious edicts that would make no sence to anyone from America who values to protection of the Constitution.
If you would like more information on the laws of some. Foreign countries, let me know.
Ted, the arguments made in this country against Catholics in the mid 1800's are the same ones being made now against Muslims. the fact is that we are a secular country and always have been. So even as Protestants were the vast majority for decades and decades, there has never been the notion that we would allow a religious doctrine rule our lives.
My problem is this; Tell me how this shift to Sharia law happens? Is it through the courts? legislature? ballot initiative? constitutional amending process?
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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