We have Golf Fever! The TPC is here and you may hear the word “Fore!” many times in the next few days. The term means “look ahead” and is shouted to send a warning to spectators.
We have Election Fever! The Duval County elections are only Four Days Away and we are shouting warnings to all those who live here. We are hopeful they will look ahead and just imagine what our city will look like if the Progressives win. Mr. Obama is a Progressive and ran his campaign on Hope and Change. We’ve already seen where that has gotten us at the Federal level and we can’t afford the Progressives Hope and Change in Duval County. It’s too scary to imagine.
Yesterday we spoke about the Zombies who have infiltrated our town. The Progressives are behind the Zombies and they have “private” organizations funding their Zombie program. This helps them by-pass any FEC regulations and appears to be a private schooling in Urban Campaigning. The locals said we were crazy for thinking these people were in town. Here’s the proof they use these tactics!
Take a look at this ad appearing on Craigslist
Ask yourself: Could this same ad have been used to bring “AA organizers” to Duval County?
Date: 2011-03-31, 4:05PM EDT
Reply to: see below [Errors when replying to ads?]
If you are committed to Progressive change and empowerment, you need to get the skills to be successful and get hired. African American organizers are especially needed for a democratic, urban mayoral campaign beginning in June.
This on-the-job training is an excellent opportunity for a career-minded, professional political organizer. The 2011 Democratic Campaign Management Program is looking for the next generation of progressive political organizers for this paid training opportunity.
Increasing the political outcomes for minority and under-represented communities means that we need to increase the participation of minorities in the electoral process.
Participants receive intensive training while working on a high-profile Democratic campaign in a large east coast city. Participants are paid as independent contractors, and receive reimbursements for gas & cell phone. Housing is provided.
Applicants must be able to relocate temporarily, from mid-June through September, and must have a car & insurance.
African American organizers are especially needed to motivate and activate under-represented communities. Please apply ASAP for the 2011 Democratic Campaign Management Program by sending your resume, cover letter & 3 professional references to: DemCampaigns@aol.com. We will contact qualified applicants by phone to schedule interviews.
PostingID: 2297743569
The left is extremely organized and they have tons of money. The right fights with our own money and we are busy trying to make a living and haven’t “organized” as well as them. We do not have anyone paying for our housing, our cell phones, our gas and giving us $400 a week for the rest of our expenses. Nope – we pay our way. Those are the facts – however – it doesn’t mean they will win because they have more money than us. It means we have to work harder, smarter and give it our all. This is not a time to sit back and assume the right guy or gal will win.
For instance, did you know…
The Urban Organizers took bus loads of 18 year old teenagers from local high schools to the polls to vote yesterday? Now we understand why there was such a big push inside high schools to get them signed up to vote.
Senior citizens in wheel chairs who could barely keep their heads up, and were confused as to where they were -- were pushed inside the polls and their “caretaker” helped them vote. This is not illegal to help someone vote but it sure looks bad when the person voting doesn’t even know where they are and why they are there.
The Mayor’s Race is heating up and the differences are huge
During campaigns, the truth is stretched and the facts are twisted. Your job is to discern the truth so you will not be living in the Magical Land of Hope and Change in Duval County. For a side-by-side comparison of the two Mayoral candidates, take a look at this document and become an informed voter. SideBySide.pdf
Unlike Tiger Woods, we never give up. Our knees may hurt, our backs may too, and in order to win, we have to stay in the game.
Keep pushing and moving forward. This is not the time to quit. Actually – there is never a time to quit!
Oh yeah – remember Bob Hope? He was the real “Hope” and he loved to play Golf. He would love Jacksonville, Florida and if he were alive today, we would probably see him at the TPC. He was a great patriot who used his talent to keep the troops motivated in times of war and peace. He was also a great actor.
Bob warned us years ago about the Zombies. They were there then and they are here now.
There are still FOUR days before the election. We need to stay in the game and need your help. You can wave signs, make calls, pass along pertinent information such as this email, walk your neighborhood and make sure your neighbors are voting, offer to take someone to the polls next Tuesday, wear your favorite candidates t-shirt or button, put a bumper sticker on your car and a sign in your yard.
What are you planning to do to ensure Conservatives win next week? Write back and let us know what you have done or will do to make a difference in this election. It will motivate all of us to hear what you are doing.
Remember - FORE!! – Zombies are in town. Look ahead and keep your city safe from the likes of them.
Roma, here is a link to some breaking news about Monsieur Strauss-Khan, head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Quite scandalous, I might add. Scary to know such a scurilous reprobate has any control over any monetary interests of the American people.
"IMF HEAD STRAUSS-KHAN CHARGED WITH ATTEMPTED RAPE OF HOTEL MAID." Why he is only charged with "attempted rape," is a mystery, especially in light of the fact it has been reported that he forced her to perform oral sex on him, and the link on DrudgeReport.com included a claim of "sodomy." This is more than just passing disgusting. He tried to use his special privilege flight pass to excape this country, but was pulled off the plane and arrested. He was also expected to run against French President Sarcozy in the next presidential election in France. The article suggests he has "zipper" problems of long standing. Fortunately, he's not a diplomat, so he has no diplomatic immunity from prosecution for crimes he allegedly committed in this country.
Great information, Roma. That has been proven by GPA scores, as well as entrance exam scores for college and university acceptance and admission, where required.
Anti-American, racial, religious, and distorted history indoctrination of minor children in public schools, as well as indoctrination into and promotion of early sexual instruction to minor children---including exploration, graphic explanations of deviant sexual behaviors, and promotion of acceptance of deviant lifestyles to minor children---all to separate them from factual history and the moral, ethical and religious values their parents teach them, has become routine, Such teachings are neither a legal nor moral right of public educators. I believe it violates the First Amendment rights of parents and their children, as well as parents' moral and legal rights to protect, teach and guide their minor children, for whom they have parental rights and legal obligations until those minor children become eighteen years of age.
In loco parentis rights, in which the school authorities assume parental rights, were designed and provided only for the safety and supervision of school children during the school hours those children are in attendance and present on school grounds---not for carte blanche rights to do with or teach those children whatever they please, especially in subject areas far afield from academic subjects, traditional physical education, and traditional cultural arts like music and art. In loco parentis does not give, and never has given, any public school or its staff rights to delve into social experimentation and indoctrination of children, to the detriment of parental rights and the cohesiveness, values and beliefs of American families.
The government, through the public school systems, has no right to act extra-legally or amorally to undermine legal rights and responsibilities of parents with regard to their minor childrens' academic and sexual education. Public schools were not founded or intended to ever be incubators of indoctrination to instill unconstitutional, Marxist philosophies in American school children, encourage children to be promiscuous or sexually deviant, or separate children from the social, religious, and philosophical teachings of their parents---or to indoctrine them into being "world citizens," such as the International Baccalaurate (IB) program that even Duval County School District is employing, teaches them to be. These anti-American, anti-parental rights, pro-world government indoctrination programs are designed to undermine the U.S. Constitution and the constitutional republican form of government it mandates for this country. They are also designed to promote world governance with control vested in the anti-American United Nations... the same United Nations that is actively promoting unionization of all workers worldwide, as is shown on the U.N. website.
The above demonstrates the need for school choice, so parents can opt their minor children out of public schools that are engaged in socialization and indoctrination of children, as well teaching them a distorted history of this country.
The Constitution gave no authority over education in the sovereign states to the federal union. Further, American children were better educated in state and private schools, prior to states' opting to accept federal "grants," with financial strings attached, to cede, through the back door, a power the Constitution did not grant the federal union.
Nothing in the Constitution gives the federal union the right to require American children to attend public schools in order for states to get back state citizens' tax money paid into the federal treasury---or to prevent states from providing that money in the form of vouchers to parents, in order for them to choose a school for the education of their minor children to attend---whether it be, public, private, or home-schooling.
I don't yet know if the Florida State Legislature passed the school voucher bills before them in the 60 day session that ended this week. If not, it needs to be strongly pushed in the next legislative session, Or, a petition initiative to get an Amendment needs to be circulated to get the requisite number of signatures of Florida registered voters in order to get a school choice amendment added to the 2012 general election ballot in Florida. That way, Florida citizens get to choose whether or not to have protected school choice for Florida parents, including vouchers to pay for private education of their children or to use those vouchers for public school attendance. The Amendment should also include a prohibition of public schools' intrusion into the moral, religious and social education of Florida's children and its usurpation and violation of parental rights, as well as a requirement that a complete and factual history of America be taught in all Florida schools, totally absent the distortions and excluded portions that have been instituted by those who have tried to rewrite American history for their own social and political purposes.
Roma, thank you for publishing this information. The public education system you wrote of below is teaching children that they have a right to engage in sedition, anarchy, and overt racial discrimination and hatred. It intentionally distorts the Declaration of Independence, promotes violation of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. laws, and elevates "Chicanos" above legal citizens of this country whom they slur as "Anglos" (caucasians, whites), and apparently all others who are not "Chicanos." These textbooks must be removed and banned from all American school classrooms. We also need a complete removal and banning of any textbooks in Muslim schools in America that teach a religious hatred for Americans who are not Muslims. Any person teaching racial or religious hatred and/or sedition are, in effect, promoting sedition and anarchy and should be arrested and prosecuted, then deported/repatriated to their country of origin, with a bar to re-entry for any purpose.
And, as we know, there is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that grants the President the authority to do an end run around U.S. immigration laws to declare any person who enters this country in violation of our federal border and immigration laws a U.S. citizen. What part of the word illegal, does former lawyer and part-time adjunct professor, President Obama, who taught the Constitution at the University of Illinois (and relinquished his law license in Illinois for mysterious reasons which he does not reveal), not understand? It doesn't matter if an earlier precedent was set for "amnesty," the President does not have the constitutional power to grant it. It is not one of the enumerated powers stated in the Constitution for any of the three branches of the federal government. And, it also violates the sovereignty of the states, who have never agreed to it.
The President does have the enumerated power and mandate to protect this country from invasion. The current, long-existing invasion we are dealing with here is an illegal invasion into this country by foreign nationals (illegal aliens who are citizens of other countries), mostly from Mexico, in violation of U.S. border and immigration laws. Many of those illegal aliens are criminal drug cartel members, members of other violent gangs such as Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), and illegal traffickers of both illegal drugs and human beings, including many underage children for use as sex slaves for the profit of criminals. So, apparently they approve of capitalism when it comes to the profit earned from the smuggling of drugs, foreign nationals, and under-age children. We now have Mexican drug cartels operating in many cities all over this country, committing crimes and engaging in their illegal form of "capitalism." Why is Obama and his administration not doing their jobs to enforce U.S. laws? And, will his illegal "amnesty" make American citizens of all these criminals, including Mexican drug cartels members, many of whom have robbed and/or killed American citizens, or facilitated their drug addictions? Incidentally, all illegal aliens who have come into this country in violation of our laws are not Mexicans. They come from countries all over the world, including countries in Latin America, South America, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. The big question we have to ask is what is our President's motive for refusing to protect U.S. borders or enforce our border and immigration laws and now politically campaigning to gather support for amnesty? Isn't he just exploiting the subject of amnesty, as he did in the 2008 election, in order to gain support among latinos, when he knows from polls he has lost a lot of that support---and he needs to get it back to get re-elected in 2012? And, isn't that a slap in the face of every American citizen, including all immigrants to this country who followed our laws, went through the required immigration and naturalization process, became U.S. citizens, and assimilated into American society?
It is the enumerated constitutional mandate of the Constitution that the President enforce the laws of this land. President Obama and his administration are intentionally refusing to do so. The Constitution also provides a remedy for a President's and his U.S. Senate approved administrators' who have violated their Oaths of Office. That remedy is impeachment and removal. What part of that do members of the U.S. Congress not understand? And why are they not following the Constitution and doing the job they also took an Oath of Office to do---assure that the Constitution and laws of this land are followed and enforced?
If they don't hear from all Tea Party patriots, and other legal citizens/voters all across America, they never will do so. And, we will continue to see the progressive transformation of America into something totally different from that which the framers of the Constitution, made up of representatives of the sovereign states, intended---and that which we have, all our lives, relied upon as a basic truth and constant protecting our rights and freedoms--- will be forever gone.
Canvassing Positions (Southside)
Today is the day for you to be a part of grassroots change in Jacksonville! The Alvin Brown for Mayor campaign is seeking professional, articulate, and energetic Jacksonville residents to help with our voter education and Get Out the Vote efforts in preparation for Election Day - Thursday May 9th, 2011. Be a part of a dynamic team, earn good money and help move Jacksonville into the future by supporting Alvin Brown for Mayor.
We will be conducting interviews for the Canvasser positions at Campaign Headquarters at 233 Bay Street (on the corner of Bay & Market Street) Tuesday April 5th, @ 6:00 PM .
For information on our interview process contact:
Tom at campaign headquarters: 904-354-8604 cell: 904-335-8804 or email: tom@alvinformayor.com
Visit the Campaign online at www.alvinformayor.com for more information on the campaign
Date: 2011-04-06, 9:50AM EDT
Reply to:
I notice someone has flagged the racist electioneering job ad on CraigsList. I would think it violates fair hiring practices in employment law, since it bars all races but blacks. That ad screams racism, and it is likely being run in many major American cities. Are they getting the mystery non-profit corporations and foundations Alvin Green is so good at starting up but rotten at filing annual reports for (resulting in dissolution by the Florida Department of State for failure to file annual reports) to pay some of the costs for these pie jobs for blacks only? I wouldn't mind having a job, but I can't even apply for this job because I'm not only white, I'm a conservative Republican. You'd think they'd worry about race discrimination lawsuits galore... but apparently they can afford it.
And, by the way, isn't giving donations in kind and not reporting them to the Federal Election Commission a violation of election laws? Those are big donations at the rate of $400/wk., gas at $4/gal. and cell phone allowances, multiplied by the number of people they're hiring. But, only blacks qualify for them. If you're any other race, you're just out of luck.
Apparently, if you've got national/international labor unions, Obama's Organizing for America, Soros' MoveOn.org, millionaires Bill Clinton and Al Gore, the progressive lapdog Times Union, and other progressive in-state and out-of-state fat cats supporting you, you can afford to dodge all questions you know you would lose the race if you answered. You can just sit back, keep your mouth shut, and let others buy the election for you.
Especially the Times Union, who refuses to be fair and balanced, ask Alvin Brown any hard questions, do professional journalistic research on unsupported information Brown has put out there, or report relevant news about conservative candidates---because the liberal progressive Democrats have, from the beginning of this local county election, had the TU yellow journalism rag in the bag. How fair and equal is that??? I feel discriminated against, don't you? But, at least we now know the cheaters are afraid of Tea Party Patriots. Guess they won't be hiring patriotic black Tea Party Patriots around the country either, since they specify "progressives" in their advertisement.
Sad, isn't it? Just when we think they can't go any lower... they do.
Billie, you got me interested, so I started doing a little investigating around Craigslist. I opened up a hornet's nest! I only went to about 3 major cities and here are just a sample of what I found. Also, the same ad here on Jacksonville's Craigslist is also running in Atlanta. Anyway, check these out. Remember, ACORN did not "go away", they splintered off into a dozen other organizations.
The last one there in New York advertises specifically for an organizer to "fight the tea party". Looks like we might need a few folks to just monitor Craigslist for awhile. I am sure the ad for the kooks working here in our mayor's race did not run here, but rather in another large city somewhere. They didn't want to tip us off.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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