Today is the first step in taking back America from the moochers, the looters, and the just plain, old, apathetic. Our primary election here in the state of Florida is the first of three that will determine the fate of our great republic. The mid terms in November and the general election of 2012 will indicate whether America desires to remain a republic of free people who are represented by our elected officials, or vassals of an all-powerful state. I'll take freedom!
After draining the cesspool of Democrat corruption and filth in Washington DC, the American people will have three more tasks that are crucial to saving our country:
1. Dismantle Obama's fascist machine. Everything the Dem fascists have enacted MUST be repealed, starting with ObamaCare.
2. Ground the 3rd rail of national politics. Eliminate or drastically alter
$ocial $ecurity.
Ponzi Schemes shouldn't survive and thrive on money stolen from those under 55 years old. I'm not holding my breath here because I've RARELY seen a politician with enough political courage to take on this national Ponzi scheme. Social Security CANNOT be "means tested" into solvency, the demographics are all wrong. Dismantle all public sector unions. They are utterly destroying the solvency of states and municipalities all across America, and they have NO RIGHT to organize against the taxpayer!
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