This week I watched my new granddaughter come into this world. I could smell the scent of heaven all over her as I kissed her cheeks and held her tight. I whispered a welcome in her tiny ear and prayed for her to be safe in this new world.
Just as I did with my own children, I want so much to protect my grandchildren from the dangers of the world. I know I will worry about the normal things we worry about such as: them becoming sick; getting hit by a car on their bike; being hurt by their friends at school; passing tests; boyfriend problems; parent problems; kidnappings; stranger alerts; drugs and alcohol abuse; and just plain mean people hurting them. Those are normal things of life as children grow up to become adults. The one thing I always relied on as a parent was a daily prayer over each of my children as they ran out the door, slamming it behind them as they headed out to their daily activities. It is what got me through my fears and it helped me understand that God was in charge of them – not me. He could be with them when I couldn’t.
Mothering is not for the faint-hearted and being a tea party member isn’t either.
After coming home from a long day at the hospital with the wonder of childbirth still in my soul, I opened up the computer to alert people to this new joy in our lives. What popped up on the screen, sucker punched me back into reality.
There they were – the Congressional Black Caucus from our own government – calling us racists AGAIN and stating: “They would like to see us hanging on a tree” and “The Tea Party can go straight to hell.” I was stunned and totally blown away by the hate-filled rhetoric coming from people of color representing the United States. They are inciting riots, plain and simple.
I am confident the man whose statute was unveiled this week on the mall in Washington – Martin Luther King – would be disgusted with their tactics and would call them out for this behavior. I thought, “We cannot respond to their hatred and their racism. We must pray for their hearts to be softened to the message of the tea party movement. Our message: We support the principles of our founding fathers which is personal liberty, fiscal responsibility, free markets and moral leadership.”
See the video for yourself and then say a prayer for each of these who show so much hatred for their fellow man who simply want a return to our Constitutional foundation. By the way, many of our black tea party members have called on the CBC to stop their hate filled messages. Yes, the tea party has black members and if you would like to meet them, just let us know. Here's the video:
Up next just after this horrible video, I was sent a report by a fellow tea party member. She said, “I’m sure you’ve seen this. Looks like you guys are in great company.” I opened it up and my stomach took another punch.
A report was issued by American Progress, a George Soros organization. “Fear Inc.: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America” is a “report” of multiple organizations and individuals dedicated to stopping the spread of sharia Islam in America. The people and organizations noted in this report are labeled “Islamophobic.” As I read through the report, all of a sudden our tea party was named as one in their so-called “network.” I laughed because I had no idea who the “network” might be!
I read through the names of others who are called Islamphobic and I quickly realized we were indeed in great company. There was Eagle Forum, American Family Association, Freedom Coalition, Pat Robertson, Franklin Graham, and many other great organizations from the right of center.
A local UNF professor, Julie Ingersoll was quoted in this report. She is once again attacking the great patriots of North Florida with no basis of fact or truth. It is time for UNF to do something about this radical professor who calls local residents “Islamophobics.” She and American Progress are the ones inciting hate and racism – plain and simple. If Julie would like to meet some of our Muslim members, we will be glad to introduce her to them so she can get her story straight. And yes, Julie, we have Muslim members in our tea party.
Read the entire so-called “report” here:
I decided those two emails were enough for the day. They had managed to ruin a special glow you only get from watching a baby’s birth. I was shutting down the computer and then I saw an email from a dear patriot who always sends good messages. I decided to read hers and I’m glad I did. She said, “This picture reminded me of Psalm 91:14 “The LORD says, "I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name.”
The picture below followed her message. My stomach stopped hurting and my heart beat with joy once again. Through this great Patriot in North Florida, love filled the room and my God assured me – all is well.
So my fellow patriots – it may not be easy to be a tea party member with people of hate all around you – but fear not – love endures and will always win in the end for those who love Him. He will protect you and keep you safe.
Welcome tiny one, fresh from heaven. May your life be one of service to your fellowman and to the God of this Nation. May love follow you all the days of your life. Love, Mimi
Beautiful ! Congrats MIMI!
We are getting the same kinds of hate mail from our own Ex Chairperson Eric who called us the left the other night on a radio show he does under the disguise of the TEA Party when it is clearly the "REC " and and Randy Covington of the St. Augustine Tea Party sending nasty degrading e-mails to those who have their eyes wide open and see their dastardly deeds and will Have NO Part. It has been lies, spin on words, deceits. It is unbelievable but Greater is He that is us than he that is in the World. We are More than Conquerors though Christ Jesus. Blessings. We are the Head and NOT the Tail. Truth WIll prevail! Blessings and Congratulations again on your new precious love bundle.
Rep. Adam West (for one) has come out against the stupidity of such trash from the CBC. It is amazing the
depths of muck the opposition to our purpose will go. Where is the call for civility when this kind of disgraceful comment and that of Ms. Waters comes fromf congressional representatives. You can bet there will be none. Can November 6, 2012 come too soon?
Thank you Billie. Nice message. You took me to awe, to ire to warm and fuzzy.
Fear no evil and God bless to you and yours everyone
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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