Here is a link to breaking news on DrudgeReport:
GOP budget plan to cut more than $4 trillion
The HOUSE has passed the budget, it is now in the Senate, the ball is in Reid's court and they keep issuing lies to the the press that they are close in reaching a agreement. It is very clear what is going on. Boehner is doing his job and he keeps telling the press, that they are not even close.
Below is a link to another video explaining unconstitutional actions of President Barack Obama:
The below link is to the outstanding, below-titled article that further explains many points that have been brought up and written about in this long-running blog-post thread:
"Why Obama Really Started the Libyan War"
Yes, I read about their unprecedent denials of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, simply ignoring them, in violation of the law, even when there are court orders that they fork over the requested information/documents/records. As President, the buck stops with Obama. As Chief Law Enforcer, he is charged with making sure all federal laws are enforced and that the Constitution is upheld and followed. He does neither, has violated his Oath of Office many times over, and could and should be impeached. The House Republicans have the majority and numbers to impeach him. It seems Obama will have to personally commit murder or mass mahem on national TV before the House will have the courage (for lack of the word I really wanted to use) to do anything about anything illegal or unconstitutional Obama has done... and continues to do.
And, I'm beginning to wonder if Obama's and/or the DNC's politics-of-personal-destruction investigators have something on Speaker John Boehner that keeps him from supporting and helping pass the Republican-proposed budget that would prevent Obama from further draining every last dollar out of the U.S. Treasury and economy. Boehner seems to be frozen in his tracks and afraid to buck what the Administration and Democrat-controlled Senate demand. As Speaker, Boehner is in a position to control whether or not a rational, common sense budget is allowed to move forward and be passed... and whether or not impeachment proceedings would be allowed to move forward, if introduced. The U.S. House of Representatives is where both money bills and impeachment must originate. And, Boehner, as Speaker of the House, controls the gavel and agenda. It is the House that impeaches a President, and the Senate that votes to remove a President from office.
J.L., I just viewed all those videos at the link you provided below, saw and heard Obama proclaim, from his own mouth and without equivocation, "my Muslim faith." The videos show many instances where he denigrated and ridiculed the Bible and the Christian faith. He praised the "holy Koran" and pronounced that "the United States is not a Christian nation." He admitted that his Kenyan family has been "Muslim for many generations."
If a person is born into the Muslim faith, they are prohibited from leaving it, are considered an "infidel" if they do leave it, and the Koran directs that any Muslim leaving the faith must be put to death. The Koran also permits "takiyah," which is lying if it benefits Islam.
So, here we have a false prophet, who employed "takiya" and hid his true faith while running for president, now serving in the highest office of the United States of America. We also see and hear him as he states "John McCain has not commented about my Muslim faith." That was a direct and unqualified statement, spoken from his own mouth, for the whole world to now see and hear. He deviously hid that fact from the American people during all three elections in his political career, just as he has hidden any and all proof that he is a natural-born American citizen and eligible to hold the office of President of the United States. Almost everything in his past remains hidden... and he has spent millions of dollars on attorneys who are charged with keeping his past hidden from the American people, so he can remain in office and complete his shredding of the Constitution and destruction of our constitutional republic.
Anyone who watched and listened to all of these words, from Obama himself, would know that he is not qualified to be president and that he hates Christianity, all Christians, and all things that are symbolic of the Christian faith. In fact, I heard him mocking Christianity, extolling Islam and historic accomplishments he attributes to Islam, and the fact that there are a large number of mosques in this country. It appears to me that he is arrogantly throwing in the face of all Americans, the fact that he has deceived us about his religion and constitutional eligibility to hold the office of President he now holds, and is getting away with it. His contempt for us, that he does not hide, is palpable.
Further, his unconstitutional initiating and prosecution of the war against Libya, in order to advance the cause of the Muslim Brotherhood in that country, is evidence that he is not protecting the best interests of America and Americans. Instead, he is advancing the spread and control of Islam, in Libya and elsewhere, toward the end of establishing a world-wide Islamic Caliphate.
As to Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, Sr., they have made a cottage industry out of riding Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s coat-tails and turning his real message inside-out and upside-down to serve their own objectives, including race-mongering, race-baiting, as well as intimidation, coercion, and extortion on the basis of race---such as pressuring and threatening lending instutions to finance mortgages for blacks who did not qualify financially for them. They own the blame for many of those unqualified homeowners having lost their homes and going into bankruptcy during the severe economic downturn we have all experienced... and continue to experience.
J.R., People like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson Sr. etc., would have no way to make money if America united. These people continue to create class warfare and race warfare for their benefit, not America's.
They ALL need to be outed out, and have the light shown on their agenda and goals. They ALL keep calling our country a Democracy, we are NOT a Democracy but a Republic. After reading a post on at:
It hit me... THAT QUESTION is the TRUE test to ask a candidate running for office:
"Is America a Republic or Democracy and what is the difference?"
If a candidate can not answer this question correctly then they should not be elected to serve in the peoples' seat, they would not honor their oath of office.
The answers are all in our U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights.
I posted it over here under my blog post:
Eric Holder went on record to say the he did not want to demean his people:
I guess that means ALL Americans are not his people. Both him and President Obama are creating both class and race warfare. That needs to be pointed out to American people. They are the ones who are creating this division in our country because they do not want unity of the American people or the truth to come to the surface for obvious reasons, who would vote for them?
It just hit me also, President Obama just as you said, kept his fingerprints off of it just as he has done with the budget, Health Care, Stimulus, Libya, etc., he leaves town, leaves the country and says it is up to them. He is NOT a leader but a user, manipulator and liar, period.
J.L., it appears they miss-read both the U.S. Constitution and the Civil Rights Act, neither of which were worded, or in any way intended to take away rights of people of any race or ethnicity. Equal rights are just that...equal. I guess they think some folks are just more equal than other folks. They're wrong. It apprears there are still some who are looking for pay-back and reparations and some who are now stoking a race war and demanding preferential treatment for blacks who violate election laws. One example of preferential race protection would be the Muslim Brotherhood bad actors who violated voting rights of white people in the 2008 national election and were protected from prosecution by Obama's Justice Department, by none other than U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, the head of the USDOJ. Holder did not make that decision in a vacuum, he would have had authorization from above his pay grade. Obama would have had the final say, but he probably just pushed the yellow button, so as not to have his signature or fingerprints on it and, behind the scenes gave it his tacit approval.
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream has now been turned on its head by the Nation of Islam's Muslim Brotherhood in this country, who have now come out of the closet during the Obama administration. And, I believe Obama is abusing his power by protecting and furthering the cause of the Islamic Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Libya, and other countries in Africa and the Middle East, in addition to doing so in the U.S.A.
Roma, Is this the thread by Steve:
J.R., i think it is a good thing that they both called police and hopefully both filed reports, perhaps Schellenberg campaigners need to just called the police when this happens and get it all documented. I know i would. Like you stated it is a violation against the law, and it is unethical and dishonorable to behave in such a matter. I can not understand why several elected representatives and leaders of the NAACP have come out and made statements against the Tea Party, basically stating that they have no right to speak out and should not have the freedom of free speech, nor should states have the right to make their own decisions it should come from the federal government because states were in violation of civil rights for all Americans, now they are in violation of civil rights for Americans to belong in unions. How twisted is that? If i can find the article that i read i will post it. In other words, they have freedom of speech but they do not think every American should have it.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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