Rick Mullaney - The ONLY choice for mayor

There should be no doubt concerning the most qualified and the right choice for the next Mayor of Jacksonville. I have lived in this town my entire life and have never seen a candidate that has the courage,vision, and integrity that Rick Mullaney displays. He has laid his cards on the table and has a 34 point plan for Jacksonville to help grow jobs, shrink government, reign in spending, and building a better fiscal future for this city. This man is not your typical politician.
Let's face it, we are all facing challenging times and if you think we can go on with the same way of doing business politically, you are mistaken. Rick's integrity makes him the only choice. He loves this town and wants to see her flourish during a time when a lot of towns will be looking for a hand out. His plan will help us to achieve a the confidence that Jacksonville is prepared for anything that might challenge her. Businesses around the country will look at Jacksonville as a great place to locate and live.
We need a conservative in the office that is humble and willing to put the city and its' people first, and will be guided by his principles to make this the best city in the country. Unlike the other candidates, Rick will never put his finger in the air to find out what the latest poll says. Timing is everything and Rick's vision and passion to move us forward and make the tough decisions is something I want to be a part of and the time for Rick is NOW.

Views: 9


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Comment by Patricia M. McBride on March 2, 2011 at 11:10am


Actually, the city government is responsible for providing services, and keeping the infrastructure and city parks etc in good repair.  It is not supposed to be in business with other folks like Obama is doing with GM.  I do not question that Mr. Mullaney is earnest about his plans for the city, but the hairs on the back of my neck go up at the thought of yet another mayor trying to turn the city into an organization that runs businesses and runs programs the city is not responsible for just because someone has added several unconstitutional additions to the city charter.  I have not heard it from Mullaney but others point to "it" being in the city charter and therefore it's ok.  No, therefore, it is not ok if what was added to the city charter is unconstitutional to start with as in taking my property and giving it to others even if it is money.  The city does not get to decided how I donate my money and do it by force by levying it as a tax.  I understand that is what Obama believes is appropriate, but he is a socialist, and I have put a great deal of thought into a number of other issues as they relate to what the true function of our city is.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on March 2, 2011 at 10:51am
I might also add, that Mr. Mullaney has put a great deal of work into his plan, and we can't take that away from him.  He has been well organized and presents a perfect appearance and certainly would be someone we could take pride in representing our city.  I also know he loves the city as many of us do, and he is a smooth, polished person who comes across as earnestly as one could hope and given his job, he has learned well to win one must be self assured, smooth and polished.  I try very hard to remember that Mr. Mullaney is an attorney and part of his persona is a self assured, smooth and polished approach.  It is the things he says in some cases and the words he uses that give me pause (or perhaps a better way to put that would be "great concern").
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on March 2, 2011 at 10:45am
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I also have an issue with the fact that the city is sitting on most of the prime downtown property and keeping it off the tax roles, and Mr. Mullaney made it clear he plans to keep it that way and only enter into more deals like the 2 we have already gotten involved in that cost the city millions when they didn't work out.  Also, Mr. Mullaney speaks about Delaney like Delaney was a fiscal conservative who walked on water, and although Delaney might have been a smig better than Peyton, Delaney was and is another progressive liberal with an R behind his name, and we can still all remember, I hope, that Delaney drove over from UNF to the city council meeting over the schools hopeful for the Human Rights Commission and called everyone who disagreed with the appointment "racists" which as we all, I would hope, are accutely familiar with and realize is a progressive liberal ploy when they don't have a good argument to refute facts.

Comment by Tim Pike on March 2, 2011 at 10:39am
Just exactly what do you think is "reserved" for the private sector or for that matter the public sector?? When Rick uses the word "invest" he means exactly that, not spending. sometimes, investments do not require spending one red cent. You have completely missed the point. We need to take some tasks out of the public sector's hands and put them in more capable hands in the private sector. The private sector continues to demonstrate it is more efficient than the public sector by a huge margin. Rest assured, Moran might be progressive, but Rick Mullaney is not even close. He is the shining example of conservatism this city needs now.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on March 2, 2011 at 10:19am
How do you deal with him using progressive terminology like private/public partnerships (meaning the city will be involved in things that are reserved for the private market) and the words invest and investment instead of spending?  Although I don't dislike Mr. Mullaney, I hear him say many things that make me quite uncomfortable because they are terms used by progressives (pretty much as Moran uses progressive terminology).

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


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