Obama is at it again with yet another executive order. I would wonder if he can be stopped from interfering with these businesses. We all know what his interference will do to the price of gas (and since he is on the government tit, he could care less about the rest of us).

Workers move a section of well casing into place at a Chesapeake Energy natural gas well site near Burlington, Pa., in April 2011. The Obama administration is taking new steps to increase federal oversight of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, a drilling method that has helped usher in a natural-gas boom. Photo Credit:AP
While Americans focused their attention on the Colombian controversy involving U.S. Secret Service agents, prostitutes and excessive drinking, President Obama quietly signed his latest Presidential Executive Order.
The Supporting Safe and Responsible Development of Unconventional Domestic Natural Gas Resources Executive Order seeks to create what amounts to a Presidential super committee that will oversee the regulation and development of the ‘unconventional’ natural gas industry for the purpose of ensuring a long-term natural gas supply for the United States, as well as to do so in a safe and environmentally responsible manner. ...
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