OK, it hasn't been called just jet but the Presidential election will be a foregone conclusion by the time anyone reads this.

The Tea Party is supposed to support and promote the principles that this country was founded on and the founding fathers believe in.  

President Obama claims to represent the true American values, and yet these are values that the majority of the Tea Party would not recognize.  

Our culture is changing before our eyes and we appear to be completely incapable of stopping it or slowing it down.

Do we need to change the focus of our outreach to the community and perhaps offer more education on what we believe and why?

How do you reach the 47% that Mitt Romney was demonized for?  What percentage of them are salvageable?  

How do we bring more minorities into the fold?   We have to be not only welcoming, but reaching out to those willing to listen.

Does the Tea Party need to start fielding candidates of our own?  The republicans have not proven to be politically astute in picking the best candidates.  Would we do any better?  

Do we need to get out front of candidates, whether our own or GOP candidate?   What their fundamental positions are on fiscal responsibility,  interpretation of the constitution and bill or rights, freedom of religion, 4th Amendment rights etc?   

Do we find a candidate that stands strong on all the things that we believe in or do we accept the milquetoast candidate that does not stand up for our principles but promises not to offend anyone with their principles?

How do we make our principles not be scary to the citizens of the new normal, the people that have adapted the new cultural norms and see our values as a representation of antiquated ideas best left stored away in the attic?

Do we need to define and come to agreement with exactly what our principles are and which are most important to us to be promoted at all costs. 

2014 is still two years off but if we want to change the outcomes for the mid-terms and the even more distant 2016 elections we need to be making decisions now so that we have a clear plan.

There will be finger pointing and blame assigning coming in the near and long term, but we need to be level headed and avoid as much of that as possible.

I am hoping to see a better effort over the next two years and moving forward.

Views: 149


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Comment by amanda choate on November 7, 2012 at 10:36am

Well then lesson learned. But consider this...

The tea party candidate for mayor in Jacksonville,Florida lost to a black man with no experience.

Allen West lost.

Todd Akin lost.

Richard Mourdoch lost.

Sharon angle lost.

Christine O'Donnell lost.

Michelle Bachmann barely survived.

Leann, there is no complicity, no guilt. Romney had a more than fair chance. When he won the first debate everyone said so. He had his chance. He closed the deficit, but not the deal. He lost the hispanic vote by forty points. That is a fact. You cannot win in Florida if you give up that kind of difference. And why did he lose this vote, a vote Jeb Bush carried. Because he couldn't say he was for the DREAM Act. The DREAM Act was written by Republicans, but now they are against it. How crazy is that? If anyone here thinks that you can continue to lose women, hispanics , Asians, blacks and young people and still be viable, well then one day soon they will talk about you like they do the Whig party now.

Comment by Leanne King on November 7, 2012 at 9:58am

I have to run, but this tea party was not hijacked by anyone..  And Amanda the media carries guilt in this.. BIG TIME


Comment by amanda choate on November 7, 2012 at 9:41am

Richard did you view the results of the election?

The tea party lost every Senate seat they were in.

Every single one!

Allen West lost despite outspending his opponent 7-1, and is there a bigger tea partier than him?. Then you make the comment about the 47%. Do you know who the 47% is? Social security recipients, medicare enrollees, veterans. That is about 90% of the whole forty seven percent.

Romney lost because he thought he could win with just old white Americans. Granted he won a bunch of them, but it isn't enough. Todd Akin and Richard Mourdoch lost in Republican states because of their positions, not because the liberal media, but because they are idealogues from the last century.

Stop blaming the media, it isn't the media. It is because the tea party was hijacked by AFP and the far out Christian right. People like me who want a small govenment got forced to the side, because we don't believe the Obama is the anti-Christ. Republicans in the house have bought have done nothing substantive since they were elected in 2010. 32 anti-abortion bills that were never going to get signed is a waste of time.

Stick to fiscal issues. But be realistic, they aren't just going to stop spending. We just have to get the most bang for our buck, eliminate waste, and pay our bills.

Leave the other stuff at home.

Comment by Leanne King on November 7, 2012 at 8:50am

Richard, you questions are well stated and all things that we need to consider as we right the ship and straighten the sails. I will take your questions to a strategic planning session that is scheduled for next week where we will look ahead and determine our path. We have not time for finger pointing. I will leave that up to those who find it useful.

These next thoughts are for everyone:

I do know and I will openly say that those members of the FCTP who have been active and have given so much of their time, energy, and even money to keep the organization alive are hero's, for they have stood and they have fought the long hard battles. I cannot tell you how honored and proud I am to have been able to stand and fight at their side. Understand too that without the on-going support and ACTIVE participation by all members we are in danger of watching our country be dismantled. The 100 or so members that have had their boots on the ground for months cannot carry this load alone. We must all come to realize that this movement is much more than an exciting rally, it is real work and it requires sacrific.  Those before us fought and died for what we have and we need to put that vision clearly in our minds and use it to keep our individual passions alive. The FCTP is you and you and you. Not just a few who work so hard and give so much. Personally, I will not sit and watch hoping that "others" are "taking care of things". That is not how battles are won. Millions want to save this country, then millions must do the work.  Onward Patriots!!!  Leanne

National Debt Clock


The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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