Credit: Canada Free Press
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From My Point of View
Hillary's Three Ring Circus
For most children born in the U.S. in the late 1900s, growing up came with a deep-seated tradition of going to the circus - a spectacle that has delighted the young and the old alike for many years. Starting in 1919, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus merged to become an integral part of our folklore. Little did owners James Anthony Bailey and P.T. Barnum realize back in the day that their extravaganza presentation, billed as 'The Greatest Show on Earth', could just as well have been used to describe our own modern-day version of a spectacle, such as the one that was seen during Hillary Clinton's Benghazi investigation conducted on Tuesday, October 22nd, by the Select Committee on Benghazi. If you were one, like me, privy to watching the live version of the eleven-hour Clinton show, carried out by Al Jazeera America T.V. channel, you probably noted-like I did-that the similarities between the Clinton hearings and the renowned Greatest Show on Earth were not just confined to the name alone, but also to the staged production of the show itself as well. So far as I am concerned, the Clinton extravaganza-just like Barnum and Bailey event-featured a three-ring circus. At center stage of it all, who else but our Madam Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton herself. The other two rings, notably filled with inquiring congressman and congresswomen from both sides of the aisle. What I saw yesterday was no more, no less exactly what I had expected to see going into the hearings. What I saw was a seasoned liar, infinitely better prepared this time around to answer a battery of poignant questions posed by a panel of frustrated republicans whose ultimate objective was that of getting to the truth on why had four noble Americans, to wit: Ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens; U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith; and CIA contractors, Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty lost their lives on that doleful day of September 11th, 2012, the victims of a savage attack by Islamic animals who invaded the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. Mind you, a quest for the truth which had been greatly diminished as Clinton and her liberal-democratic machinery of well-trained cronies had ably manipulated the issues, such as to lead the world into believing that the republicans' objective in seeking such truth was all but an expediently politicized agenda exclusively aimed at undermining Clinton's chances of becoming our next president in the 2016 elections. And, to the best of my knowledge, they [the Clintonian liberal machinery] pretty much succeeded in conveying that perception to a naïve universe of unsuspecting Americans, many of whom did not even know what the word Benghazi meant or what the Benghazi affair was all about - a byproduct, if you will, of the rampant apathy, lethargy, and indifference, now prevalent amongst mainstream Americans and a great majority of the nation's uninformed voting universe - a universe now decidedly targeted by a liberal democrat ensemble with clear hopes of winning this sectoral population to voting for their ticket, again, biasedly presuming the group's vulnerability to buy anything sold to them, mostly as a byproduct of their political or otherwise complete ignorance of the current events taking place in our nation In any event, in case you missed the hearings, I will say you did not miss much, except-just as I had predicted-'more-of-the-same'. In fact, I could easily abridge the eleven hours of the hearing with but a few narratives, the essence of which would pretty much tell the whole story, barring a few, but very few moments of the exhilaration we had all hoped for. In a nutshell you had-like I mentioned before-three basic acts to the melodrama. There was, of course, the testifying witness, Hillary Clinton. All in all, I got to say the con artist did once again what she does best, that is, she sailed through a grueling marathon of piteous questions. It seemed to me that all of Clinton's years of lying and Ponzi schemes first learned from her political mentor Saul Alinsky were finally paying off; not to mention her close association to forever partner-in-crime, corrupt husband Bill, as they, together, have mastered the art of allegedly getting away with murder. I have to say it, credit where credit is due notwithstanding, my everlasting repulsion for both these characters; the woman [Hillary], much like husband Bill, are two of the most adept political rats I have ever seen in my lifetime. All told, Clinton again decried her responsibilities for anything leading to the death of the four fallen heroes, while ultimately blaming Ambassador Stevens himself for his ill-fated demise, never mind that there were over 600 requests made by the late Ambassador calling for improved security to the compound. In addition, Clinton's testimony focused on building a smoke curtain, specifically designed to blaming everyone except herself, while she repeatedly accused and held responsible our nation's security personnel for whatever happened that fateful day in Benghazi. The fact that many of those who she held responsible were in fact under the direct command and presumed leadership of our Madam Secretary of State apparently did not matter much to Clinton, as did not the fact that none of the so-called responsible personnel were ever brought to justice. Last, but not least, there was the republican ring, led by the Committee Chairman from South Carolina, Trey Gowdy, together with Susan Brooks from Indiana; Jim Jordan from Ohio; Mike Pompeo from Kansas; Martha Roby from Alabama; Per Roskam from Illinois; and Georgia's Lynn Westmoreland. Here, too, more of the same, I guess. While Chairman Gowdy, a renowned prosecutor, was expected to take a leading role in the interrogation, it was obvious from the very beginnings of the proceedings that such leading role had been tempered by: 1) his role as Chair of the event, coupled with 2) an obvious struggle to refrain from any such tactics that could lead people to believing he was badgering the witness - that in response to the aura of protective deception surrounding the hearings, namely one meant to sway public opinion into believing the procedures were all but a conservative plot designed to undermine Clinton's presidential hopes. |
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We didn't reinvent the circus. We repackaged it in a much more modern way.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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