Your Monday Morning Tea: Action Item - The Criminal Justice Reform Bill

Credit: NumbersUSA

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From My Point of View

Call your Senators and urge them to oppose a vote on crime bill as currently written.

Dear friends,
There are a number of new reports surfacing that the Senate may try to move a highly-flawed criminal justice reform bill over the next few weeks. NumbersUSA takes no position on crime reform, but because the bill, as currently written, would largely benefit non-citizens who are incarcerated in federal prisons, and the Obama Administration has shown little interest in deporting criminal aliens, we're urging Congress not to bring the bill to the floor for a vote.
The Criminal Justice reform bill, S.2123, would reduce the sentences for certain individuals who have been convicted for federal crimes; that's an important distinction to point out -- this bill would only impact federal prisons. It would have no impact on state, county, or local jails.
According to federal data, 25% of all federal trafficking convictions and 77% of all federal drug possession convictions in 2015 were handed down to non-citizens. The criminal alien who killed California Detective Michael Davis, Jr. and Deputy Sheriff Danny Oliver was convicted of federal drug offenses before being released from prison.
In FY2015, the Obama Administration released 60% of the criminal aliens it came in contact with. If S.2123 passes in its current form, it would result in the release of thousands of more criminal aliens onto the streets. Several open-borders groups have already petitioned the Obama Administration, asking for any criminal aliens who are released should the law be passed be considered for Deferred Action (protection from deportations).

Please call your two U.S. Senators and urge them to oppose a vote on S.2123, the criminal justice reform bill because it could potentially release thousands of criminal aliens onto the streets.

Capitol Switchboard -- (202) 224-3121

Call your Senators by dialing the Switchboard number above and asking the operator to be connected to your Senators' offices.



Florida Contact Information:


US Sen. Marco Rubio, FAX (202) 228-5171 – Phone (202) 224-3041 or (904) 398-8586

US Sen. Bill Nelson, FAX (202) 228-2183 – Phone (202) 224-5274 or (904) 346-4500

For future reference this information is available on the main page of the website at:

"The patriot volunteer, fighting for country and his rights, makes the most reliable soldier on earth." Stonewall Jackson

Views: 167


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Comment by Franklin W. on April 26, 2016 at 11:11am

Half a fight won't get the job done.  

The "enemy" is in it with a united front using everything they have.  With all aspects fully engaged 24/7/365.  They are bringing the fight everyday.  Relentless assaults on every front, in every area.   They are the aggressors.  

Those that are left that are concerned, fearful and angry about the United States of America becoming fully under the control of a socialist/communist type tyrannical government must meet the enemy with the same force and level of engagement to slow their advancement.  There must be a united resistance of the same level of force as the enemy.

Just as obama's timid, half-hearted lack of engagement with ISIS has allowed ISIS to grow, expand and become stronger taking more and more ground, America's citizens and patriots have allowed their enemies, in and outside of America, to grow stronger taking more and more ground.

Not meeting the enemy with the force necessary to resist their advances IS giving up.  The people, collectively,  must do more than just 'what little they can do'...  We are and have been for the best part of 50 years on the defensive.  The American people and the American way of life is now under a D-Day type of all out attack from a united, well equipped, well prepared, well organized, well led enemy.     They have every branch, unit, organization and outfit assembled, engaged and co-ordinated for this massive assault to bring about the final defeat of America as it was founded and flourished as a Nation of self-governed industrious people of Rule of Law, limited government, self-sufficiency, Liberty (freedom from government abusive control) and honor. 

The American people have been outsmarted, out witted, and out manned.  For the past 7 years this fight has looked more like one of Muhammad Ali's "Rope-A-Dope" boxing matches.   The people, for the most part, have not been sufficiently hurt or harmed either physically or financially to be motivated to put up an aggressive resistance.  The rest, they simply don't give a damn.   They have been duped into thinking they are hanging on as long as they are not personally attacked, harmed or quickly wiped out.  When the truth is they are being lead to slaughter slowly on a daily bases.

There must be a Resistance.   What to do and how to do it must be the focus and conversation everyday. There is nothing more important.   Being bogged down in half-hearted personal skirmishes and throwing rocks that go unnoticed makes one feel as though they are doing "something" and they are.  But, that is only lip service while being pushed further and further backwards.   

There must be an active ongoing Resistance by the people.  It will not come from America's leadership or elected officials. 

Comment by Jeanne DeSilver on April 26, 2016 at 11:02am

"Never despair but if you do, work on in despair." Edmund Burke

Comment by FCTP on April 26, 2016 at 8:51am

Dear Franklin, I so understand your frustration, heartache and disappointment with all that is going on around us. Like you my heart breaks and I often wonder why? and what difference does it make if I continue to fight against the devil who seeks to destroy my country.. I know that there is nothing the enemy would like more than for good Americans to give up and for that reason alone I will not...I look at my grandchildren and know that for them I must continue to do whatever I can, no matter how small that action might be. So I fight on in the only way I know how...Fight the good fight for it is worth it,.......And as the saying goes. "Never Give Up."

Comment by Franklin W. on April 25, 2016 at 1:16pm

What difference does it make at this point, anyway...

America is no longer a Nation of laws.  Laws are meaningless, broken and ignored at will.  

Laws are only used when it helps certain people and government.  

There is no criminal justice in America.

The United States government is the most corrupt, criminal, deceitful and dishonest government on the planet.

The America people have become the biggest group of FOOLS and willfully ignorant COWARDS on the planet.

Contact rubio and nelson.   A joke...A total waste of time.

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1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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