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From My Point of View
Yvette Cormier went to the front desk after someone who looked like a “man” entered the women’s locker room while she was changing. “I wanted to know why there was a man in the women’s locker room,” she told CNN. “He looked like a man, and that’s what stopped me in my tracks.”
She said the front desk employee told her about Planet Fitness’ “no-judgment” policy, which allows people to use changing room based on “their sincere, self-reported gender identity.”
Unsatisfied, she said she called Planet Fitness’ corporate headquarters and heard the same thing.
“That should be something they pointed out when I signed up,” she said.
“If you have male parts you don’t need to be in the women’s locker room. I don’t care what you are; I don’t care if you’re gay lesbian, transgender or transvestite. I am uncomfortable with you as a male in my locker room, in my restroom.”
….because, apparently, it is Yvette Cormier who is the deviant.
Now, here’s the deal: Normal or not, we do find that people identify with a gender that is not their biological sex. However, regardless of one’s belief in their gender, there is something terribly wrong about the situation that Mrs. Cormier found herself in.
Planet Fitness cancelled her membership because of this event… not because she didn’t want a man in the women’s locker room, but because of the way she expressed her feelings. Planet Fitness, in other words, gets to play thought police. There is, of course, a difference in what a private business does and what a government does – you have alternatives to Planet Fitness (and you really should choose them, not just because of this story) – but it is still an issue for those in the world who are not transgendered or believe that you can use whichever bathroom/dressing room/locker room you want based on how you feel.
The vocal minority wins the game because businesses are so afraid of the PR hit of being seen as bullies. As a result, they cave to those vocal minorities and completely ignore the silent majorities that aren’t comfortable with the change. Those that do speak up get their gym membership revoked at best. At worst, you get publicly shamed and ostracized from normal society for, get this, disagreeing with someone (and you are also targeted in Tumblr accounts run by the Internet’s most annoying social justice warriors who have nothing better to do). It’s a maddening trend that claims many victims.
Regardless of whether or not you accept the premise of transgenderism, the fact remains that, in the process of making people accept every little quirk in the human condition, you end up punishing everyone else. You will be made to accept a (biological) man in the women’s locker room. Mrs. Cormier was made to care about it, but she didn’t care in the right way and was punished for it.
This is what’s happening without an expanded Human Rights Ordinance, can you imagine what you are in for should it come to pass in Jacksonville. This is the desire of the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce, that’s why you have Republicans supporting the expansion.
#Shun the Chamber now!
Will there come a day when a heterosexual "straight person" (in case you don't know what that means) can get any respect anymore? Why does congress only consider "gay", "lesbian", or "transgender" people as citizens of our country who need to have "special rights"? What is wrong with this nation? We have an epidemic of molestation, rape, sexual attacks and perverts against women in this country and now you want to open the doors to invite such actions!!!!! A woman should be able to at least feel safe when she goes to a public restroom. For goodness sake------if you don't have to squat down to pee, then go to the men's bathroom, rather than the women's just to prove a point. If you have a daughter, would you won't her to be in the same public bathroom as some man?
No one has answered my "man in a dress conundrum while at work protected(?) question. I am not being rude nor am I in business. This is just an intellectual exercise to ascertain just how far the law would go to protect the absurd!
Slowly but surely women's safety is being taken away stupid people.. Any man would be able to go into a woman's bathroom and CLAIM to be trans-gender, but in reality is just a pervert who wants to take advantage of the new "outrageous" law. This will lead to a lot more sex crimes against women. Can a woman then go into a men's bathroom? Probably, but would she feel safe. If you look like a man, for goodness sake act responsibly and go into the men's bathroom, rather than cause turmoil everywhere he goes.
I am well aware of everyone's rights. Answer my question if U want to comment. Thanks, John
The Florida Constitution, Article 1, SECTION 2. Basic rights.—All natural persons, female and male alike, are equal before the law and have inalienable rights, among which are the right to enjoy and defend life and liberty, to pursue happiness, to be rewarded for industry, and to acquire, possess and protect property; except that the ownership, inheritance, disposition and possession of real property by aliens ineligible for citizenship may be regulated or prohibited by law. No person shall be deprived of any right because of race, religion, national origin, or physical disability.
Enough said.
My one concern would be a situation where a man hired but later tells everyone that he is a transgender and wants to dress as a woman and work in the office. Will he have that right if this ordinance is passed. They say that people are being fired or not hired because of this. How, for example, would I know that the man I am interviewing for a job is "gay". He would have to admit his situation or be "outed" by someone else. How does a person ascertain a persons proclivities during an interview. There is more to this ordinance than meets the eye or the smell test.
Gee Whiz--Republicans I am shocked. By the way Benedict Arnold would have been a respected and revered republican but was born too early .I do admire the democrats for one thing--They are not shy about acting on their hatred of our constitution and beliefs. They mean what they act. On the other hand the republicans (small r )will and do betray us at every turn. Is anybody fed up and discouraged enough to take action beyond talking and meeting about the danger we are in ?
By the way add to our list of enemies' the chamber of commerce---money and power is all that counts with no scruples or morals.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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