I am a retired air traffic controller of 30 years, cabinet maker of 13 years, Republican for 52 years and I am now simply a RIGHT COASTER in support of any and all Tea Parties. I want the heretofore SILENT majority to wake the hell up, get off their mind numb asses and start paying attention to what is happening to our way of life and our whole country. We are being had by the minority because we are too busy watching Soaps, TV games, or the news on ABC, CBS, WSJ, CNN, NBC, New York Times, La Times, Washington Post, Public TV and Radio, Nintendo, computer games etc. etc. etc. and hundreds of other Soros controlled press/medias. Wake up your nation is being devoured by the Chinese, Arabs, Indonesians, Indians, Mexicans, Argentineans, N. Koreans, and all the other nations who are sucking up your national industries under the name of FAIR TRADE. AND, don't forget GEORGE SOROS, who has funded Bamma's mystic appearance and very private existence in to our first office. It cost millions to freeze and hide Bamma's past.
Harold Swift
Mar 18, 2010