Ronald G. Johns


Green Cove Springs, FL

United States

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  • Jeanne J.

    Hey there Mr. and Mrs. I-Hop, just wanted to let you guys know that I use one of my aliases on this site Jeanne J. vs Jeanne Crosby, but, it's me. So I sent you a friend request, I hope that you want to be friends, cause I've already told everyone we are bestest buddies. It was fun seeing you both at the rally on Sunday in St. Augustine. Will you guys be coming to the Clay County monthly meeting? If so, then I'll see you there. Jeanne
  • Linda H.

    Mr. Johns, I hope you will change your mind about the Gingrich event. He needs to hear what you have to say.

    Here is your opportunity to do that personally. Hope you will attend.
  • Linda H.

    There was a lot of anger out there on that invitation comment page, much of it aimed unfairly at Newt. I meant it when I said I was hoping you'd go. He needs to hear from people like you. You've got his ear at this moment.
    I really appreciate your response. you've done more than your share. And I'm proud to stand with you in this Tea Party.