Kay Ragan Durden
  • Female
  • Jacksonville, FL
  • United States
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Kay Ragan Durden's Friends

  • Hank Heinold
  • Denise leBlanc James
  • Mary Jane Travis
  • Jason Fischer
  • Rebecca Howell
  • Tim McClellan
  • Irene Masci
  • Lisa Burden
  • gary thigpen
  • Judy K. Nichols
  • Cindy Jordan
  • Susan Patterson
  • Beth Ann Oyler
  • Alan R. Stokes
  • D Owen

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Gov. Ronald Reagan and Me in Jacksonville Fl When he was running for Pres. 1980

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Kay Ragan Durden's Blog

I Miss you all!!

Hey Guy's, I'm up in Alabama helping with feeding the folks that lost everything in the storm.  My son Trae is the Campus Minister for Alabama Univ. and my other son, Caleb (some of you know Caleb, he had helped us with our Rally's last year)  he was in the church building when the storm hit.  Thank the Dear Lord Caleb walked out OK.  The building didn't make it but the room that Caleb and 5 of the other students were in did!

I am thinking of you all that are helping get Mike Hogan…


Posted on May 5, 2011 at 8:19am

My Gmail is dead.

Hi guys, my gmail email is dead, so I can't get anything.  Please send me your notes by Face book or on here.

Thanks, Kay

Posted on March 18, 2011 at 3:47pm

Our Time has come!!!!!

Oh My Word did you guys see FOX NEWS about the voice over guy getting fired because he left a nasty message on FREEDOM WORKS voice mail?????? About us Tea Party folks.

I remember when we worried about any actor that stood with us because they just didn't get called to work anymore. I just love this!! Its about time and the funny thing is, not that they agreed with us, cause I'm sure most of them are still LIBS, but that they know we are big in Numbers and there…

Posted on April 21, 2010 at 12:30pm

Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 11:27am on November 19, 2010, Leanne King said…
Kay, so good to see your name and your offer to help.. At this time I am looking for help working the Merchandise Table. We need someone to pick up the merchandise from the office and get it to the event, set up and then of course work the tables. The day starts at 10 and ends around 6 when the parade starts. I am hoping to get at least 14 volunteers so that people do not have to work for long periods of time. If there is a time during the day that would work best for you please let me know..I will be in touch when more comes together. Thanks again.. Leanne
At 3:35pm on October 12, 2010, Leanne King said…
Kay, thanks so much for the offer. I will put you on my list and as I figure out more of the needs I will be in touch..
Again, thank you Leanne
At 11:07am on June 11, 2010, martha a mcdonald said…
From the Bull Snort Forum to the Tea Party Extravaganza, do you ever slow down? Hope not, the world, or at least our world is better for it! I keep reading and looking, so I can keep up with my mind, but my body don't jee-haw like it used to. Keep on keeping on, I enjoy the ride from here!! love ya' martha
At 6:45pm on April 16, 2010, Lisa Burden said…
THat is my daughter holding he sign..it was all her idea..I thought for days as to what my signs would say..I had4 different ones..she had the one sign and made the paper with it!LOL
At 5:53pm on March 15, 2010, Beth Ann Oyler said…

Thank you for your welcome. I'm thrilled to know of the first coast tea party. I am a true patriot and will close with this that Patrick Henry once said. Semi quote.
"This great counrty of ours was not founded by religionists but by Christians and not by religion but by the gospel of Jesus Christ." That may be too strong for some, but it is true. Take care. Beth Oyler
At 8:01am on February 10, 2010, Murray Goff said…

I think the talent show idea has real merit. I would love to listen to your thoughts on how it works and the benefits to gained for FCTP. Let me know when we can talk.

At 12:40pm on February 9, 2010, Murray Goff said…

Welcome to the team..


National Debt Clock


The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am