It's Official: Barack Obama Has Declared Himself De-facto Dictator Of The United States Of America.
While the tyrannical pronouncement went largely unreported by the Obama-media, Barack Obama declared himself de-facto dictator of the United States of America on Wednesday, possibly signaling the end of the United States as we know it.
In what can only be described as a blatant, totalitarian and authoritarian abuse of power, Barack Obama, decreed that Richard Cordray would be the head of his so-called Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and he made his declaration without the advice and consent of the Senate, and, by doing so, he clearly violated Article 2, Section 2 of the United States Constitution.
But do not be deceived, the Cordray decree is not just another run of the mill Obama abuse of power.
Through this seemingly insignificant but illegal act of defiance, Barack Obama stopped sticking his toe in the water and finally took the plunge and declared Congress irrelevant, and as long as Congress accepts its newly decreed irrelevance, nothing stands in Barack Obama's way. That's how tyrannies start!
We can't allow that to happen. The disease that is the Obama administration must be stopped and IMPEACHMENT is the only cure!
They Puff. They Pontificate. And Yet, They Do Nothing!
There's no doubt that Obama, by any sane person's reckoning, has crossed the line. And yet, our elected officials are still all talk and no action. What gives?
After blustering and pontificating that Obama's actions were "an extraordinary and entirely unprecedented power grab" that "would have a devastating effect on the checks and balances that are enshrined in our Constitution," John Boehner cowardly rolled over and said; "I expect the courts will find the appointment to be illegitimate.”
Excuse us Mr. Boehner? Wait just a minute. The Constitution is clear and your Constitutional duty is clear. And simply talking tough and punting your Constitutional duty over to liberal activist judges does not excuse you from doing your duty.
Barack Obama is not a king or a monarch. He is not our dictator and when the man or woman occupying the Oval Office violates the Constitution, the remedy is IMPEACHMENT and the jurisdiction to impeach lies with you, not the courts!
Mitch McConnell did no better. All he could muster was feckless outrage and say that Obama had "arrogantly circumvented the American people" and his decree “fundamentally endangers the Congress’s role in providing a check on the excesses of the executive branch.”
Just words… nothing but words.
But make no mistake, our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves over this dictatorial and tyrannical power grab and we are once again left to ask: What must this pretender do… how many times must this tin-pot dictator abuse the Constitution before our elected officials do what must be done to preserve our Republic and push to impeach this imposter and remove him from the office that he usurped!
The Media Is Lying To You. Cordray Was Not A "Recess Appointment" And Obama Knows That He Is Violating The Constitution.
Lying is detectable in how they lived their lives. Unfortunately, we as voters only get into the investigative mode when campaigns officially start, then we listen to what the mainstream medias' agenda might be, and we subscribe to it, like the sheep that God said we were. We are there NOW; listening to what the media states about a candidate. Once again we let the media tell us who to vote for. I have even asked FOX, to stop trying to pick our candidates, and just report equally and fairly on each..........................
To be HUMAN, created by God, is to be SPIRITUAL, until the human turns his back on GOD, then GOD turns them over to their own black hearts and perseve nature. God has turned their back on them.
At the Agenda21 seminar, it was said that the US does not have a spending problem, nor a deficit problem. WE HAVE A MORAL PROBLEM. The US Constitution states that we only elect those of good moral character. WE MUST LOOK AT THE MORAL ASPECT OF EACH CANDIDATE, starting with the local dogcatcher, sheriff and working our way up. HOW can we expect to have a moral nation if we keep electing the same types. That is the definition of insanity-DOING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER WHILE EXPECTING DIFFERENT RESULTS!!
Those 'elite' that were interested in Europe and Asia, thus using OUR Armed Forces for those interests.
However, those same 'elites' have never had an interest in Africa, where it seems that most of the extended bellies exist...........................
Amen, Ken.
We are supposed to pray, for guidance. If God was going to do it for us, then we do not have free will.
I prayed about illegal immigration, and God told me to go to the border and support the US Border Patrol, which I did for several years. When you pray, and God says who shall I send, our response should be, "SEND ME".
"Where sin abounds, Grace doth much more abound". God is Still God. All is shaping up for the One World Ruler, soon to step on the scene. But first, something else has to happen; The Rapture; The Bride of Christ will be taken up, and then all hell will be unloosed for a period of seven years.
It's in The Book, the Holy Bible, for all who have ears to hear, and eyes to see. To take part in this event, Bible says "Ye must be born again" and your name written by God, in the Book of Life.
Just pray a simple prayer, repent of your sins, and ask Jesus to forgive you. Then if you truly accept and believe that Jesus Christ died for you, and on the third day arose from the grave, you will be saved. All you need is the faith to believe as a liitle child, and it is a miracle that takes place within you.. God Loves You! And his Holy Spirit is calling out for you to accept this simpple message today.
We have totally forgotten that "God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure if we have removed their only firm basis: a conviction in the minds of men that these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever."- Thomas Jefferson was correct!
Have we forgotten that the basis of our country is on the Bible, the perfect law, the law of Liberty?
The Word of God is the means of regeneration, a mirror reflecting man's defects, the ethical guide for Christian living, and the standard for judgment. The Law serves as a tutor to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith. As such one should expect that when the Bible is rejected as a trusted source of wisdom and living principles all liberty will be lost. Because where there is no God there can be no freedom, liberty or constitutional law. When man becomes the ultimate authority, there is no respect for God or fellow man. One can only think and act on behalf of their own good thus secular Humanism, where man is god, becomes the religion of the land as we see today.
As a people Americans are looking for government to provide what God has withheld. As a nation we have turned our backs on God and tried to be our own provider. Frustration and futility are the corrective disciplines of God.
Who is left among us who saw the country in its former glory? How do you see it now? Does it not seem to you like nothing in comparison?
Even in today's circumstances the Lord of hosts, says take courage and work for "I am with you;--- My Spirit is abiding in your midst; do not fear."
We should be humble and pray for the renewal of the Spirit in America for when we are unified in Spirit with God all things are possible through Him. Men are imperfect and power corrupts. It is only with humility before God that we learn to lead, and through knowledge of our ignorance that we learn to seek the truth.
God specifically says that "If My people who are called by My name humble them-selves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." "but if you turn away and forsake My statutes and My commandments which I have set before you and shall go and serve other gods and worship them, then I will uproot you from My land which I have given you, -----and everyone who pasted by it will be astonished and say, Why has the Lord done thus to this land and to this house?" and They will say why have you despised the word of the Lord, the God of your fathers, by doing evil in His sight? Why have you removed yourself from God's blessings by totally disregarding His commands, even removing them from the court houses of your land?
Wither we choose to try and follow the ten commandments or totally remove them from our society God still has a purpose and a calling for this nation. Which one is it? That we should be known as a former Christian nation that was once the greatest nation on earth with intelligent strong and wealthy people until they turned their backs on God. Or, Could it not be that the purpose is that we live and witness and serve as a people of God reflecting the great spiritual heritage of our ancestors.
I love the song by Elvis: “One Pair of Hands”
It's not Elvis people. His name is Carroll Roberson. The song is beautiful regardless of who sings it.
Still it shows how easily we can be misled by something that sounds so real so dear to our hearts. Religion is like that, you must know what you believe put aside familial values and social traditions and become accountable for your own thoughts and actions for all will eventually stand before the judgment seat of God!
As a nation we must do the same thing:
As a nation we need to come to terms with our past and plan for the future. While we still can, we should acknowledge that our legal and governmental structure is based on a Judeo-Christian world view and English should be our official language. If not, we will loose both and cease to be a distinct people, and a distinct nation. Our national existence is at stake here. As citizens of the United States of America we are like a family that quarrels and fights bitterly within until such time as the enemy is at the door except in this case we have already invited them into the house. How many of the unknown visitors, illegal immigrants and foreign religious establishments are predatory? How many are established and supported by foreign governments or radical groups? Is there a plan for jihad in America? How should the American family deal with the threat? If the visitors come with a sword in its hand, the family forgets its quarrels and fights as one against the people who want to possess its land.
The current war is much more subtle than that. In an atmosphere of political correctness and international civility, the USA is at a terrible disadvantage; the war is not threatening enough to distract us from our own struggles. The war is seen as over there, and we should get ourselves out. However, when the Islamic visitors, or immigrants, come to our door they have their eyes on everything in the house, they are more like jewel thieves than vandals. There is no sword in their hand but a plan in the making a war of public diplomacy. They seek to change our current society into one reflecting the nature of their homeland. We cannot have an enemy within our borders left free to destroy us, whether slowly or quickly.
“We The People” must TAKE ACTION to support the sanctity of our national borders and the continued existence of the United States of America, her Constitution and Constitutional government, and the strengthening and restoration of what's left of Judeo-Christian Culture.
Likewise, “We The People” must oppose all international cross-border efforts by Islam, whose ultimate goal is one world Ummah, requiring the systematic destruction of all other religions.
“We The People” must TAKE ACTION to make this so called cultural bridge to close the gap of understanding between East and West a two way bridge. “We The People” fully expect that all Islamic organizations located in the USA would translate US History, our constitution and declaration of Independence into there own languages and make provision for distribution of those document into the areas of the world from which they came.
Sadly, this may be our last chance to change course. If we do not get Obama out, his immigration policy will ensure that we will never be able to change course.
Ken you are correct. Apathy abounds in America. I got a few votes in NH. Running for President does give you a bit of a platform but my experience says that very few people care! The question is how low must we go as a nation before we will act as a unified people? 9/12/01 gives us a clue. Next time will be worse. We must act together!
Check out or the link Joe Story, The Average Joe for President
Thanks Roma and Tom. My name sake Supreme Court Justice nails where we are at as a nation today on this and many other subjects.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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