Pres. Obama and GOP Leaders are desperate to pass TPA, the fast track trade bill that gives the president full negotiating authority over a number of free trade agreements, before the American people learn what's in them, but your urgent phone calls can stop them!
Last week, the House narrowly passed (for the second time) TPA, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has already scheduled a procedural vote on the legislation for Tuesday morning. He'll need 60 votes to proceed to final passage of the bill.
The current version of TPA, H.R.2146, would allow Pres. Obama to negotiate immigration increases into free trade agreements that would only be subject to a simple up-or-down vote from Congress.
TPA would not only cover the massive Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) between the United States and 12 other Pacific Rim nations, but also cover the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) between the U.S., European Union, and other nations. TiSA includes labor mobility for more than 50 nations and could increase the number of foreign workers allowed to work in the U.S. and extend the length of their work visas.
Call your Senators Today!
CAPITOL SWITCHBOARD -- (888) 995-2086
Please dial the toll-free number above that will connect you to the Capitol Switchboard. When the operator answers, ask to be connected to your U.S. Senators' offices. You can use the following talking points when talking to the staffer.
I strongly urge the Senator to vote NO on the motion to proceed to TPA, H.R.2146, on Tuesday!
Should the Senate pass this bill, it would forfeit its Constitutional authority that requires a 2/3rds vote to approve treaties with foreign countries and only require a simple up-or-down vote to approve a number of free trade agreements, including the Trans Pacific Partnership and Trade in Services Agreement.
One has to wonder why they would want to give away their ability to check and balance executive action..
This bill would vastly expand Pres. Obama's authority over immigration, and supporters of this bill have refused to include unequivocal language that would actually prohibit trade agreements from allowing new foreign workers to take U.S. jobs.
Please vote NO on the motion to proceed to TPA, H.R.2146!
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Thank you for your action on this critical item
God Bless You And May God Bless Our America.
I'm grateful that word got out so we could take ACTION!!! One thing that seemed apparent to me is that there was a lot of arm twisting and other efforts to get the vote. Truly a pity as the crew in D.C. works for "we the people." But then, that seems to be a challenging concept for them to accept.
I made my calls today and to no avail..................however, I did call.
Sabrina, I make every attempt to send out Action Items with as much time as possible. In this case I was not aware that a vote would be the next morning until late on the 22nd and thus the late request. I do apologize however there are times that I just do not learn of the need with a lot of lead time.
If obama wants a third term. Mcconnell and Boehner will do all they can to change the laws to accommodate him. Even if that means allowing him to write his own bill, submit it to congress to be passed without reading it.
A President with approximately 18 months left in his second term and still flying around the country holding fund raisers and private closed meetings with major influential liberal Democrats and high profile blacks has an agenda other than working on plans for a Presidential Library.
The U.S. House and Senate along with the Supreme Court are scared to death of obama.
And, so is the american people!
Americans, as a Nation, have become the biggest group of FOOLS and willfully ignorant COWARDS on the planet.
They WOULD NOT keep the Republic that others fought and sacrificed for to GIVE them.
Republicans are putting another liberal Democrat in the White House. Whether it be obama, Clinton or someone else. Republicans elected by Republican voters are ensuring that there will be another liberal Democrat in the White House.
This notice was posted on FCTP at 8:30 pm on June 22nd - Monday! If the vote was taken this morning - that didn’t give much time to act.
Can we get a little more advance notice in time to act? Thanks!
Agreed! Let's hope individual judgments prevail in spite of arm twisting to change those judgments.
Why would our Republican leaders agree to this massive unread bill? What’s in it for them?
ANYTHING OBAMA WANTS - IS SUSPECT. We the People want Obama stopped now.
Call your Senator today.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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