We need to shut down the phone lines to the senators, who will vote on Tuesday -on a bill to transform our education system to boards instead of elected officials.


No matter where you live in this country you MUST call your Senators and let them know you DO NOT want them voting yes on S1177 on Tuesday, July 7. THIS BILL IS BAD FOR OUR CHILDREN AND WIL BE THE LAST STRAW TO FEDERAL CONTROL OVER THE EDUCATION OF OUR CHILDREN. Call Sen. Alexander even if you do not live in TN as he is the one behind the nationalizing of education since the 70’s. These men and women must be stopped from thinking they can have control over our children. Common Core should have given you a clue as to what they are up to.

If this bill passes, please do not be deceived as this is the final step to federal control of education and our children. It will also advance the growth of Charter Schools (you must read Tough Choices or Tough Times by Marc Tucker) which will end up giving parents no choice and no voice. The agenda is to replace all traditional public schools with Charters and eliminate elected school boards. Teachers are to come under their state control and become facilitators – not teachers. Alexander has a vested interest in Charters as does Gates, Broad and Walton. THIS BILL IS BAD TO ITS CORE. SLAM the phone lines starting Monday, July 6th and don't stop!!!

Sen. Alexander may be a Republican, but he is NOT a conservative and he has had a major role in transforming American education to global indoctrination. It was he who first stated the government should have control of our children from cradle to grave or in Lamar Alexander’s words, “I would go down to the maternity ward of the local hospital, or whatever you call the part of the hospital where the nurses are who are there when the babies are born. Find out how many babies are born out-of-wedlock, how many babies are born with single parents. Just so you know that! I would think the Brand New American School would be year-round, open from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. A second characteristic might be that these schools will serve children from age 3 months old to age 18.” This is UN/UNESCO “Education For All”.




Click here and then simply enter your STATE: Your Senator and contact information will be displayed.


Celebrate the 4th of July every day this week by non-stop calling of your Senators (202-224-3121) and telling them to vote "NO" on Republican Senator Lamar Alexander's S. 1177.


Please see the list below put out by the American Principles Project (APP) that just skims the surface on the major dangers of this legislation, now known as ECAA (Every Child Achieves Act). 

American Principles In Action has released a list of 21 reasons to oppose the Every Child Achieves Act. Every Child Achieves Act: A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

In addition Eagle Forum is strongly opposed to ECAA and is calling on their members to contact Senators to oppose this legislation. Take Action - Eagle Forum Legislative Alerts - Eagle Forum

Please note that Jeb Bush has come out publicly stating that he worked with Sen. Lamar Alexander on this legislation. 

Here is the audio clip of Jeb Bush.

From attorney, Robin Eubanks, author of “Credentialed to Destroy,” who you here in the audio linked above………… 


Page 200 of ECAA, discussing the Innovative Assessment and Accountability, to validate mastery and be built on individual learning needs, calls for civil rights organizations to be among the consulted stakeholders. Reminds me of how Promise Neighborhoods, Choice Neighborhoods, and the new HUD reg importing Equity into the suburbs are all supposed to work.


Essentially poverty becomes a suspect class that must be alleviated even if it sends the economy into a death spiral. The existence of poverty and varying outcomes becomes the reason to continue to organize and plan.


There is also language on page 415 of ECAA about how ‘need’ is not just triggered by the school’s conditions and population. It can also be triggered by the “community to be served”. I said last night on a conference call that when accurately translated and understood, ECAA may well be the most intrusive, revolutionary piece of legislation Congress has ever adopted. It treats students as if they are molding clay existing to fit the desires of State officials and gives State Officials almost unlimited powers to condition future citizens as they see fit.


ECAA is designed to subjugate and use schools and other institutions to tether the mind and personality. It is shameful that these US Senators think this is acceptable or even that they needn’t bother to understand what they want to enact as was the case with WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act). 


Congress has waited since 2002 to reauthorize the ESEA (a.k.a., NCLB), and you do not have to pass the reauthorization right now.  We as Americans do not trust the federal government under this present administration. 

Senator Alexander, chairman of the Senate Education Committee and Dem. Senator Patty Murray, are the major proponents of S.1177 which will ultimately control all Americans lifelong under the schools with their unelected council form of government. If you have time to read S.1177 the text is available here:

listen to this video.

1989 Governor’s Conference-Lamar Alexander - YouTube


Anita B. Hoge spells out the above dangers in the following clip from NewsWithViews article:

Thank you for taking action on this item

God Bless You and May God Bless Our America

The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the phi...

Abraham Lincoln


Views: 284


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Comment by sabrina Wheeler on July 8, 2015 at 5:18am

Thanks guys - DONE.

Comment by Franklin W. on July 7, 2015 at 10:58am

At this point the decision is a matter of bribes not phone calls.  The bribes will be flowing fast and furious in the Senate cloak room.

States must step up.  Governors and State Legislators must step up and protect States Constitutional rights and the Constitutional rights of residents of individual States.   This is the last battle field.  

Comment by FCTP on July 7, 2015 at 7:46am

Sabrina, Call YOUR SENATORS and the vote is today. TUESDAY to be specific at 2:30

Comment by sabrina Wheeler on July 7, 2015 at 4:50am

When is the vote and who do we contact? 

Comment by FCTP on July 6, 2015 at 9:12am

National Debt Clock


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Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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