Is anyone paying attention to Obama's covert trade deal...Fast Track (TPA) and the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)?
If you aren't, you should be.
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The Senate Finance committee passed it out of committee last evening, so it is headed to the floor for a full vote by the Senate. We believe it will pass the Senate, so our focus needs to be on the House. We can stop it there because the conservatives are concerned about the immigration piece of this.
There is more to come on this and I will keep you updated by using the comment field below. Please feel free to copy and page this to your email lists and share with as many people as possible. We need to wake everyone up now. We probably have a week or less to stop TPA because the Prime Minister of Japan is addressing a joint session of Congress on April 29th and they want it done before that address. Congress and POTUS don't want to be embarrassed in front of the Japanese PM because Obama was denied Fast Track authority or if the issue is still unresolved.
There is an abundance of information below which will help you to fully understand the issue and the concerns related to the TPP. While it is all good to know the most critical thing to do at this time and again early next week is to contact your elected officials and let them know that you and others are against this action which will hand over their powers and responsibilities to the Executive office.. They need to Vote NO!
Politico - describes opposition to TPA.
Before reading any further, you should know that corporations now spend more money lobbying congress than taxpayers spend funding congress. Let that sink in for a minute.
This is the largest trade agreement ever negotiated in history. There are 11 other partner nations involved, all of which are part of the Pacific Rim. China is not currently involved, but probably will be after TPP is negotiated and ratified.
The pressing issue right now is Fast Track, also known as Trans Pacific Authority. TPA will give Obama unilateral power to negotiate on behalf of the United States, leaving Congress with only an up or down vote after the trade agreement is presented to them. Congress will not have the ability to amend any part of the agreement once unilateral power is given to Obama.
The TPP agreement has been negotiated for 5 years and is cloaked in secrecy.
No joke! Even our negotiating partners don't want to operate this way, but the Obama administration is operating as the most transparent administration in history, just as promised.
This deal is so secret that members of Congress haven't even seen what's included in this massive trade agreement. There are 29 chapters in the agreement and we only know what is in 5 of the chapters, all of which I believe were leaked by Wikileaks. But I guess we are back to the days of "we have to pass it to know what's in it."
Really? Are we really going down this road again?
I know treaties and trade agreements are scary stuff for most. Just the thought of trying to understand international law and negotiations with foreign nations, can be intimidating. This is a huge complicated issue, but if boiled down to a couple of key issues, most American people would go nuts over this.
Here are three reasons why you should care:
US Courts will become subject to unaccountable international tribunals through the ISDS (Investor-State Dispute Settlement), undermining and threatening US SOVEREIGNTY. International Tribunals (like the UN and World Bank) are not subject to the Constitution and US law, but follow international law. Even Elizabeth Warren points this out in WAPO.
Obama is using this as part of his amnesty plan. There will be free flow of workers across borders and Congress won't be able to stop it because of the treaty status.
If this trade agreement has been negotiated for 5 years, then why can't we wait another 1.5 years to approve Fast Track (TPA) when Obama is no longer President or let Congress negotiate the agreement?
When was the last time Obama put America first or negotiated anything that was good for America...Iran, Bergdahl, Putin/Ukraine, Cuba, Israel, Gitmo, Fast & Furious, Benghazi, IRS, etc.
And the Chamber is buying off everyone and trying to make the argument that if TPA is not passed, then there will be no Trans Pacific Partnership. That is blatantly false. From my understanding, we already trade with every single one of those nations. These nations are not just going to stop trading with the United States if Obama doesn't have Fast Track authority.
Who does Congress work for anyway? The Chamber of Commerce and big business or the American people? Remember that article I linked to at the beginning about the money spent by corporations to lobby congress? Go back and read it again.
Once the agreement is negotiated and ratified it becomes a docking agreement and other nations can join. Then what about currency manipulation? human rights violations?
One nation has recently regressed on human rights violations,
but the US is going to turn a blind eye because Obama's legacy is more important?!?
Guess what? Too DARN bad because Congress gave all of the unilateral power to Obama and neutered themselves.
I definitely support free trade, but why in HECK would you give unilateral power to a POTUS that has usurped the Constitution time and time again? Remember his pen and phone? This trade agreement should go through regular order and not be negotiated by Obama.
The President cannot do this without the GOP.
Obama is making a deal with the devil and the GOP is playing right along.
The Republicans were elected to STOP Obama, not give him more authority and power. People need to wake up about this.
Even the left says the American public deserves to know what is in this TPP agreement.
Take Action NOW.
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The hash tag for stopping the fast-track Trade Promotion Authority is #TPA
Credits: Amy Kremer - Blitz The Vote
Once again...
Sold out by Republicans!!
What obama wants. He pretty much gets.
Americans have been Betrayed by their government. And, it's not just obama that's doing the Betraying.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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