ACTION ITEMS: 3 Things you can do to tell your U.S. Legislator "NO REFUGEES"

Credit: ACT forAMERICA

Our 300,000 grassroots advocates have been very vocal in opposing the resettlement of Syrian refugees to the U.S. We are being heard, but we must do more. President Obama has been clear that he still intends to bring hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees to our towns and communities — irrespective of the roar of disapproval from American citizens, the strong public disapproval of over half of U.S Governors, the passage of legislation by the U.S. Congress, and — of course — even after the Paris attack, where we now know that at least one of the terrorists arrived in Europe as a Syrian refugee.
This is unacceptable and ACT for America is taking action, but we need your help.
We have three important and time-sensitive ACTION ALERTS currently underway. Please be sure to take action on each of them, and to forward this e-mail to everyone you know. This is a critical time, both in our nation and worldwide, and we need all hands on deck.


1. We are gathering tens of thousands of signatures on an Open Letter to the leadership in the House and Senate voicing strong opposition to the Obama Administration’s plans to bring Syrian refugees to the U.S. The letter will be hand-delivered to the U.S. Congress by our Director of Government Relations. If you haven’t yet added your name, please click HERE to do so.

2. We are actively supporting H.R. 3314, the Resettlement Accountability National Security Act of 2015 introduced by Rep Brian Babin (R-TX). The bill would immediately suspend the U.N.-run refugee program to provide Congress time to fully assess the national security risks and investigate its financial burden on federal, state and local taxpayers.
As of this writing, the bill has 78 cosponsors. Is your House Representative one of them? Click HERE to find out.

If not, please send your House Representative an e-mail asking for co sponsorship, by clicking HERE. If your Representative HAS cosponsored the bill, please send a quick note to say thank you. It goes a long way.

(Several weeks ago, before the Paris attack, Representative Babin spoke on the Floor of the U.S. House of Representatives about the grave threat associated with the U.N.-run refugee program. Click HERE to watch it.)

3. We are actively registering our opposition to any federal funding for U.S. Refugee resettlement actions to be included in the U.S. Congress’s end of year spending bill. This is our most time-sensitive activity right now! Please click HERE to e-mail or call your federal legislators TODAY to express your opposition to any federal funding going to refugee resettlement.

[NOTE: When calling your legislator’s office, it’s fine to merge Actions 2 and 3 together. Express your support for Rep. Babin’s bill and ask for cosponsorship; and express your opposition for any refugee resettlement funding in the fiscal year 2016 budget bill.]

The Paris attack is but a foreshadowing of what can and will take place in our nation soon. We cannot allow unvetted refugees from Syria (or elsewhere) to be settled in our towns and communities. This is a high priority national security matter. Please take action today and pass this e-mail on to everyone you know. Remember, if each of us does just a little, together we can accomplish a lot.
Thank you for all that you do.

Link to Actual Bill


To help with any confusion: there are 2 other bills related to this issue.

I have provided the following to help us as we move forward on this issue.

Credit: Tea Party Nation

BREAKING NEWS – HR4038 American Safe Act of 2015 passes house with a veto proof majority of 289-137.

As you are all aware on November 13 there were horrific terrorist strikes in Paris, France. It has been clearly established that the perpetrators had ties to the Islamic State. The Greek government has confirmed that at least one of the terrorists arrived six weeks ago and entered Europe masquerading as a "Syrian" refugee. In fact, an Al-Qaeda leader has also recently been apprehended, attempting to enter Europe masquerading as a refugee. In recent days the Islamic State has reaffirmed its plans to strike at the United States.

In light of this recent event, assertions made by the Islamic State and compelling testimony by FBI Director Comey it is inconceivable that President Obama will not make any changes to his plans of admitting over 10,000 Syrian refugees. Dr. Comey repeatedly stated that the U.S. government does not have the resources and dramatically lacks the necessary information to fully vet Syrian refugees. He also could not offer any assurances that there is no risk associated with admitting those Syrian refugees to the United States. Not only is Obama continuing with his plans, but he has accelerated the pace of bringing in un-vetted refugees. He is doubling down in the face of growing opposition by an overwhelming majority of Governors and majority of Americans. Even members of Obama’s own party have raised doubts about his decision to proceed with resettlement. Thirty seven Democrats joined with the Republican majority in passing HR 4038.

In the absence of any action by this President to moderate his position, it is clearly up to Congress to take the lead. They have taken the first step in passing HR4038. There are two very important bills that would give us additional protections in stemming the tide of un-vetted refugees coming to our country. Please see the bill summaries by visiting our web site at

HR3314 - The Resettlement Accountability National Security Act of 2015

HR 3573 - Refugee Resettlement Oversight and Security Act of 2015

HR 4038 – American SAFE Act of 2015 (Passed House 289-137 Veto Proof Majority)

Here is what you need to do. Thank your Congressmen for voting for HR 4038. Ask them to uphold the vote on HR 4038 when Obama veto's this Bill. Contact your Senators and ask them to bring pressure on Senator Mitch McConnell to schedule a hearing on the American SAFE Act of 2015. We cannot wait for this to be done. Let your Congressman know of your support for HR3314 or HR3573. Ask them to defund the 1.2 Billion Refugee Resettlement Program

Thank you for taking these critical action steps.

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Comment by FCTP on December 9, 2015 at 11:09pm

Additional method to communicate this NO REFUGEE issue to your Congressmen and women.

Report: Must-pass spending bill will INCREASE foreign workers and FUND more refugee resettlement -- Call your three Members of Congress to oppose immediately.....
Dear Friends,
We need your urgent help this week to help protect national security and American workers!
Congress faces another deadline when funding for the federal government runs out at the end of the week. They must pass a spending bill by Friday to avoid a government shutdown.
The House and Senate are attempting to move a massive spending bill that would fund the entire government through the end of next September. Reports indicate that this spending bill will quadruple the H-2B visa program that allows companies to import low-skilled foreign workers to compete with and replace American workers and fund the expansion of the refugee resettlement program.
Please help us defund refugee resettlement and reallocate the funds to help refugees closer to their homes and stop increases to the H-2B visa program by calling your three Members of Congress.
Call Congress
Capitol Switchboard -- (888) 995-2086
You can call in two ways! We've listed a toll-free number above that will connect you to the Capitol Switchboard. When you reach the operator, ask to be connected to one of your Members' offices. Once connected, tell the staffer that you'd like the Representative or Senator to 1) remove any increases to the H-2B visa program and 2) defund refugee resettlement in the upcoming spending bill and reallocate funds to helping refugees closer to their homes.
You can also find numbers for all three of your Members of Congress' D.C. and district offices by visiting the phone note that we've posted on your Action Board.
Call Congress
or click

Additional talking points
H-2B visa program
Reports indicate that Congress will include Sen. Thom Tillis' H-2B visa bill into the spending bill that would quadruple the number of H-2B nonimmigrant work visas issued each year.
The current cap on H-2B work visas is 66,000 per year.
The H-2B work visa is most commonly used by seasonal companies -- such as landscapers, golf courses, resorts, and amusement parks -- looking for cheap labor during peak seasons.
A recent BuzzFeed story exposes the H-2B program as a way for employers to replace American workers with cheap foreign labor.
Refugee Resettlement
According to analysis from the Center for Immigration Studies, each refugee from the Middle East that's resettled in the United States costs taxpayers $64,370 -- 12 times what the UN estimates it costs to care for one refugee in neighboring Middle Eastern countries.
In the recent deadly terrorist attack in Paris, France, one of the attackers had gained entry to the European Union in October by posing as a Syrian Refugee.
FBI Director James Comey told a Congressional panel that the United States can run background checks "until the cows come home", but our government simply doesn't have access to all the databases necessary to fully vet incoming refugees.
The U.S. takes more than twice as many refugees as all countries from the rest of the industrialized world combined

National Debt Clock


The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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