Question: Mr. Brown, why do you have the out-of-state Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Obama's Organizing for America, and here in Jacksonville to run offense for you in this local Duval County election for Mayor of Jacksonville? Aren't those outsiders here, at great expense, in an all out effort to install you in the Mayor's chair, in order to secure Jacksonville and Northeast Florida for Obama to win Florida in 2012? And, why do you allow them to picket for you in front of Republican Party offices to intimidate employees and volunteers who are attempting to go in and out of those buildings?

Question: Mr. Brown, how were you President and CEO of Willie Gary Classic Foundation in Nov., 2009, when Santhea Hicks is listed as Executive-in-Residence and you are not listed on the Foundation's documents? What were your specific duties and dates of employment and when did this Foundation cease to exist? This foundation received over $400,000 from the City of Jacksonville. For what was this money spent, how much were you/your wife compensated, was this a profit-making venture, and why does that foundation no longer exist as formerly titled? Researchers found only Gary Foundation, which is a Willie Gary foundation.

Question: Mr. Brown, what is the Blackbottom/Springfield Human Development Corporation, for whom you served on the Board of Directors from 2005 until 2010? And, why are you no longer serving on this Board? Are you still affiliated with this corporation, or have you severed that connection to run for Mayor? What work did you do for this corporation, that was affiliated with the church of the Reverend Henry T. Rhim? Also, how were you compensated, and in what amount, for this work? Is this corporation totally non-profit?

Question: Mr. Brown, Jacksonville University sent out a press release when you were hired as Executive-in-Residence at their Davis College of Business, in which it was stated that you completed post graduate work at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Oddly, researchers were referred by Harvard University to a website charged with verifications of student enrollment and completion of coursework. They could not verify your attendance there. Will you provide us documentation, herein requested, in the form of transcripts, as well as dates of attendance and evidence of your graduation from that program?

Question: Mr. Brown, the Florida Department of State (FLDOS) shows you in several roles for The Brown Group, LLC, first as "Registered Agent," then, pursuant to a name change, "Chairman Alvin Brown" and "Managing Member/Manager." Santhea Hicks is shown as "Manager of Office." Also shown are two "Reinstatements" and paid reinstatement fees on 10/16/2006 and 6/24/2009. Were those suspensions for non-provision of Annual Reports? Was the Brown Group, LLC a non-profit corporation? And how and in what amount were you and your wife, Santhea Hicks compensated? Is this corporation still operative? If not, why not?

Question: Mr. Brown, what is St. Joseph Community Empowerment Corporation, Doc. #40000005434, FLDOS? Was this a non-profit corporation, what were its stated functions, and what were your duties, responsibilities, period of service, and method/amount of compensation when in service to this now-defunct corporation? Were you on the Board of Directors of this corporation? Why was no Annual Report filed for this corporation?" The FLDOE website states: "Administrative Dissolution for Annual Report."

Question: Mr. Brown, you sold a home to Community Rehabilitation Center, Inc. (CRC) for a hefty profit. Was it a for-profit corporation, what were it's rehabilitative functions, and did you serve on the Board of Directors or have any employment connection or affiliation with CRC at the time the property was sold to them? What was your net profit on the sale of that property?

Is it true that CRC receives all its money from taxpayer dollars? If that is true, did you make a profit off the backs of the taxpayers by cycling this transaction through CRC? 

Question: Mr. Brown, you established The Alvin Brown Foundation, Inc. in 2005. This foundation lasted for less than a year. What was the intended function of this foundation, what work did you do in it, who did it benefit, was it non-profit, what was your compensation, and why was the foundation shut down so soon? Who was on the Board of Directors?

Question: Mr. Brown, on your signed and filed Federal Election Commission Statement disclosing your donations to 13 Democrat candidates, you stated that you are an attorney. In which state are you a licensed attorney? The Florida Bar Association website shows that you are not a licensed attorney in the State of Florida. Did you file false information with the FEC?

Question: Mr. Brown, four years ago, you stated you were a partner in the Roger Staubach Company that later merged with Jones Lang LaSalle. They have no record of your ever having been a partner in the Roger Staubach Company. Will you provide verification you were a partner in that company, when and how long you worked there, and why you left their employ?

Question: Mr. Brown, the Times Union stated on May 7, 2011, "Brown portrays himself as a conservative not linked to the national Democratic Party." Is this a true statement? If so, why was a campaign fundraiser held for you in Washington, DC suburbs in 2010, per state election records? Why did the Democratic Party give your campaign more than $300,000? Why did out of town donations of more than $200,000 pour into your campaign for a local mayoral race, per the Supervisor of Elections website? If you are a "conservative," why were you endorsed by Al Gore and your former employer, Bill Clinton, who are in the higher echelon of the Democratic Party? Were you not an aide in Bill Clinton's administration, as reported?

Question: Mr. Brown, your Form 6 posted with the Supervisor of Elections shows you stated Jacksonville University as your main source of income, $24,000/yr,. and that you own Brown Empowerment, LLC. FL Dept. of State records show you are Chairman/Resident Agent, your wife, Santhea Hicks is Managing Director, and you missed the May 1, 2011 deadline for filing your Annual Report, a practice you have engaged in with other corporations. What is the function of this corporation and how and how much are you and your wife compensated?  Also, why have you failed to disclose or publicize this corporation to reporters, Jacksonville University, and in advertising commercials and press releases? And, why are you hiding this information from voters?

Question: Mr. Brown, you tout your experience with HUD as a valuable asset for our Mayor to have. How do you feel about the recent news regarding HUD and it’s mismanagement of monies? It appears you were working at HUD when some of this occurred. What do you have to say about this new investigation? See here: reported: "Brown said if he becomes mayor, bringing jobs to Jacksonville will be good for residents, good for the city and good for Obama since job creation is also Obama's top priority." Do you deny you said that? So, why did you say you were owed an apology for Mike Hogan's linking you to President Obama? You owe all Jacksonville voters an apology for not answering their questions and telling them the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, don't you Mr. Brown? We're still waiting for your answers...

Views: 234


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Comment by JL Gawlik on May 18, 2011 at 7:43pm

WOW, as of 12 May 2011, Alvin Brown had over $1,000,403.20 million dollars contributed to his campaign... and expenditures of $301,100.75 to date!


Something there does NOT feeL right ¿

Comment by Robert Henderson on May 18, 2011 at 7:15pm

“Sunlight is the best disinfectant,” is a well-known axiom from U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, and refers to the benefits of openness and transparency in identifying fraud. While I am just a commenter myself, I would like to thank all Tea Party participants for their comments.  Further, the contributions of Billie, JR and JL are especially admirable, perspicacious, and appreciated, and they deserve special thanks!

Perhaps, as many of you, I am concerned about the distinct probability of what many may euphemistically refer to as 'election irregularities', but what I classify as 'election fraud.'  I don't want to see Jacksonville become another Chicago IL, Madison WI, or St. Paul MN; cities that are well known for their election fraud by Democrats!

What I do want to see is the Mayor and ex-Mayors, along with the Councilmen and those who consider themselves our Community Leaders, to assure the citizenry that this election was not fraudulent and that all counted votes, used in determining the winners, were properly verified as legitimate! This is not a flippant matter, and their credibility will be on the line!

"The brave man inattentive to his duty is worth little more to his country than the coward who deserts in the hour of danger." – Andrew Jackson

Comment by J.R. on May 18, 2011 at 2:46pm

Well, the SEIU, OFA, and workers were here on their own dime working for Alvin Brown. I believe that is an in-kind donation to Brown. They all had to live somewhere, have phones for communication, and be paid in some amount to cover their personal expenses.  We found a number of similar CraigsList ads for paid workers in large cities to work on get out the vote efforts. These folks are highly organized and apparently well-funded.

I agree that it is unconscionable for outsiders to control our in-state county elections in any way. That's why I believe we need state legislation to address that and protect the integrity of our elections, with the outcomes made only by the citizens who are legal residents and have to live with the consequences of official actions and decisions taken by whomever is elected. Yes, I do have a copy of it and thought I had posted it.  But, I will try to post it here later today.

Comment by JL Gawlik on May 18, 2011 at 2:30pm
JR, can't that be used as proof he paid for supporters? Isn't that unethical? Okay, i know the majority of politicians are not ethical when it comes to winning an election but this is just unconscionable that outsiders can control election results. What date was this and did you save it?
Comment by J.R. on May 18, 2011 at 1:31pm
JL, Jack Webb also blamed his loss on the Tea Party, which I think is a great endorsement for the FCTP. I read that, too, about the recount and find it a bit strange.  I knew Alvin Brown had a campaign office downtown near the courthouse, for that's where paid campaign canvassers he advertised for were supposed to call and go for their interview, according to the advertisement I found that Brown, or his campaign,  posted on CraigsList a while back. I guess all that big Democrat money that rolled in from out of state helped hire even more campaign workers so Brown wouldn't have to round up volunteers. The pay was $400 per week,  paid for cell phone calls, and paid for housing. In my book, that's called investing in and purchasing elections. It would be called capitalism if they could turn around and sell it for a profit.
Comment by JL Gawlik on May 18, 2011 at 12:42pm
Interesting to read that Jack Webb blames his defeat was caused by 'out of town money' ! LOL! His defeat was a true local grass root movement. My husband talked last week with a neighbor who attends Mike Hogan's church and he was very confident that Hogan was going to be our next Mayor and then my husband enlightened him with what i was involved with and the neighbor walked away with a lot more awareness than he had before and he promised to make others aware also. I am so disappointed in the voting apathy in local elections, it is supposed to be the reverse. Progressives have perverted it for obvious reasons. At least we got rid of Jack Webb and the good thing is the election AiN'T over yet. I hope they find questionable ballots, interesting that the absentee ballots are being recorded at Gateway Mall, near Brown's headquarters or at least that is what the news stated.
Comment by J.R. on May 18, 2011 at 12:04pm

Well, JL, Alvin Brown was an aide to Bill Clinton, and he has been heavily involved in HUD, the federal agency where he also worked.  He's also been involved with elected-official insiders in order to obtain government monies for his various corporations he owned, or other corporations or foundations on whose Boards he served. And, he evidently does have Obama's ear or he wouldn't have the big-money spending SEIU and OFA here in Jacksonville spending megabucks to get him elected.  They surely don't do that for all candidates for Mayor in this country. 

Also, Brown is wrong when he says he never voted for a tax increase, for he's bound to have voted for county and federal elected officials who have initiated and voted for things that require and sanction tax increases. He won't be voting for them if he becomes Mayor, but he would surely be able to push for them.

You're absolutely right that Brown's statement about having Washington's ear and that he would work hand in hand with Obama to bring jobs to Jacksonville was potentially self-destructive.  However, those words exposed who and what he really represents. Unfortunatel,y the local media protected him from the repercussions of those words, which are among the very small amount of information he gave us about himself in the entire election process. You're also right about the big-money donations to Brown from his Democrat fatcat benefactors, mostly from out of state.

Comment by JL Gawlik on May 18, 2011 at 11:32am
In my eyes, he did destroy himself with his own mouth, in many of his statements and his commercials. In the primary he came out with 'I have Washington, D.C.'s ear, I will work hand in hand with President Obama to bring jobs to Jacksonville... I have the support of Al Gore, Bill Clinton and President Obama...'  ' Alvin Brown has never voted for a tax increase...(well DUH, he has never held a elected office!) Alvin Brown is a businessman not a political insider...'. Then in the run-offs he pretended he was a conservative which the $500,000 plus dollars in donations from various Democratic headquarters and from Washington, D.C. clearly show otherwise.
Comment by J.R. on May 18, 2011 at 11:12am

JL, I went to that website, but don't have all the information they require for an effective search. The FEC would have Brown's Form 6 that would include the names of individual voters he contributed to, how he worded his employment position and employer, for he was also self-employed and possibly a paid Board member on some of the Boards he serves on.  FEC information is open to the general public. A search needs to be made for prior election cycles as well.

Billie could provide you more information for a complete search on that, for the work of a number of researchers went into what I posted. I know he has provided general information that he is Executive in Residence at Jacksonville University, whatever that means, but that didn't work on the below website.

Maybe you can have better luck with a search there than I did.  I still believe the FEC is the best and only direct source for this information.  We know Alvin Brown is not going to ever willingly answer our questions. If he did, he could slip up and destroy himself with his own mouth.

Comment by JL Gawlik on May 18, 2011 at 10:47am

JR, What about him claiming to be a lawyer on his donation forms at:

Make sure you check the boxes for 2006, 2008 and 2010. 


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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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