Americans are Awakening to Our Awful SituationAmerica's Founding Fathers were students of human nature and how influential people and governments have dealt with human nature throughout the history of this world. In nearly every case, the Founders discovered that powerful people have nearly always sought to gain mastery over others. Whether by force or by slow deceptive means, power-hungry individuals have sought to thrust themselves into positions where they can control the lives, liberty, and property of others. The distaste for this kind of control is what led Thomas Jefferson to proclaim, “I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal vigilance against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” Generally, this kind of power, which tends to pander to the pretended needs of the masses and thereby invades the unalienable rights of individuals, is known as socialism. The Many Faces of SocialismThe classical definition of socialism is: Government ownership or control of all the means of production and all the means of distribution in a society. In order to achieve these objectives, socialists throughout history have used different strategies and tactics, depending on how much power they have and what they can get (or force) the people to accept, but their ultimate goal of total control remains the same. Here are the main kinds of socialism that have been used: Communism is "International Revolutionary Socialism." It uses the tactics of terrorism, violence, subversion and propaganda against other nations as though it were at war with them. Even while pretending to work for peace, it exerts all of its resources preparing for war. Nazism is "National Socialism." This system is designed to set up a Socialist military dictatorship in one country at a time. In Germany the word, "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "National Socialism." Fascism is the form of National Socialism which was set up in Italy under Benito Mussolini. He told the people they could keep their property, but the government would just tell them what to do with it. Democratic Socialism seeks to achieve its goals by peaceful means. Its purpose is to acquire control of the means of production and distribution with the people's consent. The Democratic Socialists found that they could only achieve this by appealing to individual economic groups. For example, farmers were told they would be bailed out if their crops failed, factory workers were told they would share the profits of the factory, and the businesses are told they would control certain industries so as to limit competition. Fabian Socialism is closely related to democratic socialism. It is a deliberately deceptive method of getting Socialist control over the people and their property while pretending to be merely helping the unfortunate. Every crisis or emergency is used as an excuse to greatly increase taxes. It constantly emphasizes that people should look to government to solve the problems of the poor, the sick, the unemployed, the elderly, the young, the bankrupt, the under-educated, the under-privileged, etc. There is also a constant emphasis on the transfer of power from the individual to the local government and then from the local government to the Federal Government. The process of nibbling away at the constitutional structure of freedom and property rights is called gradualism. The name Fabian comes from a Roman general named Fabius who became famous for his ability to win wars by whittling away the forces of his enemies a little at a time. The cynical sense of humor of the Fabian Socialists is demonstrated in their coat-of-arms which is a wolf in sheep's clothing. It was almost exclusively the tactics of the Democratic and Fabian Socialists which were used to drastically change the political and economic structure of both England and the U.S. The Founders considered Socialism a serious threat to freedomThe Founding Fathers recognized the principles of Socialism as a deadly threat to the inalienable rights of life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness. Samuel Adams, pointed out why they had tried to make the principles of Socialism unconstitutional. He said:
Then he went on to say that these ideas "are arbitrary, despotic, and in our government unconstitutional.” Thomas Jefferson anticipated the day when the government would seek to excuse heavy taxation on the basis that it was necessary to help the poor. Said he:
Americans have fallen for the deceptive slogans of socialismWhen the founder of NCCS, W. Cleon Skousen, was working closely with J. Edgar Hoover in the FBI, he was assigned to study the reports of congressional investigating committees concerning the attempts by socialists, including communists, to infiltrate the government and culture of the United States. He also became personally acquainted with and read many of the writings of former socialists who exposed the inner workings and philosophy of those trying to push America toward socialism of one kind or the other. Because of his in-depth knowledge, he was one of only a few allowed by Mr. Hoover to speak publicly for the FBI on this subject. These congressional records are available for all Americans to study and to see for themselves the devastating inroads that have been made upon the liberties of our people. The serious student will furthermore see how many well-meaning citizens have become involved in pushing forward the Socialists' programs without realizing it. These citizens have become converted to Socialist objectives because they accepted superficial Socialist slogans . Soon they were thinking precisely the way the Socialists wanted them to think. Below are 45 goals of the Socialists which Dr. Skousen gleaned from their writings. Because Communism was the type of socialism which was the immediate threat during the time of his compiling this list, he referred to them as Communist goals. But when one form of socialism fails, the socialist merely changes the tactic, which is what they did when the Soviet Union fell. For this reason, we have taken the liberty to change the word Communism to Socialism in some of the items. One will quickly see, however, that no matter what kind of Socialism it is, the goals remain the same and will remain until they either achieve all their goals or are defeated by awakened Americans. One will also quickly realize that nearly all of these goals are well on the way to being totally achieved. Current Socialist Goals
As was said earlier, many of the goals of Socialism have been achieved right under the nose of sleepy and apathetic Americans. But Americans are awakening and realizing these are all failure formulas for traditional American prosperity and peace. NCCS stands ready continue to teach the positive, success formula of the Founders and restore America's greatness. Sincerely, Earl Taylor, Jr. |
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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