Have any of you been following some of this??? I saw something on Facebook a couple of days ago, and personally was blown away someone would try to actually fix the mess in Michigan :) and have only just had a chance to check it out this morning......there is more, but as you can see this has been going on for a while. Apparently, according to one of these articles, the same thing may be happening on a smaller scale perhaps over in Indiana..............fiscal irresponsibility is being wiped out by an iron fist (all the liberal newspapers are trying to get people up in arms for the firing of elected officials ... I also question some of the tactics, but the governor is sending people in to investigate that have flawless credentials). My first thought was............I wonder if this will catch on? and Why haven't we heard much about this?
Michigan May Take Over Detroit; Governor may appoint emergency manager
April 15, 2011
April 2011
Emergency Financial Manger Fires Entire Government of Benton Harbor, MI
Feb. 15, 2012
Michigan's Hostile Takeover
Governor appoints emergency manager for Highland Park School District
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