JAX Beach Issues have an effect on ALL of us in Jacksonville!!
Some of you may remember this issue being voted down at the Duval City Council. Here's an article from that time that may help clarify...http://gofbw.com/news.asp?ID=14060
Message coming from Atlantic Beach
Please join the fight against AtlanticBeach’s Lesbian-Gay (LGBT) Special Preferences Bill 95-14-108. The law is unjustified, and is an unwarranted burden on business. It can be defeated with your help.
Please get involved, even of you don’t live in AtlanticBeach. This is a nationwide movement; after conquering AtlanticBeach, Jacksonville is the next target (again).
What Action Should I Take?
Vigorous citizen action can stop this law. That means:
Please Send Emails
When addressing your emails, please consider sending repeated emails to Commissioner Mark Beckenbach — he is the ONLY one of the three pro-LGBT Commissioners who may be willing to change his mind, if he receives enough urging.
Mayor Woods and Commissioner Mark are determined to impose this measure regardless of the facts or the cost — they insist there is discrimination, despite there being NO evidence (the Attachment proves the lack of evidence).
When composing your emails feel free to use ideas or text from the “Some Law Defects” section, below. Our communications should be stern and matter-of-fact, but respectful, with no name-calling. But, tell them what YOU want done.
Please Attend The August 11 Meeting
Please arrive early for the 6:30pm meeting, and quickly submit a speaker’s card (if one is required). The Public Hearing will take place BEFORE the vote. Bring snacks if you miss dinner.
Please note: At the July 14 Commission meeting, Commissioners Hill and Daugherty courageously asked that the LGBT ordinance be put on the ballot for AtlanticBeach voters to decide. You were denied this opportunity in a 3-2 vote by Mayor Woods and Commissioners Mark and Beckenbach.
Below are Other Information, including email addresses, and Some Law Defects. And, the Attachment proves that NO justification for this law exists.
Please forward this mail to all others you think will fight this ordinance.
Thanks for your help. I can be reached at philipwemhoff@gmail.com.
Best Regards,
Philip Wemhoff
Other Information
Commissioner Contact Data
AtlanticBeach Commission |
Ms Carolyn Woods, Mayor |
(904) 241-8973 |
Ms Maria Mark |
(904) 707-3584 |
Mr Mark Beckenbach, Mayor Pro Tem |
(904) 536-5355 |
Mr Jimmy Hill |
(904) 759-2758 |
Mr Jonathan Daugherty |
(904) 859-2469 |
Some Law Defects. Feel free to use any ideas from this list in your emails or hearing testimony.
For the first time by statute, human behavior is protected — behavior which is NOT specified. The Protected Class may undertake, without consequence, any “acts to communicate gender”, which Protected “acts” are NOT described in advance, so are open-ended.
And, the open-ended, protected “acts” (1) need “not be consistent with socially-prescribed gender roles” (that is, not predictable by an impartial observer), and (2) need not be consistent with the Protected person’s own “gender identity”, which “identity” is alterable day-to-day, and established solely by the Protected person — thus the variable “identity” is unknowable in advance to an objective observer.
And, at a time of budget shortages, the law increases government’s civil and judiciary costs.
The 2009 JCCI study, the only local research to quantify anti-LGBT events, reveals an incidence rate for anti-LGBT “offenses” (those that would be subject to the law) of ONE “offense” every 20.4 years for each LGBT individual — certainly not sufficient offense-frequency to merit corrective legislation. Details in the attached “No Proof Of Discrimination”.
The 2008 UNF Study found negligible Community intolerance: “The vast majority of respondents (94.7% of the local Community) [favor] equal treatment in the workplace regardless of . . . sexual orientation”.
It is clear that the claim of discrimination is a hoax.
Full bill here: NoProofOfDiscrimination2014v2.pdf
8-8-14 I e-mailed the 5 listed above and received 1 response: "I agree", from Jonathan Daugherty, City Commissioner Seat 5
Edgar, I agree! I have never been ASKED my sexual orientation on a job application nor in a job interview, nor should anyone be asked that. I personally do not give a rats patooty who anyone sleeps with as long as it is consensual and doesn't hurt anyone. It's quite frankly none of my business and I don't want to hear about it. It's up to each individual to make life choices that enhance our, life, liberty and pursuit of happiness and each of us will be held accountable for those choices. Government needs to stay out of our bedrooms, wallets, cars, person-hood and our personal business. Any one who thinks they need "special privileges and laws" to protect their very special group needs to leave this country or READ the friggen Constitution and see they are already protected by that sacred document. If that is not enough to satisfy them, then go somewhere else. Now, more than ever, WE THE PEOPLE need to come together as a Minority of ONE and unify us instead of all this damn divisiveness! That is O'vommit's plan to destroy the very fabric of our Nation and it must stop. :)
Criminal or immoral behavior is just plain unacceptable, regardless of one's sexual orientation (or anything else, for that matter). This kind of legislation opens the flood-gates to such behavior, then using the excuse of 'discrimination' to get off the hook. I am over 70 years old, and have never witnessed job discrimination, workplace discrimination, nor housing discrimination merely because of one's sexual orientation...it is usually because of some other inappropriate behavior ,,which I might add has only occurred once in my life's experience (I have been a landlord for over 40 years; I have been in a number of places where alcohol is served [I still play music, as I have for over 50 years]; and I have held officer positions in various organizations...just to share a bit of where my experience arose.
Well I didn't see this in the above, has this slipped through the cracks somehow? It's UNCONSTITUTIONAL for any city to even attempt such an ordinance. They do not have constitutional authority to pass any "discrimination based on sex, creed, age, disability, race, gender, etc" that is a Federal/State Issue, not for a city to decide. I don't care how many other "cities" have passed similar ordinances, 2700 WRONGS do not make it RIGHT! I will do my best to come and fight this one, as I did the one at the Jacksonville City Council in 2012. We must also remember WE ARE A MINORITY OF ONE, which is why we have the U.S. Constitution and the Florida State Constitution. Any perceived MINORITY who has special rights and privileges carved out of our sacred constitution does a grave disservice to us all!
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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