The heart of a nation is used to describe a nations character just as the heart of man is used to describe his character. Character is comprised of our innermost thoughts, motives and attitudes. God knows what goes on inside our minds. He evaluates our intents and motivations. The internal aspects of our character count the most with Him. He considers our behavior in light of what is in our hearts.


Our nation is nothing more than a collection of individuals; it does not function on its own but rather reflects the character and morality of the men who are willing to accept the responsibility of leadership and the people who select them as leaders. If as a society we have no provision for teaching Godly character to our children we can expect more of the moral decay we see today.  For, ultimately, liberalism in democracy acknowledges no limitation upon individual will except that which is imposed by individual conscience.


The source of our democracy is the individual. The only religion in the world that recognizes the rights of the individual is Christianity. In Biblical faith, people learn to respect each other and work together for the good of the individual. Its basis is trust in GOD that by grace through belief in Jesus Christ, His Spirit will lead us. Faith in God, prayer and the Bible, were the foundation of our society. They provided a source of honor and respect for the family, diligent work ethics, absolute values of right and wrong, honesty in business practices, wholesomeness in leadership, and respect toward authority.


What has happened to traditional American values and independent thought?  


The checks and balances between the Congress, President and Supreme Court in our republican system of government were designed to keep the country on track and bring it back from the brink of destruction when one political party or as is the case today both parties so brazenly disregard the existence of God. The writers of the constitution knew that man left to his on motives and desires is always evil and that the frame work of the government must protect against the individual tyrant seeking its control.


The Constitution and the government are based on Biblical law and moral guidance for the control of individual men. The rule of law based on the constitutional foundation of the country rests on a family consisting of both a father and mother, taking responsibility to provide for our own while teaching them religious and moral character.


The greatest fear of our early leaders was the failure of the national republic as a result of cutting ourselves off from the vital connections with our own religious past and moving to a pure man centered democratic from of government. Even Plato in "The Republic" knew that a progressive democracy where man is the center of the universe and every epicurean delight is a right of life, would fail under its own weight. History is replete with numerous examples of failed nations whose citizens came to think that government is the source of the provisions of life, where syncretistic religion allows man to pick and choose what he wants to believe. Those nations were judged by God and found lacking.


Are we any better? Today "law" is based on the last case decided by the Supreme Court and not on constitutional law based on fixed principles found in the Bible. Review the History of the United States of America. We are one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. God selected us as a people and he set our boundaries. God alone provided us with the resources to become the most successful nation in the history of the world.


Today, we as a nation are marked by crime, lawlessness, turbulence, profligacy, and corruption. We are no better than any nation that has gone before us. Everything and everyone including our elected leaders is bought and sold. As a secular nation we reject the teachings of God and put ourselves in His place. “We The People” of the United States of America, must change course! We must stop facing off in groups demanding special rights and benefits from the government. We must return to the JFK model of independent thinking and ask ourselves what we can do for God and our country.

The Spirit of American is a dying ember as our leaders demand that we follow the United Nations into rejection of God as the Supreme ruler of the Universe. Government will never be able to provide all of our needs. A nation as with a man without ideals and character cannot help in molding the future. Both will soon be found on the street begging for handouts as they go down the path to the dust bin of history.
For our posterity we should look to the Declaration of Independence and take courage to renew that battle which our forefathers began, so that truth, justice, mercy, and all Christian virtue shall not be extinguished from this land.


Our Declaration of Independence acknowledges God's dominion and providence; and our dependence upon and our subjection to Him, alone.


The family, the church, and the state are all divine institutions demanding alike our obedience. If we are to survive as a nation we must clearly define the proper sphere of jurisdiction for each within the bounds of our society.


The family is the oldest institution on earth, and the source of both church and state. The church was instituted for the religious and eternal welfare of man as a source of individual moral guidance and instruction; the state for the protection of our temporal welfare here on earth.


Laws created by a government cannot enforce belief, but a government can interdict action, and the individual actions which will be the object of penal sanctions done in the name of Justice have always been defined by Biblical Christian morality.


Hence, the believe throughout the history of the USA by leaders like Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story that the national government cannot stand without its foundation on the Christian religion and the teaching of Christian morals to the children who will inherit the land.


Are we to be the generation that lets the experiment in government, based on religious liberty, fail? Must we face the people of the world asking us, where is your God? Can we endure failure when all that is required is putting God first in our lives? 


When Jesus Christ is the Lord our God we will never be put to shame. With repentance comes restoration. The Peace and Blessings of God will once again flow to us (individually) and the latter glory of the nation (collective blessing) will be greater than the former.


The Spirit of America is the Holy Spirit which lives within the nation’s Christian people!


It is time for us to stand up and TAKE ACTION! See



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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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