Q - When and where does the City Council meet?
A - The full City Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber in City Hall at St. James (117 W. Duval Street). These meetings are broadcast by Comcast on cable channel 24 live and WJCT Channel 7 at 11:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. The council committees also meet in the Chamber on the first and third weeks of the month.
Q - How can the public find out what issues are before the City Council?
A - The Internet is an excellent resource. Information on the Council is available through the City's web page. This site contains a wealth of information, including: the latest Council and committee agendas; the Matters Pending list; information on how laws are made; instructions on how to read an agenda; a listing of ordinances and resolutions that were passed at the last meeting; a listing of the Council's committees, their members, committee purviews, and meeting dates and times; the Council Rules; Council district maps; a listing of Council boards and commissions and their purviews; biographies and photos of Council Members; and direct e-mail capability to members from their individual pages. The Legislative Services Division, located in Suite 430 of City Hall, houses all information relating to pending or passed bills as well as all Council and Committee agendas. Agendas for the Council meetings are available beginning the Friday before the meeting, and agendas for the committees are available beginning the Friday before committee week. You may also request a Matters Pending, which contains all pending legislation before Council.
Q - How can I find out who my City Council district representative is?
A - You may call the main City Council number at (904) 630-1377 and give your home address. Or use the My Neighborhood feature on JaxGIS to locate your District Council Member. Also remember that the five at-large members represent all the residents of Jacksonville.
Q - How can I find out where my voting precinct is?
A - Contact the Supervisor of Elections Office at (904) 630-1410 or http://www.duvalelections.com/.
Q - What is the difference between an ordinance and a resolution?
A - The City Council takes action in one of two ways - by ordinance or resolution. An ordinance is passed to enact regulations of a general and permanent nature, enforceable as local law. A resolution is passed to express the opinion of the Council on some matter of a temporary or advisory nature, or to handle administrative business of the Council.
Q - What is the order of business at a City Council meeting?
A - Pursuant to the Rules of Council, the City Council Agenda, unless altered by the discretion of the Council President, will be taken up in the following order:
1. Call to order
2. Invocation and pledge of allegiance
3. Roll call of the Council Members
4. Approval of the minutes of previous meetings
5. Communications from the Mayor
6. Other miscellaneous communications and presentations
7. Quasi-Judicial actions
8. Consent agenda
9. Action upon resolutions on third reading
10. Action upon ordinances on third reading
11. Action upon resolutions on second reading
12. Action upon ordinances on second reading
13. Action on resolutions, emergency action
14. Action on ordinances, emergency action
15. Introduction of new resolutions
16. Introduction of new ordinances
17. Unfinished business (postponed)
18. Addition of Addendum to Agenda
19. Comments from the public
20. Scheduled public hearings
21. New business
22. Adjournment
Q - How can the public participate in City Council meetings?
A - The public can participate in the official "comments from the public" section at every Council meeting and at scheduled public hearings. Those wishing to address the Council during the public comments period, are asked to fill out a speaker's request card (name, date, address, bill number or subject), which are available before and during the Council meeting. Each speaker is limited to three minutes. Those wishing to speak regarding a bill up for public hearing are also asked to fill out a speaker's card, and will be called to the podium when the public hearing for that bill is opened. Comments must be limited to the subject of the bill.
Q - How are pages for the meetings chosen?
A - Pages are youths that assist the members during the meeting. There are usually two Pages per meeting. If you know of someone who would be interested in serving as a Page, contact your district council member or the Chief of Legislative Services at (904) 630-1404.
Q - Is parking available for City Council meetings?
A - On Council meeting nights, a U-Park lot (150 spaces) at the corner of Laura and Ashley streets (one block north of City Hall) is available for public use after 5:30 p.m. Ample street parking is also available.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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