Clay County Democrats Try To Censor Conference on American History and Exceptionalism


Clay County Democrats Try to Censor American History Conference

Clay County Democrats Try to Censor American History Conference

by Bill Korach

The attached letter dated October 14, 2013 and signed by Tom Nazworth, Chairman of the Clay County Democrat Executive Committee, urges members to speak out against “Dare to Think” a conference on American History and American Exceptionalism. The letter falsely claims that Clay County School Superintendent van Zant is trying to inject his “political and religious views.” The letter begs the question “What do Democrats have against American History and American Exceptionalism?


One of the Democrats a Laura Gorgus did appear. She represented herself to be a “concerned citizen,” but she is also a Democrat operative. I just did a simple look up of Ms. Gorgus and found that she is not just an everyday person upset at what is going on with the School Superintendent. I found she was named as a member of Clay Action Network (on Clay Action Network is a Democratic organization that is activist. They make it a point to challenge and sue if possible Conservative/Republican politicians. They went after John Thrasher several years ago about some lobbying they said he was doing. She was a contributor to Hillary Clinton and then when Hillary bowed out of the 2008 Presidential Race, she became a big contributor to Obama. She revealed none of her background, just the false Democratic Talking points in the letter.


In fact “Dare to Think” has some of America’s finest scholars speaking about history, American exceptionalism, and how to renew instruction in history. The NAEP’s own studies show 88% of American high school students are proficient in history. Pulitzer Prize winner author of “1776” and “John Adams” says American students ignorance of American history is a threat to national security. In response, Superintendent Van Zant says: “It is vital that we teach a true account of American History and what made this nation exceptional.”


Do the Democrats not want American history taught? Do the Democrats oppose the principle of American Exceptionalism in place since 1830? Or do the Democrats want to re-write history to suit their own partisan political views? In fact, the Democrats and the hard left have been behind political correctness and censorship in our textbooks and classrooms for decades.


Attend “Dare to Think” and judge for yourself. Show the left that they can’t repeal the First Amendment or re-write history.

Special School Board Meeting, Tuesday October 15


There is a School Board meeting tomorrow evening at 7PM.

At issue is apparent misuse of funds by the Superintendent without

approval of the School Board to bring a seminar to

the Thrasher-Horne Center.


There is more involved here, but this notice is to ask as many of you as possible to

attend this meeting, held at Fleming Island High School.


The key here is vigilance. There are continuing efforts within

the County to inject political and religious views  by using the

Superintendent’s office  as cover. There is an issue of alleged

use of School District monies to secure the Thrasher Center for

this seminar, Dare To Think. There is also possible collusion

between one Board member, who is a personal friend of the

Seminar speaker, and the Superintendent in working together to

do this without approval of the full Board.


Any further questions, please reply here, or simply attend the

meeting and hear for yourself.


All the ‘usual suspects’ have already signed up to speak, so,

if you are aware and wish to speak, please go early to sign up

before the meeting starts. If you are not, here is a link to the

event page. As you will see, one issue is the pronouncement

that this seminar is endorsed and sponsored by the school district,

which it is not…


Tom Nazworth – Chair

Marty Conroy- Outreach Committee Chair

Clay County Democratic Party DEC


Thanks, and see you there…

Views: 73


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Comment by amanda choate on October 24, 2013 at 5:56pm

What made America exceptional was the fact htat we could speak out against school boards and city councils.

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Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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