Democrats move to take over private education

Not one day goes by without some move to destroy the country or what it stands for.................................

October 5th, 2010 10:15 am ET

The White House has now officially introduced its next partisan assault on dissent and academic freedom. This time, it's through a proposed rule change from the Department of Education that would push states to impose a new licensing system on all institutions of higher learning--even private and/or religious ones--that would give the state total control over everything that is said and taught.

Note: There is already an exhaustive life-or-death accreditation process by which all colleges and universities must be certified. This is not about improving quality.

As with everything liberals do, this is about nothing more than Democrat power (which almost always has to be secured by working around the free market, the Constitution and the will of The People).


Views: 42


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Comment by Faye Johnson-Jones on October 9, 2010 at 8:58pm
I would really like to know where I can read the proposed bill that has been introduced to achieve this.
Comment by Valerie Sawyer on October 7, 2010 at 9:16am
Jason, there were textbooks in the TX school system that had a completely untrue view of Islam. It was very biased towards Islam and slanted against Christianity. It was taken before the TX Board of Education and the Board voted to get rid of the books. The SAD thing, though, is that the vote was very narrow, even though it was proven that the information in the textbooks was false. That's the condition of our public schools these days.
Comment by Jason Fischer on October 7, 2010 at 9:07am
Isn't there a scandal going on in Texas about the school books being hijacked? Not that it's not happening everywhere...
Comment by Valerie Sawyer on October 7, 2010 at 8:36am
You're right, this is something that was started in this country 100 years ago. It is going to take patience and persistence on our part to turn this around. My fear is that "tea partiers" will grow weary with the fight. We have to keep one another encouraged and keep our "eyes on the prize", so to speak. It's a big job but we're Americans - we can do anything.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on October 7, 2010 at 7:18am
Are you aware there was mention by one of the folks currently in congress that they were pass something which would not allow for any teacher from trying to impose their political beliefs on the young people they are charged with teaching. The problem, of course, is many text books are slanted as well. So it is a mess, but most certainly must be addressed. We have people who do not have any clear understanding of what exactly it is this country stands for, because they were taught things that are untrue and wrong for this country. The only way the Obama type of country works is if they convince most of the people that socialism is far different from the reality which exists in socialist countries, and they have been at it for years and years.
Comment by Valerie Sawyer on October 7, 2010 at 7:10am
First of all, parents need to take part education of their children from the hands of the government. If more parents would find some way to get their kids in private school, the cost of private school would actually go down. Unless we take the education system back, all our work at changing the government is in vain because as long as children are being brainwashed in socialist/progressive ideas in school, they will grow up thinking that is how our gov't is supposed to be run.

There was a bill afoot in Congress a few years ago which would force state-run colleges to have a "balanced" number of instructors instead of lopsided progressivism being taught in every classroom. We need to jump back on that. Let's see just how much leftists want "fairness"!

The education system. The media. Those are the blood supplies feeding the "tumor" known as progressivism/socialism in our nation. Somehow, we have to rein them both in.

In a related story, have you heard about this?

Would love to see this started in our area!
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on October 7, 2010 at 6:57am
I don't know Steven. The problem really is that all of these departments were there for him to use, and they are things the federal government should not be involved in to start with. Where in the constitution does it charge the federal government with education. Answer: It doesn't. The EPA, Dept of Ed, and many other of these departments need to be defunded while Obama is still president and then, eliminated. The federal government size needs to be cut in half by going back to the constitution and allowing them to only do those things clearly assigned to the federal government. In addition to that, to use Ted Wendler's saying, we have several elephants in the room, and we can't keep ignoring these huge entitlement programs which were also clearly nothing the foundering fathers ever wanted the federal government involved in. We have allowed the federal government to become WAY to large and WAY to all encompassing. TOO much power over the lives of Americans.
Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on October 6, 2010 at 10:45pm
Whats next from Hitler Jr. storm troopers knocking in our doors? This is not a laughing matter.This thug is not a pesident, he is a criminal. He and his riff raff must be removed from office now. This can not wait until 2012.
Comment by Jason Fischer on October 6, 2010 at 10:11pm
Is there no end? They are using a machine gun strategy. Throw so many big issues out there that some are bound to get through because its so difficult to mount a defense against them all at the same time.
Comment by Joanna B McDermott on October 6, 2010 at 9:17pm
All I can say, is what is next?

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


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