If there’s one nationality on earth that’s known for being cold, it has to be the Germans. (Hey, we say that with all the affection in the world, but, well, c’mon.)
So it’s quite a statement when the Germans start calling Obama bloodless, cold, arrogant and elitist.

We don't get it. Why would anyone think this guy is arrogant and elitist?
The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung writes:
“Two years ago his vision inspired voters. Today the same man often sounds strangely bloodless. Back then his cool, self-assured composure impressed many, now the same character comes across as cold, arrogant, even elitist. The right may well put on a shrill rough performance, and stand in the media spotlight. However, this president was never going to win votes on the right anyway. Obama’s historic victory in 2008 was created by the middle of American society — the independent voters and the suburbanites. It is this center that has abandoned him.”
Strangely bloodless. Cold. Arrogant. Elitist.
link: http://www.ihatethemedia.com/germans-obama-is-cold-arrogant-elitist
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