I am just lovin it. Imagine him supporting this group when some wish to have him impeached (sounds like a stellar idea to me)...................
October 26, 2011
Ben Johnson,The White House Watch
Even controlled opposition occasionally strays from script. This website has described Occupy Wall Street as a latent menace,an inviting domestic terrorist target,and a well-financed new Popular Front. However,as with all mass movements,not everyone is in on the ruse. At least some members of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations raging across the country blame Barack Obama for the mess this country is in and want to see him impeached.
The OccupyWallStreet.org website posted a user-submitted message on Sunday from ImpeachObamaforGlassSteagall entitled,“Impeach Now! Either Obama Goes or [Your] United States Goes.” The message begins by quoting French President Nicholas Sarkozy and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on the likelihood of a worldwide financial collapse,adding:
Robert Shapiro,an adviser to the International Monetary Fund said,“the trans-Atlantic system will collapse in two to three weeks.”And you know what? All of these individuals are right!
We must act now to kick our Congress in their you know what,to introduce articles of impeachment, to suspend the executive powers of President Obama. For the re-enactment of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1933 Glass Steagall Banking standard,in House Resolution 1489,to restore the separation between U.S. commercial banks and Wall Street merchant banks. As the first step to a return back to our Federal republic credit system “embedded”in our Constitution. (Emphases and links added.)
Although rare,it is not an isolated sentiment. In this video,an “Impeach Obama”sign comes into view at 1:35
Reuters captured a photo of this placard demanding Obama’s impeachment. It depicts Obama in fatigues morphing into George W. Bush,which is as poisonous on the Left as accusing someone of being Barack Obama is on the Right.
Former RT TV host Adam Kokesh ventured into Occupy D.C.,Victoria Jackson-style,to ask a group of protesters if they would support impeachment. The following videos shows….
read more at: http://www.exposeobama.com/2011/10/24/even-occupy-wall-street-says-...
I sent emails and twitters to many of our Congressional members urging them to stand up against the lies this week: http://alturl.com/jjmkz
I sent many Congressional members and Speaker Boehner these tweets on Twitter:
Whatever happened to 3 branches of government ~ Checks and Balances. You know, that "stuff" in the US Constitution? The American constitutional system includes a notion known as the Separation of Powers. In this system, several branches of government are created and power is shared between them. At the same time, the powers of one branch can be challenged by another branch. This is what the system of checks and balances is all about. Does Congress need a reminder of their oath of office to the American people? DO SOMETHING TO STOP THE LIES AND DECEIT coming from this President, this administration, this Congress and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. STOP THE SPENDING. STOP THE LIES. The American people are fed up. Rep Berkley pointed to her constituent WHAT REALLY IS GOING ON IN CONGRESS and it is despicable, dishonest, dishonorable, unconscionable. We need you all to stand up for the TRUTH and HONOR. We the people.
Another Tweet:
Obama: "I'm Going To Keep Forcing These Senators To Vote On Common Sense Job Proposals" WHY does he continue to lie to the American ppl? http://bit.ly/tGM24Q President Obama is lying to these students. The CBO gave his jobs bill a negative score and said it would add to our almost $15 trillion plus US Debt. Go look at: http://1.usa.gov/vBZC4o you can read clearly that Senate Majority Harry Reid and his comrades are holding up many, many jobs bills that have passed the House and now are waiting in the Senate for action. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi continue to break their oath of office, continue to circumvent the US Constitution and they ALL continue to LIE to the American people. Spread the word, the TRUTH, the FACTS.
Paul Ryan speaking yesterday:
"Saving the American Idea: Rejecting Fear, Envy and the Politics of Division" House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan -- Heritage Foundation: http://youtu.be/JG-SUFDDNyo
You are a BUSY person! LOL! Great blog.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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